NY chicken lover!!!!

Matella please stop lurking, it's a tad creepy. :) just joking. You have lots of great input that at least 90% of us enjoy. Chicken poo on the rest. Pyxis your dragon is neat as all get out. Bug control for inside as well. My dogs would eat one though so no lizard for us. She/he looks like a good snuggle buddy. I apologize if I have offended any of you with my comments , I'm from Kansas and we have a habit of not always thinking before "speaking ". Now on to real problems! !! How do I make my crazy flock lay in the boxes!?!? They started laying but in the neighbors horse pasture.
Gosh I don't think this is the place for me, a little too hostile. I just wanted to learn!
Please don't go, it's really not as bad as you may think.

You will learn a lot and we really are a good bunch. It would be sad if you missed meeting some fine people.

I should add that when I get down, I go out and do some good work. It always restores my mood. I took the GS to the farmers market and bought some things.

Had a nice conversation with the Apple girl. She likes to stop at the old " Happy Days" ice cream place my brother owned and I worked at in Cato in younger days.

GS and I like to go places. It's hard to be down with such a cutie.

I'll be taking some home made applesauce to the girls at the TSC. I bought a box of apples at the market.

Take care Transitbird and be well, life goes on.

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Morning all. Going to be another hot one so I let Little big man and his women out this am before I run off to work. Yesterday Legolas and family spent the afternoon out. Of course the terrorist/monsters are out every day after the littles get their time. I splurged and bought them a cantalope for 97 cents yesterday. Cut it in big chunks and tossed it out there for them. They left nothing but see through skins. The pullets are all finally coming into lay so egg production is up again. I am keeping everyone on the turkey pellets as the higher protein level seems to be better for them. Eowyn has gone broody again and I have to toss her out of the coop daily. No more silkie babies right now! The ones I do have now are feathering out beautifully.

My tomatoes are fabulous and I have been gorging on them. Cucumbers have pretty much dried up and the ones I did get are bitter. Gave them to the cheeps. Gramma...have you ever pickled green beans? I have and could never keep enough on hand for the kids. They would eat the whole jar if I didnt threaten them with bodily harm.

Havent seen any critters for a while. Bear boards are down and I put up some solar lights I got on clearance around the coops. It may be that they are just in a different area right now. Love the weevil story. My cheeps would have demolished them in seconds! I forget who said they had too many bugs for their chickens to get rid of but just you wait! They will strip your yard of anything that moves. I have no bugs and few spiders. Have noticed little frogs lately but havent seen the girls hunting them yet. I had a couple of barred rocks a few years ago who were prolific frog hunters. They knew where to look for them and how to get them out. This bunch hasnt developed a taste for them yet. The nice thing is the semi large pile of chipped pine that was in the side yard is being redestributed by the girls now. It was a pile but is more of a bump and has been there for 3 years. The terrorists/monsters have been working it for the last two weeks so there must be some really good eats in there. I wont have to move it now.

Tomorrow is the 3 year anniversary of my fathers passing. It never gets easier, just is. Funny thing is that I have been seeing a 4 pointer lately, around the house. I think its his way of letting me know he is still watching over me. My mom has seen a big one down where she goes jogging. Guess he is still watching over her too.

Off to work, where I "just slap a label on it and throw in some pills"!

I'm glad the bear boards worked. I'm noticing quite a few small frogs jumping in the evening. It's kind of like a mine field closing up at night. I try not to step on any of the little things. I've been successful so far. Must be the girls don't like frog legs.

I am sorry about your father and hope in time things get better. It's the dreams that bother me. I usually get up after having one no matter what time it is.

Have a good time at work. You're more important than you realize. At our age we appreciate you more and more with every new pill we have to take.
Tomorrow is the 3 year anniversary of my fathers passing.  It never gets easier, just is.  Funny thing is that I have been seeing a 4 pointer lately, around the house.  I think its his way of letting me know he is still watching over me.  My mom has seen a big one down where she goes jogging.  Guess he is still watching over her too.

Off to work, where I "just slap a label on it and throw in some pills"!  ;)

This month will be 24 years since my father passed. Nope doesn't get easier. How it feels changes, but we'll always miss them. I know my father is around when I see the tan woodpeckers, flickers I think they are. I agree they use animals to stay in touch. Hugs
Hi there!

I'm new both to BYC and to having chickens. We're getting pullets the end of the month or so and we're trying to finish our chicken coop and run made from the children
s house out back. I'm a little nervous about it all. We're new to it and I don't want to kill the girls before they even get here. lol We don't have electric running out to them and I'm slightly nervous it will be too cold since we live in Phoenix area

It's been quite a busy summer for us. We're foster to adopt parents and will be filling the house shortly with children but our hope is to adopt so we've been working on fundraisers keeping us busy. I think having the girls will bring some laughter and a little bit of excitement and responsibility for the kids that come in. It will be nice to sit and just watch them.

I look forward to getting to know you all.
Having a bearded dragon, I regularly reach into a big bin of cockroaches to pull some out for her, lol. I think if I found weevils I'd be okay, but bugs are definitely not everyone's cup of tea!

I had two geckos when my boys were young. At the time, my youngest was 2. Anyway, somehow, he got a hold of the container of crickets, and yes, he dumped about 3 dozen crickets in my living room. It was quite noisy in my house for awhile...The joys of boys and their lizards.

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