NY chicken lover!!!!

I think one of my hens had a stroke or something she agent out to free range and started sckacking then his under some brush her wing whent out and last 2 days she has been hanging her wing low and now always up on top perch and she stumbles a bit when she walks at first

Could be a stroke or a pulled muscle in her wing . They use wings for balance ...so if it is not properly balanced they may stumble when they start out
I think one of my hens had a stroke or something she agent out to free range and started sckacking then his under some brush her wing whent out and last 2 days she has been hanging her wing low and now always up on top perch and she stumbles a bit when she walks at first

Could be a stroke or a pulled muscle in her wing . They use wings for balance ...so if it is not properly balanced they may stumble when they start out

Thanks I did not know that
I don't have time to catch up on the posts.

We have mulch hay (not good for animal feed, old with weed stalks) if anyone is interested come and get it its free. We have pekin ducks for sale $10 each and some free roosters. Maybe a few pullets for sale, waiting to hear back from my aunt first.

Yesterday was the state fair, today is solar panels, tomorrow play date and kindergarten open house, next weekend family reunion and a wedding then school starts. Phew what a mad dash!
Hope everyone is doing good.
Morning Everyone,
First day of school here. Kindergarten and 3rd Grade, funny I'm more worried about my son than daughter seeing as how this is his 3rd school and my daughter because this is the first time she's going to school wouldn't know any different. She's a trooper so I know she'll be fine. Hopefully this will be the last school for them a while.

Cass - what kind of bird is that?? So cool it's just sitting there in your backyard. We have those around here being on a lake. Funny the first time I saw one fly over head all I saw was the shadow from the sky so with my instincts I'm thinking hawk or turkey vulture. I looked up and was like Oh wow! Nope neither of those! LOL

We were at the beach down the road last week, fishing and swimming and this duck came by and was hanging out on a tree that was broken down and resting half on land and half in the water. Made me realize how much I miss my duckers. Then of course I went to grab my mail the next day and what did I see across the street? THREE ducks from the lake foraging in my neighbors lawn! Wish they'd come over here and forage.
All I've seen so far is a family of rabbits hanging out in my backyard.

Well it's too quiet here for my liking so I'm going to go walk the lake with the dog. Gotta keep busy or I'll become a couch bum!
Hmm didn't even think of that. I had a hen that was just like that last week. She could walk fine once she got going but if she had to jump down from something she would pancake. She didn't stand up for very long and would lay under the coop for hours. I ended up catching her and putting her in a dog crate. I gave her some nutri-drench in her water and some cottage cheese in her food and the next morning she was up and walking around just fine. Now you would never know there was anything wrong with her. Good luck with your hen!

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