NY chicken lover!!!!

I don't know how people do it. 

Dogs, rabbits, goats, ducks AND chickens?  I would be dead. I barely can take care of what I've got, without dealing with a Dog.  My DD's cat is here while she's away and I hate sifting litter. But I do like the cat. 

haha! I have 5 dogs, 7 puppies(for sale), 30 chickens, a hedgehog, and a bearded dragon. Not to mention the 6 children! Of course I'm a little younger than you ;) Oh I forgot about the fish tank! I don't know how many are in there!
haha! I have 5 dogs, 7 puppies(for sale), 30 chickens, a hedgehog, and a bearded dragon. Not to mention the 6 children! Of course I'm a little younger than you
Oh I forgot about the fish tank! I don't know how many are in there!
We use to have a gorgeous 55 gallon aquarium before we had kids. We sold it when the babies kept coming and the space in our house grew too small to accommodate cribs and the tank. Miss that thing.
Thanks TOB, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that something else comes up and we don't have to however, he hasn't been this serious about a move since we moved up here. He really wants this change and keeps throwing dates at me like "when does K start school in the fall?" and making comments about talking to our landlord about ending our lease early. It's making me dizzy. Just too much to deal with right now and I really don't even want to think of the thought of packing everything up here and moving it someplace again. Ughhhhh

When I was moving (5 times in 7 years. OUCH) I had a system. It worked every time. Unfortunately I learned I didn't need as much stuff as I owned and with each move fewer and fewer boxes got unpacked. Eventually I didn' t open them and donated them to whatever charity would pick them up at my door. LOL

(edited to add: I mean moved my family of 5 that many times. Once there were sullen teenagers involved. Joy. They finally went to college and I did THEIR packing too. I think I am part cat, I enjoy diving into boxes)
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Thanks TOB, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that something else comes up and we don't have to however, he hasn't been this serious about a move since we moved up here. He really wants this change and keeps throwing dates at me like "when does K start school in the fall?" and making comments about talking to our landlord about ending our lease early. It's making me dizzy. Just too much to deal with right now and I really don't even want to think of the thought of packing everything up here and moving it someplace again. Ughhhhh
(I don't want you to move either)
You are my number one enabler!

Dragonlord~ We ordered the heater kit from incubatorwarehouse.com. We should have it tomorrow.
On the subject of poop eaters, my dogs love chicken poop but they love the horse poop even more! Yuck!! They especially love it in the winter when the horse poo is frozen solid, they carry it around like their favorite toy!
Our dogs are in a sperate run so they don't get to enjoy a chicken poop, but during the winter I catch them all the time knawing on one of their own frozen poops. I think that I would rather have them eat chicken poop!

haha! I have 5 dogs, 7 puppies(for sale), 30 chickens, a hedgehog, and a bearded dragon. Not to mention the 6 children! Of course I'm a little younger than you
Oh I forgot about the fish tank! I don't know how many are in there!
What kind of puppies are for sale?
When I was moving (5 times in 7 years. OUCH) I had a system. It worked every time. Unfortunately I learned I didn't need as much stuff as I owned and with each move fewer and fewer boxes got unpacked. Eventually I didn' t open them and donated them to whatever charity would pick them up at my door. LOL

(edited to add: I mean moved my family of 5 that many times. Once there were sullen teenagers involved. Joy. They finally went to college and I did THEIR packing too. I think I am part cat, I enjoy diving into boxes)
Our move from RI to NY was done in two stages...the first stage was from our home to a temporary rental home, where we stayed for 8 months. While there, we chose to live out of boxes and only unpacked the essentials. We had hoped to close on a home much sooner than 8 months but...

The whole ordeal was taxing enough. I'm set against moving ever again, if I can help it. Probably didn't help that we had a 5, 4, 3, and 2 yr old during the move. (Actually, they were 18 months and up for the first part of the move...then 5, 4, 3, and 2 during the last half of the move).

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