NY chicken lover!!!!

I would say the eggs are a couple days older than you thought ...duck was setting on them fora couple days
I collect all my eggs daily from my ducks. I was getting 3 a day daily when I was collecting these. I collected 2 white ones that were laid on the 9th, a blue that was laid on the 9th and 2 white ones on the 10th and then they went right into the incubator.

So I have 4 ducklings. One hatched last night, I moved it to the brooder this morning. The three that had pipped yesterday still weren't any further along this morning so I helped them some. They sat all morning in their shells until they finally just pushed themselves out. The one blue egg I had didn't make it. There were no pips in yet even though this morning was lockdown day I was nervous it wasn't pipped like the others were. I candled it and the beak I saw moving in the air cell part of the egg wasn't moving at all. There were no peeps, nothing. :-( I cracked it open up near the air cell and it was dead in the shell. Wasn't vacuum sealed or anything, looks like it just gave up after breaking thru the air cell. I'm glad I helped the others though. Maybe next time I hatch ducks eggs I won't do a dry hatch. This was pretty much a dry hatch all the way thru. I would have a little water once a week and that was it until the end I added and got the humidity up to 60-70%. So I have 4 little babies. 1 looks like a pure Khaki so far. One is black and the other two are brown like Khaki's but two will definitely be mixes since two eggs came from my Black Runner and 2 came from my KC hen. I'll know for sure once they get up and moving around. If none have that tall stance like runners do then they'll probably be mixes.
Porcelains are made by breeding buff to lavender. After a couple of generations, you can breed them together, that is what I have, pure porcelains. At some point, people breed back to one of the original colors is that color is fading. If you breed a porcelain (buff x lavender) you will get more buff color than lavender. Probably in the next generation, no lavender. Lavender is actually self-blue, and blue, is diluted black, so it probably won't work if its the black leakage you want to get rid of.
Hmm googling around some found one part on here that says buff x blue to help dilute the black that shows up in the tails of the buffs that carry the black gene making it less noticeable. Looks like I have some reading to do.
Wow! Look at all the chicken people around me! I thought I was alone for a long time! Hahaha, I'm about half hour away from Corning ny. We have a mixed flock, Cochins, silkies (of course), red sex links, black austrolorps, white leghorns, and auracaunas. Plus all the turkeys lol.

Hey, and welcome! I thought I was alone too, until last month! We have a few breeds in common, though most people here do XD
How many white leghorns do you have? I miss my Happyfeet- she was my only leghorn and she died (of age) a couple months ago.
I think I'll try brown leghorns next year...
Wow! Look at all the chicken people around me! I thought I was alone for a long time! Hahaha, I'm about half hour away from Corning ny. We have a mixed flock, Cochins, silkies (of course), red sex links, black austrolorps, white leghorns, and auracaunas. Plus all the turkeys lol.

When ever I'm in TSC, if I see someone buying chicken stuff I invite them to join us here.
Ok...I know the older silkie is the blue one, then...because its grey...

But what is this one?

Marquisella, to answer your question, I'm not sure if he has them running together in mixed pens or not. He has them in a different coop from the barn, and I don't ever get out to that coop. If I had to guess, I'd say the colors are all mixed together. So this could very well be a mixed chick.

But I'll have a white, the blue, and this one...so maybe I can make something of it. Will depend on what's a rooster and what's a hen, lol. I primarily got them for broodies, and because they're so stinkin' cute.

Sending hellos from the northern Keuka Lake area

We have just started with chickens and have two sets of chicks that are about 7 weeks apart in age, with the older 6 being 10 weeks old. In total, 13 chickens... 2 Barnevelders, 2 Brabanters: Cream & Gold, 2 Brahmas: Light and Buff, 2 Light D'Uccle Bantams, 1 D'Anvers Blue Quail Bantam, 2 Easter Eggers, 1 Plymouth Barred Rock and 1 Welsummer. We got all our chicks from Nature Berry Farm, and we would recommend them to ANYONE :D

Would love to talk to other chicken people in my area :)

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