NY chicken lover!!!!

Did a road trip today ...
My son chicken sit ...
Tired but could NOT relax had to fix chickens .

when I got home something had attacked 2 chickens .
Motormouth my RIR has a big blood glob on her back under her right wing ...bloody feathers on her mouth .
She got a bath & neosporin .
Little Screamer my chick also has a small spot under her wing ..
Dont know how she survived ..he didnt let their moms out ...chicks are little they can squeeze out ..
The only thing I can think is my Red ...saved the chick ...coz she looks a lot worse than it

Craigs list finally worked out ...
This nice young lady took 5 Roos & 1 pullet ..
So I only have 6 juv Roos left ..I was thinking about taking them to Kings Auction 4th sunday .
Anyone go there ? know the fees ?
King's charges 30% as a fee and $1 to mail your check to you. It takes approximately 10 days to get. I just took a bunch of young roos there. I got anywhere from $8 each down to $1 ea. I believe the $1 was probably for my really young bantam cochins.
Runnings got a bag feed from them this spring on sale loaded with mold haven't been back.
Gramma : sorry to hear about your attack, why didn't you use plantain on the wounds second to comfrey for healing.
Cold spring Farms is NYS based organic feed (soybean free) one Nutty sells if you go on their site it list the dealers.
DE: all the critters get it here daily sprinkled on their food and I take three months out of the year ( humans get worms too) sprinkle all cages. I have stopped using it in the garden kills the good bugs.
Herbs for chickens: if you goggle it tons of info just cross reference different sites charcoal (wood based) free choice has detoxing benefits and trace minerals see chickens picking it out of dust baths.
Sept. 27'th show i plan on attending seeing how its kinda in my back yard if anyone's traveling route 20 near Cherry Valley check out the Tepee kinda route 66 place great food and breath taking view of the valley. Sunnycrest Orchard is also having Fall harvest event that day from 9:00 -5:00 on route 10. Enjoy the weekend-)
Thank you for your feedback. I'm going to check into the book you recommended.  I totally forgot about Mother Earth New Website. Thanks for the reminder! Does anyone also read MaryJane's Farm?  have had her magazines for years and have DREAMED of this for as long as I can remember. It's time to get my back issues out!  You sparked my interest on the environmental impact from using DE. Especially since I love using it in my garden. I'm going to have to do a bit more research on the use of it. hm. 

Thank you for the encouragement! We're trying our best.  I've been checking out Youtube, looking at articles on Pintrest, I've found several articles here that got me interested in this forum which has been such a blessing. I'm glad you all share this love and passion with other newbies. 

Hi there Tao Chick

Chicken Girl, I'd really be interested in seeing it. If you think about taking pictures, please post them! It sounds very neat but i worry about too much moisture though you have said it dries up. Since I'm using the deep litter method I want to find the right mix.  Did I read before that you are doing the same method? I can't remember.

Sorry Rancher, I'm looking for the similar. Where are you putting all those bales? How do you keep them from getting moist in the winter?

Hey there Gramma, how are you doing today?

Well, I have a sick 3 year old. I can't seem to get her fever down. I called the pediatrics office yesterday and there is something going around but we decided to give it a couple of days and then take her in if we need to. Her fever is stubborn though. I've been alternating Tylenol and Motrin and it's been sticking to 101.2, I checked her at midnight and it was 98 and now she's up again at 3am and she feels HOT. :(  I've been washing her with cold compresses and continuing the meds as well as giving her pedialyte freezer pops. Hopefully we'll get the rest of the cook finished if not completed at least mostly done.   Game night tomorrow too! Lots of fun times.  

Hoping everyone had a great week so far!

As far as the sick 3 year old by alternating the Motrin and Tylenol are you doing It so she is getting something every 2 hours ?

