NY chicken lover!!!!


Regarding the helicopter with the search light....

As Stony said, they were probably looking for someone, either nefarious or lost / missing.

Here near Otisco Lake, we some times have night copters w/ searchlights flying over the lake, and that's never a good sign. Someone overboard or an accident on the lake, etc.... I always feel kind of creeped out when I see / hear them, but they're doing their job and thank goodness for them.
Well I hope they were just looking for someone and not "chasing" someone down. That really creeped me out. Here my husband actually waved to them as they shined the light right around our house, my neighbors acreage, my backyard. At one point the light hit our house and he thought it was funny to wave at them.
I said GREAT! Now you look like the guy they could be looking for! LOL
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There is one helicopter that they use to search for people that has a heat sensor...I forget what that is called, but hunters would not be able to hide from it too well. We were told that if we closed Toggenburg and someone was unaccounted for we could call that thing in, and it could find a person if they were still warm...
There is one helicopter that they use to search for people that has a heat sensor...I forget what that is called, but hunters would not be able to hide from it too well. We were told that if we closed Toggenburg and someone was unaccounted for we could call that thing in, and it could find a person if they were still warm...
using that copter would be an awful expensive way to randomly look for deer jackers. There is no way they were looking for illegal hunting. As much as this state wastes money that is even beyond them
using that copter would be an awful expensive way to randomly look for deer jackers. There is no way they were looking for illegal hunting. As much as this state wastes money that is even beyond them
No I dont think they were now that I've heard stories from Glass and TOB, sounds more like they were looking for a missing person. Toggenburg is a ski resort so that would make sense if Glass is saying they were told to call a copter in if someone was missing.
HENI what kind of gobblers do you have?

LYNZI that helicopter is crazy but were i live crime is a bit on the high side and my son n i are no strangers to being questioned. My son actually helped the police arrest a drug dealer and find another wanted man. I just hope our positive presence here can make a difference.

RANCHER awesome job i use those brackets as well. I never thought about the cardboard but im gonna try it thanks!

Thanks again TOB & LYNZI #7 hatched to my surprised, i will give #8 till 2mro but i have my doubts. I'm more than happy with 7 of 9. Pretty positive 9 died a few days ago. Well i got there brooder all set i will post a pic later 2night.
HENI what kind of gobblers do you have?

I bought what amounted to a grab bag from Porter's this spring. I have several Bronze, two Slates (self-blues), a White Holland, a mixed-breed that is mostly white with some brown barring in her tail and wings (they do experimental breeding for color), and three Pencilled Palms, which are Royal Palms with pencilling in their feathers. They really are cool birds - they're friendly and inquisitive, and will rush you rather than run from you. The three boys display all the time, because they're young and hormonal. We just pat them, and they quit their nonsense. Much to my amusement, the hens also display - they'll puff up, drop their wings, and fan their tails out.
I have 5 that have hatched another one is zipping now. That would make 3 eggs left. One of them I almost positive it won't hatch movement stopped some time ago but it was so dark and didn't smell I just put in lock down with the rest. The other two have pipped but one doesn't look good. Either way 6 out of 9 is still awesome if that is what I end up with especially for my first time.

Here is a pic of the first four. The incubator is crude but now that I have some experience I will be able to clean it up a bit.

Once again I find eggs this time buried under the silkie coop, those evil silkies I swear they have a plan.

Lynzi I hope you can get enough eggs. How is Gru doing? I have a hard time telling eggs apart that is why I was surprised by the dark one. Unless that means he's a male we shall see. I think I put a Barred Rock egg in there thinking it was one of my sexlinks. I like them because they are hardy strong forage well fly well especially for being so heavy. I'm hoping to get ahold of more leghorns this spring to breed and experiment with colors just for fun.
Congrats on the hatch!
I bought what amounted to a grab bag from Porter's this spring.  I have several Bronze, two Slates (self-blues), a White Holland, a mixed-breed that is mostly white with some brown barring in her tail and wings (they do experimental breeding for color), and three Pencilled Palms, which are Royal Palms with pencilling in their feathers.  They really are cool birds - they're friendly and inquisitive, and will rush you rather than run from you.  The three boys display all the time, because they're young and hormonal.  We just pat them, and they quit their nonsense.  Much to my amusement, the hens also display - they'll puff up, drop their wings, and fan their tails out.

That is so cool i love the blue slates. I love that crazy noise they make. People tell me there gobblers everywhere yet i never see them. One day i might hunt them down with my dslr and get photographic evidence of these monsters!

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