NY chicken lover!!!!

I'm sorry to hear about your Red, luvmychicks. Was she a red star? She looks similar to the two red stars I bought recently. Or were they red sex links? Now I don't remember!
For some reason, the two are tangled together in my brain. Is three years the average life span of those types of chickens like Red? I ask that question because you said you lost the others also, the same way. Again, I'm really sorry.
I'm sorry to hear about your Red, luvmychicks. Was she a red star? She looks similar to the two red stars I bought recently. Or were they red sex links? Now I don't remember!
For some reason, the two are tangled together in my brain. Is three years the average life span of those types of chickens like Red? I ask that question because you said you lost the others also, the same way. Again, I'm really sorry.

Red Star , Red Sexlink , Comet are names for the same breed
Does your coop smell like Ammonia ? that can cause a cough ..
I use Amoxcilin -

a skinny chicken is healthier ...unless she is skinny because she isnt getting enough to eat ...
Feel her crop at night ..Is it full ?
a fat chicken doesnt lay eggs
Picking - how many roosts do you have ? same level ?

Nope. I keep the coop pretty well as far as the smell. Add shavings when I need to, replaced the nest with more chips. Though come to think of it, the wood chips we bought at the Tractor Supply store smelled unusually "scented" like a "car pine" smell. I found it odd but thought maybe it was a normal pine scent. I changed it the other day and it was the next day (yesterday) when the two of them had this odd raspy kind of squak. I wonder if maybe I got a bad bag of pine shavings?

We just felt the crop and it's full. Now I know why they have big "crops" at their neck. Hahaha ((duh! hugh?!

We have two roosts one on the opposite of each side same level and I find things "change a bit" but usually "The Countess" an EE'er (though she lays a light brown egg) is on the same roost as the two younger girls (The smaller golden laced wyandottes) and the beautifully full black autralorpes. The 3 EE'ers Two brown and black and the grayish smaller one "snow white" who has been a bit aggressive towards most of the girls since the beginning stay one the other side together.

Lately I've noticed the two smaller wyandottes with the two bigger brown and black EE'er's who have more of a bare back. One in particular has had blood at the base of her back where the tail feathers start. She's been in a couple of times but the three EE'ers tend to have more pecking than the others.

NOW the poor little wyandottes have been staying with the two brown and black EE'ers and now show signs of a small portion of feathers stripped. Maybe the size of a quarter. On the other side, where the grey EE'er is with my favorite black and white EE'er, my big girl now has pecking spots.

The only ones I don't see feathers stripped from are the Black Australorpes and they never show any signs of aggression to both humans or the other chickens. SO, I'm trying to figure out the culprit. It very well could be that there's not enough protein, but if the black oil sunflower seeds are protein, I have been giving them over half in each feeding dish away from each other. They in my opinion receive maybe a bit too much scratch because I thought they were too thin and they get evening snacks of veggies and fruits. So I think anymore and they will be overfed in my opinion.

Can that fish amoxocillen be found somewhere locally? What is the difference between The fish amoxocillen and the Duramycin? I notice that the amoxocillen for fish is a tablet. How much would I give a chicken if I bought them? I'm just wondering the differences.

Thank you very much for responding.
I have SAD too. Life just looks bleak through those eyes. I read a study that said it was related to the decrease in general amount of light (just like chickens don't produce eggs) people aren't as productive. I have no motivation nor will do I expect any until spring it happens every year, for me.
I will say this though. When I was younger an still working I went tanning in the booths, every other day. I definitely didn't suffer from it then.I was able to move through January, February and March in much better head space. Now I don't tan because I feel guilty using my husbands money as I don't earn an income of my own, except SSDI.
But it definitely helped.
Baker, I have a full spectrum light that I sit in front of every morning during the fall/winter to help my SAD. It doesn't give me a tan, sadly, but it does take the edge off my low mood. If I don't use it for a few days I notice (and so does my husband!)!!
Not that I'm advertising, but this is the one I've been using for at least 6 years, and has really really helped me. Worth the investment.
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When you choose your pallets...look for a little stamp on there that says HT. That means the pallet is heat treated. If it isn't they use a host of bug killers on their wood pallets to keep the bugs off. May not want that around your food or chicks! HT pallets are easy enough to find.

As far as the SAD- I think I feel the same too. I am miserable in the winter....exhausted and just want to eat. I have heard about the spectrum lights and had a friend who uses hers religiously also. I can't wait for winter to be over even though we have had such a short one!
When you choose your pallets...look for a little stamp on there that says HT. That means the pallet is heat treated. If it isn't they use a host of bug killers on their wood pallets to keep the bugs off. May not want that around your food or chicks! HT pallets are easy enough to find.

As far as the SAD- I think I feel the same too. I am miserable in the winter....exhausted and just want to eat. I have heard about the spectrum lights and had a friend who uses hers religiously also. I can't wait for winter to be over even though we have had such a short one!
I did not know this. Would it help to paint the wood? Are these bug killers unsafe to people and pets? I'll have to remember this when picking up pallets.

Whom... maybe I can get them to use these spectrum lights in church. I could tell them they need to "let the light shine in" in more ways than one.
Probably get more folks to come to church for free light treatment.
Seriously I'll have to look into these lights since I have one here over the computer. The amount of time I spend on it, I'll be down right giddy.
Yesterday was the day of the Rooster Wars. Nice warm day, snow receding. I foolishly let everyone free range, including Earl and Mama who had been in sick bay. Junior had taken it into his head that he was in charge, and an epic fight ensued. Junior won. Earl was hiding in the coop. So Rascal, the strategist, decided it was the perfect time to challenge Junior. I was peeved with the whole lot of them so I plucked Rascal up and stuck him in a crate for the foreseeable future. This morning Junior made it clear there was no place in the coop for Earl. So he is back in sick bay having survived a bath and a lot of bluekote. None on me, he was too depressed to shake it off. Mama is with him, because while she is much better, she does not seem strong enough to endure the pecking order.
Note to self, it is better to treat the head rooster in the coop if at all possible. Now I need to create a retirement coop, and a bachelor coop.
They in my opinion receive maybe a bit too much scratch because I thought they were too thin and they get evening snacks of veggies and fruits. So I think anymore and they will be overfed in my opinion.
Veges and snacks should be no more than 10 % of their diet .
Their chicken food is a balanced diet for them ..if you give them more of other food ..they are not getting what they need

Sunflower Seeds have protein ...but they also have shells / husks ( undigestable )
Scratch is exactly that - something for them to scratch ..for 4 chickens that should be a handful
Veges and fruits ? what do you give them ?
Raw veges are best - kale , spinach , grated carrot , romaine lettuce .
I give them treats they cant get now ...cant get grass
Fruits should only be a occasional thing - they taste good - dont have much protein

Chickens need Protein - it goes out of them in eggs - if they dont get enough
They can peck each other and calcium will come out of their bones if they dont get enough of that ..
I also save egg shells - microwave them & grind them up ..they go in their treat too

Can that fish amoxocillen be found somewhere locally? What is the difference between The fish amoxocillen and the Duramycin? I notice that the amoxocillen for fish is a tablet. How much would I give a chicken if I bought them? I'm just wondering the differences.

Thank you very much for responding.
Amoxicillin is a light antibiotic - even kids can take it -easily available & made I think.. I use it because it is cheap and easily obtained & doesnt have warning on it
I refrigerate it ..it last a long time ..it can be used for other pets too

others have a warning

I have not looked ...Pet smart may have it ...it is so cheap here I didnt bother looking

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Details about Fish Mox 250mg 100 Capsules Antibiotics Amoxicillin $ 15.49

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