NY chicken lover!!!!

TOB, I too am sorry to hear about Merlin. We had a Merlin, but he was a cat. It was hard to say goodbye for sure, but I remember things I've read or heard that help me through.

One was by Maya A. She said something like, " I remember the heritage they gave me". I took it to mean that everyone is changed by those who come and go in our lives. Merlin, yours and mine have changed us in some way and I think it's for the good. So honor him by remembering what he has given you.

The other is, part poem heard on Criminal Minds,

What though the radiance which was once so bright
Be now for ever taken from my sight,
Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower;
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind;

Ode on Intimations of Immortality - William Wordsworth

I understand your loss and am sorry to hear. We lost our Chuck yesterday morning. He had been sick along with the other 2 dogs after someone recommended we switch to Purina Pro Plan. He was the only one that never fully recovered. His organs were just shutting down.
I've heard that one something dies another is born, and we had a silkie chick hatch today, so Danielle was a little happier.

KIDS - not everyone is cut out to be a parent and there are a few that just shouldn't be. You make your own choices thst are right for you. I know that when got married I wanted to start right away and the hubby said that we should wait. I am now happy that we did. I wanted a litter of kids..5, 6,7 or as many as he would let me have. Then after our son (#2) we decided that we were done. I don't think that I would have been a good mom to that many. and now when I get baby fever I just go see my sister and then buy a new pet!

DOGS - We had to put down our Jerry a few years ago. He had a HUGE tumor on his spleen and they gave him a month...well 2 years later we finially knew that it was time and had to put him down. It was the hardest thing that I have ever done...well almost the hardest. He was 15years old and had lived a great life, especially when I came into it.
Our pets are part of the family and it is so hard when they pass. And Pit Bulls are the most misunderstood breeds of dogs ever! They are one of the most loving and forgiving dogs. they make fantasitc family dogs. Our Annie is half pit half pointer and she is the best dog ever. I love my pit mixes that I have had in the past and look foward to haveing another pit soon
It's a comfort to read your words and know that so many others "get it" -- that is the bond we form with all our animals (for me, especially my dogs) and the pain of losing our animal family members.

Rancher, I've read parts of that poem before and it brings tears to my eyes in a bittersweet way. Thanks for sharing. And you are right: our animal friends definitely change us in the most wonderful ways.

ke, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your dog. I have been reading a lot about other dogs made sick by that particularf food -- how disturbing. I hope your other dogs recover their good health. (Have you contacted Purina?) That new little chick is extra special now.

Luvmychicks - thanks so much. I'm happy you had more good years with your sweet dog before making the difficult decision to say good-bye. Some times people and animals can defy medical expectations! Yes, I love my "pitty-pitters"....they are lovely animals, agreed!

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TOB so sorry about Merlin. I know it's hard.

Ke5 sorry for your lost as well, and congrats on the silkie it is just beautiful.

Stony the ducks are just beautiful, I can't wait to get my ducks next year I love seeing pictures of everyone's ducks and babies. I think that was cute she was collecting eggs while she you were away.

Kids I have one child, I was 20yrs old maddly young crazy in love and I gave birth to my lil man at 21. Fast Forward some ten and a half years later and now I have a 10year who is way too intelligent for me to keep up with LOL. I never really wanted kids but sometimes young and in love equals a kid math is a funny thing. Well I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. Even on saturday nights when I want to go out, I just find something fun to do with him. He pretty much goes where I go very few times have I been without him. I loved the look on people's faces when he was at the closing of our house with me. This fancy marble lined lawyers office had to deal with a child that had to go to the bathroom every ten minutes LOL. I will definitely not have anymore kids so if I meet someone it will be understood that this baby factory is shut down for good, just need those tubes tied.

Dogs well I have a pit a schn mix and yorkie. My pit and schn are runners and run 5miles with me. They also keep my yard clear of predators. The yorkie we kind of inherited so she eats poops and sleeps LOL.

About 95% healed!

Tearing up part of the garden up it was darker than it looks and this last straggeller had to get in on the action. Oh the roo was fuming mad I swear he said "Girl get your butt back in here!"
Well at work posting from phone. Just read like 6 pages of posts so here goes.

I saw a rooster who needs silkies with him because normal feathers turn him off so much he chills with a fluffy bunny.

Stony shot my dog that got away last year. :)
There goes my grey german shepard project.lol

We have people praticing being spiderman cept they have no powers. But that dont stop them they still crwl around on hands and knees just on the ground not walls. They rescue chickens not humans.

Saw some nice pics of baby chick and desidedi need to know where do ya'll take them to be groomed? Mine are never little fluff balls like that.

Saw some nice coops and yummy looking food.

Sorry to hear about everyone dogs. Hardest thing i had to do was have one put down cried like a baby.

Well wife started mcdonalds today. I already know her manager is crap of a leader. So does all her employes from the sounds of it. Had wife training on busiest day and then had best trainer come in after wife got off. And yelled wondering where her eggs are cause wife was on eggs and meat solo. Manager didn't even know how to do the eggs.

33 of 39 eggs hatched so far. I lost one zipping cause i kept takeing out chicks so shell dried before i noticed.

How i upped my hatch rate this time. I used a hygrometer that actually works not 6% low. Put incubator ont stack of towls to cut down vibration since in living room. I didn't run ac so outside bator humidity was higher less low end spikes in the bator. I also ran a humidafier day 20 and 21 help keep it even and ac when high.

I messed up and went into lockdown 2 days early. Went in on the 17 th not the 19th.

Now to sell these things. My mom already wants me to keep one. I already have 11 from my last batch a month ago.

Well that been me lately. Man i just wrote a short book here.
So sorry about peoples dogs passing or getting sick .
I friend told me once when my kitty died ...Each animal has a special place in your heart ...They sure do ...
I looked up about Purina Dog food - Lots of complaints...about making them sick & dieing from it .. Save it was made in mexico I think
Has anyone heard anything bad about purina chicken food ? when have been giving them Layena ..

Hawk alert !
Came home late ...no one had let out the chickens ...they had been in almost till 4:00 pm ..
So I let them all out ...I am in the backyard with them ..& a hawk flies over my head ..
Chickens are screaming & scattering everywhere ...it roosts on a tree ..I run at it yelling ...My usual " Get out of here ! "
It flies over across the road in a tree ...so I chase it out of there... I go in the house for about 5 min ...
It is across the road again ...This time I picked up some stones ..& threw them ...it went way back in the neighbor yard .
.It took the hint this time ...I didnt see it after that ..I spent the rest of the day out with them ...got some weed wacking done ..
It must have been right near the chicken coop when I let them out ...darn thing ..

I found this in the yard today ..it is next to a small regular egg
Not sure if it is a chicken egg sure is small if it is ..does it look like a EE colored egg to anyone ?
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