NY chicken lover!!!!

If setting on side don't mater what way you put them in, they will roll around in there. I hatch them in egg cartons and keep big end up. If doing on side I'd put something on bottom to help keep them from kicking around so much.

No need to change vent settings if you can hold your humidity high enough.

You can open to add water but generally you don't want to open if you don't have to. Each time you open you let out humidity and heat. Personaly I run an fish tank air line into my bator through a vent hole and add water that way. But that is a Styrofoam incubator.

I would say they should be fine not being turned for an extra two days. I have done it a day or was it two early before because I got my days mixed up on when I set the chicks. I was confused when they didn't start hatching on time till I noticed I figured the days wrong.

Ok are you turning them on their side or using an egg carton or egg turner? if on side mark one side with X one with O rotate them at least 3 times a day. If using an egg carton or egg turner big end has to be up. That is the air cell side. You want them to rotate 45 deg side to side if I remember correctly. Some people use a piece of pvc pipe, I think about 1 inch round and put it in middle of egg carton long ways to turn the eggs.

Some one with more experience with hand turning can give you more pointers I've always used an egg turner.
Oh, okay that makes a lot more sense.
Thanks :)

And does that go for when they're setting too?
Well Lord have mercy if they were closer to me that would be great.  I don't drive to the auction since it's to far away and  could supply them with more than a few roosters.   No one wants my extra EE's, Dels or B. Marans.  I hatch a couple of batches and have broodies on eggs now.  

I used to sell my extra Cavies to a lab, but I don't think there is such a place for chickens here in Syracuse. 
Rancher I would take some of your extra birds
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Picked up 8 bantams and four Australorps from TSC today. Quite a few have pasty butts and I'm wondering how to go about removing the dried on poop without hurting them?
Got my new additions today!!! ke5hde picked them up for me from Natureberry yesterday. Beyond excited. DH hasn't said anything except that if they keep being so loud when he gets home on Wednesday that they may need to be moved into the garage. I think that it is good that they are so loud. The loud ones are usually girls!

4 Magpie Ducks!!

Oh man this brings me up to 9! I'm not sure that all will be staying. If there is any more then 1 drake the extras will need to go.

I'll try to get a better pic of them tomorrow after they have settled in to our house.
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Got my new additions today!!! ke5hde picked them up for me from Natureberry yesterday. Beyond excited. DH hasn't said anything except that if they keep being so loud when he gets home on Wednesday that they may need to be moved into the garage. I think that it is good that they are so loud. The loud ones are usually girls!

4 Magpie Ducks!!

Oh man this brings me up to 9! I'm not sure that all will be staying. If there is any more then 1 drake the extras will need to go.

Aw they're so cute! <3

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