NY chicken lover!!!!

Morning all! Holy winds yesterday! Good thing my chickens were locked up otherwise they would have been blown clear to Canada. Got my second set of heritage rir eggs yesterday. Raced to the post office then back home to unpack them and set them to rest before racing off to work. These are from the Don Nelson line. Now I have two good lines to work with. Ordered some bands for the chicks so I can keep notes and track my birds. The current bunch of tiny tots are busy raising you know what this morning in the brooder. The reds are pretty curious littles. They come over first to see what new things are and were quick to see my hand as a good thing when I had chick feed in it. Going to try yogurt in a bit. Finally got an egg from my blue silkie pen yesterday. I am hoping this means they will start laying well as I have orders for chicks when I get some. I think this is going to be a busy year for me chickenwise. Hoping it warms up soon as I need to get the empty coop fixed up and ready for the littles when its time to move them out.

Off to javaland. Have a nice day!
I've had two seemingly healthy turkeys die in just over a week after showing nonspecific symptoms for less than a day. One was my Pencilled Palm tom, and the other was the gray PP hen. Now my smaller Bronze tom is showing signs of illness as well. It *looks* like coccidiosis - the affected birds are hunching over, fluffing up, drawing their heads in, walking very slowly, and have signs of diarrhea around their vents. There is no blood in the droppings, but the strains that affect turkeys don't generally cause bloody diarrhea. I can see coccidiosis because of stress from this never-freaking-ending winter weakening the poor things. They're now getting Corid, vitamin supplements, and apple cider vinegar in their water. I'm absolutely sick over it. Well, my husband just walked through the door and told me that around 150 dead birds were found dumped near the Nassau water treatment facility. That's less than a mile from me. It's both creepy and extremely concerning, especially because the feathers shown (why they aren't specifying the bird species involved, I don't know) look like game bird feathers.


Edited to add a Huffington Post link with more details. Game birds. Good grief. Whether the poor things died of a contagious disease or were all killed, it's disturbing and sickening.


Hi Henicillin,

I just sent you a PM.

Sure hope your turkeys make an improvement soon. Ugh....


Don't know if I'm catching you in time, but have a safe trip!


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