Runnings got a bag feed from them this spring on sale loaded with mold haven't been back.
Gramma : sorry to hear about your attack, why didn't you use plantain on the wounds second to comfrey for healing.
Cold spring Farms is NYS based organic feed (soybean free) one Nutty sells if you go on their site it list the dealers. 
DE: all the critters get it here daily sprinkled on their food and I take three months out of the year ( humans get worms too) sprinkle all cages. I have stopped using it in the garden kills the good bugs.  
Herbs for chickens: if you goggle it tons of info just cross reference different sites charcoal (wood based) free choice has detoxing benefits and trace minerals see chickens picking it out of dust baths.  
Sept. 27'th show i plan on attending seeing how its kinda in  my back yard if anyone's traveling route 20 near Cherry Valley check out the Tepee kinda route 66 place great food and breath taking view  of the valley. Sunnycrest Orchard is also having Fall harvest event that day from 9:00 -5:00 on route 10. Enjoy the weekend-)

Ok let me clear up this one on the organic yes i sell Cold Springs Farm Organics but that is Certified and is in 50 lb bags. Yes I am on the dealer list and it is Country Farm and Hardware in Ava NY . The non certified is not cold Springs it is local and is in 100lb bags and is definitely cheaper. I also sell Poulin Grains, Blue Seal, Keystone plus for your household pets we have Hills Science Diet, Iams, BlueBuffalo, Nutro, Diamond, Taste of the Wild, and a few more brands you can message me or call the business 315-942-2976 for more info
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Can my little Roos join your bachelor pad? :bow

:). If the bachelor pad was huge and more importantly DONE I might consider taking in a couple boys. But it's not huge or even close to done and winter is coming, yikes. And I still have 10 boys to accommodate or find homes for. Fortunately only 1 is over a year old & he's pretty mellow.

On the bright side, the birds are using their horizontal nipple drinkers, yay! No more poop water for them! Just have to figure out which water heaters will work to keep the water thawed. Thinking small aquarium heaters.
I'm still out on that place. I've noticed a lot of things are expensive there. The guy I spoke to "sounded" like he knew his stuff but when I mentioned DE knowing the background of it since we use organic food grade, what came out of his mouth was misinformation one how the product acts to kill the bugs. It's no biggie since it's an organic way with the ground seashells, but if your selling a product, you should know.

I also asked about the injections for cats that was in the fridge and the person I asked had no clue which injection it was and had no clue how old the stuff was. Like you said, if you buy something at a top price you want to make sure your not buying outdated or bad product that could make your livestock sick. That's just my opinion of course. I'm starting to learn that like our own health and well-being, we need to be advocates of what we buy for our animals as well. What's that saying again? "Let the buyer beware."

Runnings has a huge variety, but you have to be knowledgeable about prices - some things are cheaper/reasonable, but I find a lot of stuff expensive.
Here's the organic feed mill - Pine Creek Feed, Lyons NY. The same feed is sold by Natureberry Farm (or was). Unsure of the $$, but when I did buy some I thought it was reasonable.
:). If the bachelor pad was huge and more importantly DONE I might consider taking in a couple boys. But it's not huge or even close to done and winter is coming, yikes. And I still have 10 boys to accommodate or find homes for. Fortunately only 1 is over a year old & he's pretty mellow.

On the bright side, the birds are using their horizontal nipple drinkers, yay! No more poop water for them! Just have to figure out which water heaters will work to keep the water thawed. Thinking small aquarium heaters.
I'm working on mine too. I'm going to use pipe heat tape and maybe a birdbath deicer. The stock tank deicers seem too big and the aquarium ones might overheat. I haven't decided on that yet.
I'm working on mine too. I'm going to use pipe heat tape and maybe a birdbath deicer. The stock tank deicers seem too big and the aquarium ones might overheat. I haven't decided on that yet.

From what I've read on other BYC threads, the birdbath deicers don't get warm enough. Think I'm going to try 50w aquarium heaters and keep an eye on the temperature. Sounds like people have had success w the pipe heat tape too, but I'm not sure how to make that work w my setup.
From what I've read on other BYC threads, the birdbath deicers don't get warm enough. Think I'm going to try 50w aquarium heaters and keep an eye on the temperature. Sounds like people have had success w the pipe heat tape too, but I'm not sure how to make that work w my setup.
We'll have to trade notes this winter. I'm starting with the tape and will add a heater if needed.
I use a heated dog bucket. its a plug in.
However, I have to come up with something quick to square myself away for winter.
I had 3 chickens outside last winter...I now have about 150 or so...

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