NY chicken lover!!!!

My town is apparently looking to ban farm animals. The ban hasn't passed and is being revisted. I'm trying to figure out how to get invited to their information session in April. This makes me nervous

That makes no sense. Elmira is a farming community..isn't it? Have you ever seen that ridiculous movie Idiocracy? We are growing closer and closer to that being a reality.

I hope they realize how silly that is...
I have Firefox - you can get adblocker as an add-on. Cost? $0

We use Firefox, I'll have to check out that adblocker. I like my phone in mobile but if the laptop was 'usable' on BYC I would prefer it.
Quick Google search, 2 second download (fastest I've ever seen) 100% improvement! Thanks! I'm technologically inept, should have tried it awhile ago....
2 chickens died at night in the coop this past week ...found them dead in the morning
One friday night.- a hatchery plymouth rock - 2 years old
.. she had something going on for a while ...wanted to sleep in the nest boxes ..at night.....nothing visably wrong that I could see .acted normal other wise .
one last night - she was my sweety ...Marker - -1 1/2 years old

she would lightly peck me to be picked up ..and hugged & held ..
She didnt want to be held yesterday ...which I thought was odd...
They both had a Great Life Here !
2 chickens died at night in the coop this past week ...found them dead in the morning
One friday night.- a hatchery plymouth rock - 2 years old
.. she had something going on for a while ...wanted to sleep in the nest boxes ..at night.....nothing visably wrong that I could see .acted normal other wise .
one last night - she was my sweety ...Marker - -1 1/2 years old

she would lightly peck me to be picked up ..and hugged & held ..
She didnt want to be held yesterday ...which I thought was odd...
They both had a Great Life Here !
Sorry about your loss Gramma.
My town is apparently looking to ban farm animals. The ban hasn't passed and is being revisted. I'm trying to figure out how to get invited to their information session in April. This makes me nervous


This should be an Open to the Public Meeting - meaning they should have right in their agenda time for public input .... take a camera :) They will be on their best behavior - and hand out info to them about the benefits of backyard chicken keeping - including bioterriorism :O Lay it on thick and heavy - WITH A SMILE !!!

Do NOT GIVE UP ! usually when these boards hear from more than 3 or 4 people who say the same - they cave in because they HATE controversy ....

GRAMMA - I'll bring more than 2 - and you can take your best guess at which two are pullets ... I can't sex this breed - Pyxis is usually pretty good at that - mostly right - but she is not coming this year .... maybe someone else there feels they are good at the guessing game and can help you .... If I knew, I'd give you pullets - but I just have no way of knowing .....

My blue egg layers are called Arkansas Blues - Production level egg layers of pure (genetic) sky blue eggs.
Hi, just wanted to introduce myself. Brand new to chickens ,waiting to get my chicks now. Really excited to start my flock. I'm in southern Monroe county. We garden organically and will feed organically too. Looking forward to the wealth of knowledge I know I will find here. On my way to the learning page!

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