NY chicken lover!!!!

I have never seen that before. Just being in the warmth will help probably

Hopefully! He is starting to eat!
Gramma--I dont wash my eggs unless they are really dirty. Ill have to try the eggwhite on the comb.

Water hauling all day. cheeps still doing well.
I have never seen that before. Just being in the warmth will help probably

The swelling is engorgement of tissue from the frostbite. Gently warm the comb & wattles with luke warm water. Try and keep him warm, out of drafts etc.Some gentle massage (if he'll tolerate it) may encourage some return of circulation although it doesn't look too bad. The comb looks pretty shot tho'
Keep the areas dry, apply vaseline to try and prevent any further tissue death. Good luck,
@rancher hicks
What were the chickens I picked up from you? I have 2 roosters (both different colors) from you. The other 2 Roos went to freezer camp.
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Just want to know if anyone has advice on what to do now?
First I would lance the bottom of each wattle ..it looks like it is full of fluid ..
Put something under him so it can all drain out . it wont heal till the fluid is out .

Have you tried Raw egg white ? mix the egg white in a dish ...apply it with a paper towel....let it dry apply it once or twice a day
It works wonders for all kinds of healing ...Burns , etc
This is a controversial treatment ...but I found it work s .
I dont know if you wash your eggs ? I do my last wash with a little white vinegar for anti bacterial purposes
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The swelling is engorgement of tissue from the frostbite. Gently warm the comb & wattles with luke warm water. Try and keep him warm, out of drafts etc.Some gentle massage (if he'll tolerate it) may encourage some return of circulation although it doesn't look too bad. The comb looks pretty shot tho'
Keep the areas dry, apply vaseline to try and prevent any further tissue death. Good luck,

That is good news! I brought him in the house and he has his own warm spot with food and water with electrolytes :) I will keep an eye on him!
That is good news! I brought him in the house and he has his own warm spot with food and water with electrolytes :) I will keep an eye on him!

I just read Grammas' post to you. Personally, I would not lance anything unless the swelling becomes so profound that it's affecting his eyes or breathing. I really think that within a couple of days you will see some decrease in the swelling. Meanwhile, keep him warm and spoilt!
I've got a pip. I'd hoped to candle one more time but I'm not sure I'll get to do that. I turned off the turner. I hate to open the incu and mess things up.

It's the marans eggs I'm concerned about. I ate some for breakfast and one was fertile the other not.
Anyone have any advice on swollen waddles? Obviously it is because of the cold and the rooster is inside and starting to come back to life and all the others are fine. He did drink a little water. Just want to know if anyone has advice on what to do now?
Poor thing! Thanks for sharing this pic. Very educational for me as I am young to birds and not seen anything like this...I hope your chicken heals very very soon!

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