NY chicken lover!!!!

Update on my experience with the poultry hatchery in clifton springs:

First of all, keep in mind that the bulk of their business is shipping large quantities of chicks, and I was only picking up six.

Overall, I had a great experience and I will definitely be using them in the future, but here is how it went and you can decide how you feel about it:

I called yesterday morning (right at 9:00) to confirm that the hatches were successful. The employee confirmed that my babies had hatched and were all ready to be picked up. I still hadn't picked up organic ACV so I asked him if they sold it. They do, but were currently out of stock. He recommended I go to Walmart or Wegmans as they would have the same thing. He told me to bring a box to transport the chicks. He could tell I was excited and matched that excitement while still being informative.

I left at 9:30 and got there at 11:00 after I stopped at Walmart. The property has a home and a store front, with the brooder building in the back. I brought an amazon box with a puppy pee pad and some chick starter. I had to leave the box outside (a policy to deter theft of grocery items from the store). I was greeted by an employee and walked around the store while he gathered my paperwork. Another employee brought my box inside and asked if the feed was medicated. It wasn't, and he told me they don't recommend medicated feed (I was pleased my husband talked me out of it). There was another customer there picking up 10 chicks, some the same breeds as mine.

Once all the paperwork was done, the employee took me and my friend out to the brooder. I was immediately impressed with how clean it was (I was expecting at least a minor smell, but it just smelled like clean pine shavings) and how happy the chicks sounded. He gave me two barred rocks and two golden buffs. I had ordered two golden laced wyandottes too, but something went wrong with their hatch and they only had chicks that had hatched 5 days ago. I was really excited to have day olds, so he offered me two more of either the barred rocks or golden buffs. He recommended one of each, as the golden buffs are the really good egg layers. So i ended up with 3 barred rocks and three golden buffs. We went back inside the store and he gave me a detailed care sheet since he knew I was a newbie. I thanked him probably a thousand times, and I was glad to see he was excited for me.

So maybe I didn't end up with exactly what I wanted, but I was extremely satisfied with the service and care they give both their customers and birds. I'm not one to care about breeds of my animals, just that they're happy and healthy (my 7 dogs are all gorgeous mutts). I felt welcome and like they really cared that I was as prepared as possible. I also felt that they were the best source of information for chick care and they were able to guide me where others gave me conflicting views.

Also, its been almost 24 hours since the babies got home and they are absolutely perfect. No signs of disease or lethargy and they were already eating and drinking when I got them.

Take this as you will, but the poultry hatchery in clifton springs gets two thumbs up from me.
Except that you had called ahead and been told your chicks had all hatched and come get them. They could have told you that 1/3 of them had not hatched, but you could get another of each of the other breeds.
Update on my experience with the poultry hatchery in clifton springs:

First of all, keep in mind that the bulk of their business is shipping large quantities of chicks, and I was only picking up six.

Overall, I had a great experience and I will definitely be using them in the future, but here is how it went and you can decide how you feel about it:

I called yesterday morning (right at 9:00) to confirm that the hatches were successful. The employee confirmed that my babies had hatched and were all ready to be picked up. I still hadn't picked up organic ACV so I asked him if they sold it. They do, but were currently out of stock. He recommended I go to Walmart or Wegmans as they would have the same thing. He told me to bring a box to transport the chicks. He could tell I was excited and matched that excitement while still being informative.

I left at 9:30 and got there at 11:00 after I stopped at Walmart. The property has a home and a store front, with the brooder building in the back. I brought an amazon box with a puppy pee pad and some chick starter. I had to leave the box outside (a policy to deter theft of grocery items from the store). I was greeted by an employee and walked around the store while he gathered my paperwork. Another employee brought my box inside and asked if the feed was medicated. It wasn't, and he told me they don't recommend medicated feed (I was pleased my husband talked me out of it). There was another customer there picking up 10 chicks, some the same breeds as mine.

