NY chicken lover!!!!

Yes, he was outside in the coop, but the others seem ok. I have never seen this either, so I am hoping the swelling goes down in a couple of days. One other rooster has swollen waddles, but not nearly as bad, so I left him outside. I turned on the heat in the coop and it is keeping steady at 36 degrees, which is probably good

I hope yours are doing ok!
Well now I meant outside outside. You know in the run.

Mine have been outside in the snow and while there is a touch of frostbite it's not too bad.

Did your roosters sustain this before or after you turned on the heat?

Of course you have bantams so that may make a difference. I have two little roosters. They're in with some big birds and of course when they're all on the roost you can barely see them. I don't have heat in the coops.

Frenchy has taken to a nest box and I let her stay there. I tried to move her to a cage with her daughter Buckwheat and granddaughter but Buckwheat was having none of it. They've been apart to long.

I wasn't sure you still had chickens. I haven't noticed the christmas lights. There are couple of neighbors I noticed have chickens. I noticed them when I was walking a while back.

Well take care and stop in more often. Are you going to the Chickenstock in May?
Quote: you Dont need anything special to lance it ..If you dont know a diabetic ...Who has a lancet ..
you can just use a hand sewing needle ..wash it with some alcohol to sterilize it ..just poke it at the bottom so it drains ..
At this point Im more worried about it getting infected as it is already swollen .
By giving it a poke at the bottom to let it drain it should relieve the pressure on the tissues & it should heal faster .
I hope they both heal quickly.. that looks nasty ...sore too
What do you think Pharm ?
Chickens are different than people, but probably not too much when it comes to frost bite. There are different degrees of frostbite, and the more severe include blistering and blackened skin. They say to warm up, and not let the area refreeze. You should keep him inside until all healed, and hopefully it will be warmer by then. Lancing is not recommended due to the introduction of infection, the source of which is plentiful in chicken area. Nothing is recommended to put on but if it were me and I felt the need to do something it would be antibacterial cream, no pain relief formula. Ski patrol training applied to chickens.
NO! do not think because you have a blue fertile egg - you will get blue egg layers ! There is so much that goes into this .... and so many people call eggs that I say are tinted greenish blue a blue - that I am disgusted by the whole "blue egg" thing.

Never trust just the breed or the people saying it OR even pictures -as all computer screens are set a little differently ..... see them in person and decide if this meets your definition of blue. .... otherwise they are almost exactly the same as any EE will lay ...

I've got a crested cream hen and if I didn't collect the eggs with my own hands - put side by side with my EE .... can't tell the difference I've got a SBEL - same thing (called super blue egg layer)
Spent a ton of money last year on "blue egg layers" from different sellers and different breeds ... it was all a bust.

As you can tell - I am not happy withe "blue" breeders as a whole - not just my two - but I've shown the eggs around, talked about it to multiple breeders and told I did get what I paid for - blue ... but it sure isn't blue in my book. I say - call it what it is ... it is still a pretty egg and nice hens.
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Ok now I am rested up from my weekend of hospital work it is time to get back to the chickens. Weekends are always exhausting for me when I work as I usually do 43 hours from Friday to Sunday but am all rested up now so any requests on baby chicks or heritage breed turkeys? Getting ready to order so let me know if you want anything
Well now I meant outside outside. You know in the run.

Mine have been outside in the snow and while there is a touch of frostbite it's not too bad.

Did your roosters sustain this before or after you turned on the heat?

Of course you have bantams so that may make a difference. I have two little roosters. They're in with some big birds and of course when they're all on the roost you can barely see them. I don't have heat in the coops.

Frenchy has taken to a nest box and I let her stay there. I tried to move her to a cage with her daughter Buckwheat and granddaughter but Buckwheat was having none of it. They've been apart to long.

I wasn't sure you still had chickens. I haven't noticed the christmas lights. There are couple of neighbors I noticed have chickens. I noticed them when I was walking a while back.

Well take care and stop in more often. Are you going to the Chickenstock in May?

No, not outside-outside which is weird since he was the only one that shows these extreme symptoms. This was before the heat. I have wrapped a lot of the coop in plastic to keep the wind out, so it's harder to see the lights

Where can I find out about chickenstock?
No, not outside-outside which is weird since he was the only one that shows these extreme symptoms. This was before the heat. I have wrapped a lot of the coop in plastic to keep the wind out, so it's harder to see the lights

Where can I find out about chickenstock?
you no i think we tend to put the plastic up to hold the warmth in and with good intentions of keeping them warmer.but i think it also holds the moisture in and causes more harm then good ..i did the same thing with my coop last yr and i had some pretty frostbiten birds from it ..i have since removed the plastic and filled in the cracks in the coop and i am seeing alot less frostbite then last yr ..i also have alot more birds but i think even with the venting i have done , it seems to be alot less damaging to the birds ..i think as long as we can keep them from having drafty coops with out the plastic we are further ahead then to use it ..sorry am i rambling now ..

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