NY chicken lover!!!!


too funny
Morning all. Spent yesterday crocheting and puttering around. Got my plants in and fenced. Yes, I did things in little bits to not stress my knee although it is sore this morning. Let the brats/monsters out yesterday to run around. Little monsters found a way into the fence around my plum tree and were picking at it! I had to shoo them out and put logs and stuff around so they cant get in. The spent the next hour checking all around it trying to get back in. All of them were much braver and came way out to me in the far side of the back yard. Of course the terrorists were mad that the upstarts were out and they werent. One of the barred rock boys picked a fight with louise, my hatchery rir hen, through the fence. If she could have gotten out, he would have had his butt kicked all over the yard. I threatened to throw him in with the girls if he didnt knock it off. I do believe it would have been a bloodbath if the terrorists were out at the same time as the brats/monsters. Once again I had a couple of the rir pullets jump up into my lap and tell me their story while I pet them. These two girls are very social and love to be underfoot wherever you are wanting to know what you are doing and talking to you the whole time. Not a good thing when you are trying desperately not to trip and fall again! I am very pleased with the way my youngsters are growing out. I think this has been the best year yet for nice, healthy, happy, sassy chicks. My reds are looking really good. Cant wait to see them in their full glory.

Sweetpea--thats why I just hang them by their feet and cut the carotid and let them bleed out. You have honored your animal by killing it and eating it. You gave it a good life and now it has returned the favor.

Tab--those babies are sooo cute! Especially the top one!

Enjoy the show for me. I have to help dh mix cement to pour the base for his fire pit. Go me. Enjoy this beautiful day everyone!
I rented a rototiller for the first time and it was wonderful! In yrs past I either borrow someone's small one and get so beat up from the roughness of it or I just used a shovel and hoe. It was done in less than an hour and looks b e a u t I f u l! I think I'm going to enlarge my raspberry bed and one of my flower beds. It's going to be a gorgeous day. Enjoy everyone!!

Pharm I hope your knee holds up to all your activity. Take care of yourself.
Hi folks! Hoping my post will get me subscribed to this thread. I am in upstate ny, northern Saratoga county.

Welcome to the fun.

Grrr I think my rooster is stupid. I've been fighting lice for a bit now. All the ladies are showing signs of it being gone beards and muffs growing back and no signs of nits or lice. My rooster isn't showing signs and I've treated him the same as the ladies. The only thing I can see different is I never seem him dust bath at all. I held him down last night and sprayed him down good making sure I got up under his feathers. I sprayed the ladies down again before letting them out today. Just one more thing I'm hating about this rooster.
I haven't been able to read to catch up. I'm off to bed being I've been up since 1am. I think we're going to the chicken show tomorrow.

Hope everyone is doing ok

Pharm hope your knee feels better soon

Rancher my prayers are with you and your wife.

Here's something to make you smile.....

My latest rescue project...

She made your breakfast casserole for a baby shower and apparently they liked it since it was all gone. We call it Tab's breakfast casserole, which it shall go down in history known as in these parts.

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