NY chicken lover!!!!

Gramma chick nuttys even nuttier hubby ( cause he must be crazy to deal with me) said to not even get me started on the cost of food and how companies like Hoffmans charge so much more for there stuff because of the name and see here I go
Sounds like most family reunions I've been to lol. You are there for more than worrying about who brought what.
Maybe instead of charging for food, charge for parking. ?
We used to have a butcher shop and smoke house in the town I work, Walton. They made their own natural casing hotdogs, sold them half the price of Hoffman's. I think the inhouse ones were better also.
If I can ever make it to one (chickenstock) I can get Oscar Mayer hotdogs by the case from food orders at work, also big smokie links sausages, they don't sell them in stores anymore but I can get them by the case cheap and they are yummy. I think they are sold in convenience stores on rollers or something cause I get them in a big box in like a garbage bag frozen, not packaged for sale. The regular hotdogs come in the case packaged just like you would buy in the store.
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Just a suggestion. Still do it as a dish to pass, don't worry if not everyone brings something, you'all will cause your 'friends'. Still charge a cover charge at the door and or do a Chinese auction to help cover costs. I know if I was to go I'd bring a big dish to pass and wouldn't mind paying an extra $5 if there was lots of good food.

Well considering your moniker, you do realize a 12 pack of Coors does not constitute a "dish" right?
I have no problem buying food and drinks. It's worth it to spend time with you folks and meet new ones. If I can make the Sept meet I am going to try and bring my friend with me. She and her Dh so chickens this year after buying eggs and listening to my stories. It spud be good for her to see the varieties of chickens and allow both of us to visit and shop other people's things. As far as the auction, perhaps people should be reminded that items don't have to be chicken related. I'm sure people put up pickles and jams, have nice gifts or games they never used or barely used. I am busy with baby stuff right now but plan on crocheting some stuff for next springs meet. I am also downsizing my library of books and may bring some. Mostly history but I do have nonhistory as well. Like I said, a lot will depend on what happens at my job.
actually not everyone from BYC brought stuff and actually a lot of non BYC people did bring or they donated money toward the food bank the problem
Was it was a lot of stuff that wasn't meal stuff and yes the Hoffmann were great and I understand they were expensive but they don't give you much for that cost. Not making this a closed group event I like the idea of others being there it is more enjoyable, last I checked BYC was open to anyone to join plus gives everyone more of a shot to sell there stuff the more there the more who buy. I don't have a problem with providing the hotdogs and hamburg and the drinks just giving everyone the heads up that I will be charging for them especially considering how a few remarks were made at the last one about me charging for drinks and non BYC members eating the food that was brought by BYC members and that BYC members were the only ones who brought food which was not even close to the case.
Well I'll still check with Maines and see what their prices are. They sell in bulk and it might be cheaper. You can decide then which will give you a better deal.

BYC is of course open to everyone. However the original plan was a Picnic type situation so members could get to meet each other. The only money was what was paid for the Chinese auction tickets as I recall and there was plenty of food.

Not that there is anything wrong with your event. You are after all the hostess, so it's your call. I'm glad things were talked about so I wasn't taken by surprise.

Was it you who got the eggs I sent? How did they hatch out?
Gramma chick nuttys even nuttier hubby ( cause he must be crazy to deal with me) said to not even get me started on the cost of food and how companies like Hoffmans charge so much more for there stuff because of the name and see here I go
When we go to Texas we always take Hoffmans with us. Good garden o' peas. They don't have a decent hot dog down there. We did have some non Hoffmans and yuk! DW freezes them and then we bring them in our carry on.
I have no problem buying food and drinks. It's worth it to spend time with you folks and meet new ones. If I can make the Sept meet I am going to try and bring my friend with me. She and her Dh so chickens this year after buying eggs and listening to my stories. It spud be good for her to see the varieties of chickens and allow both of us to visit and shop other people's things. As far as the auction, perhaps people should be reminded that items don't have to be chicken related. I'm sure people put up pickles and jams, have nice gifts or games they never used or barely used. I am busy with baby stuff right now but plan on crocheting some stuff for next springs meet. I am also downsizing my library of books and may bring some. Mostly history but I do have nonhistory as well. Like I said, a lot will depend on what happens at my job.
Since you feel this way, perhaps we should just have name tags that say BYC member and see how many faces you can match to our BYC monikers.

As for auction stuff, I do try to bring "useful" things. Lord knows we don't need another knick knack, but then we're old. I will take your comment to heart though, when deciding what to bring. I've got a box unused Floppy discs here on the desk.
Maybe someone will bring a Floppy disc drive.
Since you feel this way, perhaps we should just have name tags that say BYC member and see how many faces you can match to our BYC monikers.  

As for auction stuff, I do try to bring "useful" things. Lord knows we don't need another knick knack, but then we're old. I will take your comment to heart though, when deciding what to bring. I've got a box unused Floppy discs here on the desk.   :lau    Maybe someone will bring a Floppy disc drive.  :lau

Rancher we all will know you the guy in the aluminum foil hat that silkies are trying to get

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