Once all the paperwork was done, the employee took me and my friend out to the brooder. I was immediately impressed with how clean it was (I was expecting at least a minor smell, but it just smelled like clean pine shavings) and how happy the chicks sounded. He gave me two barred rocks and two golden buffs. I had ordered two golden laced wyandottes too, but something went wrong with their hatch and they only had chicks that had hatched 5 days ago. I was really excited to have day olds, so he offered me two more of either the barred rocks or golden buffs. He recommended one of each, as the golden buffs are the really good egg layers. So i ended up with 3 barred rocks and three golden buffs. We went back inside the store and he gave me a detailed care sheet since he knew I was a newbie. I thanked him probably a thousand times, and I was glad to see he was excited for me.

So maybe I didn't end up with exactly what I wanted, but I was extremely satisfied with the service and care they give both their customers and birds. I'm not one to care about breeds of my animals, just that they're happy and healthy (my 7 dogs are all gorgeous mutts). I felt welcome and like they really cared that I was as prepared as possible. I also felt that they were the best source of information for chick care and they were able to guide me where others gave me conflicting views.

Also, its been almost 24 hours since the babies got home and they are absolutely perfect. No signs of disease or lethargy and they were already eating and drinking when I got them.

Take this as you will, but the poultry hatchery in clifton springs gets two thumbs up from me.

Glad that your experience was generally positive - sounds like they have improved a bit. As Glasshen said, they could have let you know, but since you are happy, that's all that matters!
Enjoy your babies.......
I thought the Poultry Hatchery in Clifton Springs sold chicks that had been sent to them by a breeder? I didn't realize they hatched their own.

Ironically, one of the guys that owns that place is friends of a friend. He takes horseback riding lessons from the same place my daughter does. Nice enough guy. But he was the one that told me their birds are shipped to them. I could have misunderstood though. Maybe the eggs were shipped to them and they hatched them?

I actually need to pick up some Freedom Rangers. I haven't done meaties in the past, but I really do need a chicken supply that does not involve roosters that have aged too long and are skinny anyways. I've got more chicken broth and pre-cooked/boiled chicken in my freezer than I need for awhile...and that's pretty much all those older chickens are good for.
I would have someone hold her and splint it. Also put her by herself for a few days. Somewhere she can't move around alot. Looks broke.

I had a C. Rock roo that got hurt jumping down from the roost. They're so heavy they bent the support for their current roost. I have to make sure they have lots of padding and have lowers the roost quite a bit. I ended up putting him down.

I am sorry if the jokes upset you, I meant no harm.
@HISIRISHGEM most white egg layers are known to be 'flighty' crazy, not mean but jump and fly and run for not much reason.
One you might want to look into is the Dorking.

Ohh Dorkings are a nice breed. Another breed that lays white eggs is the Barred Holland. Not a commonly kept breed. I didn't opt for them as they lay a medium sized egg. Though you might find a line that lays larger.

There used to be a White Holland, not the turkey, that is extinct. I don't think anyone has tried to recreate it.

Irish, I appreciate the offer but my motto is "I like to keep my friends like my books, where I can always find them but seldom use them".

Spring is coming and I may need help then though. I expect to have chicks too.
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Ohh Dorkings are a nice breed. Another breed that lays white eggs is the Barred Holland.  Not a commonly kept breed. I didn't opt for them as they lay a medium sized egg.  Though you might find a line that lays larger. 

There used to be a White Holland, not the turkey, that is extinct.  I don't think anyone has tried to recreate it. 

Irish, I appreciate the offer but my motto is "I like to keep my friends like my books, where I can always find them but seldom use them".  :D

Spring is coming and I may need help then though. I expect to have chicks too. 

Forgot about the barred holland, like the dorking they would probably be a calmer breed compared to typical white egg layers. Holland's do have leghorn in their history though.
I think your right about the white holland chickens. I had mentioned maybe getting white hollands on another thread and disappointed someone that jumped on the thread seeing the mention of them, disappointed when they saw I was talking turkeys... Must be they are extinct.
I thought I saw them somewhere before, must have been mistaken, must have been heritage white rocks I saw.
Looks to me the Barred Holland is sparsely available in large day old straight run batches. The white however seems to have fallen extinct due to slow maturity, small size, and white color. I looks like a version of the white leghorn girls in my flock though. Small, useful and self sufficient.

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