NY chicken lover!!!!

of all the birds I have he was my favorite roo. He was never aggressive unless he needed to be. He was awesome about protecting Girlie from the teen boys who see her as an easy target. Well today the evil monsters move permanently to the big coop.

Also, let me know if you want another Brabanter cockerel. I have an extra. I'm going to post him on Craigslist. PM me if you want. Hugs.
But how will she be protected? Stirling keeps them safe and I want her in there locked right... the raccoon has been a serious nuisance... She is in her pen, but I let her out to roam and somehow she got locked out of out... the one egg was dead... dead dead dead... smelly, dead. Fully formed chick pretty much tho... down to one, she's nestled down flat on it... I'm trying to calculate it's age tho.
But how will she be protected? Stirling keeps them safe and I want her in there locked right... the raccoon has been a serious nuisance... She is in her pen, but I let her out to roam and somehow she got locked out of out... the one egg was dead... dead dead dead... smelly, dead. Fully formed chick pretty much tho... down to one, she's nestled down flat on it... I'm trying to calculate it's age tho.

If you are addressing me. I have mine set up in a back room off my garage that is secure.

In your case I don't know. I don't know your coop set up. If you can post pics that will help.

Broody hens need only a few minutes to go out and relieve themselves, eat and drink and then it's back to the eggs.

She may look as though she's flattening the egg but she may not be. Too don't pester a hen on her eggs by checking every time you're near her. Leave her be to do what she has to do. DO NOT pick her up and take her out. She is not going to starve to death. Trust her to know what she is doing. You can of course candle the eggs to make sure they're viable. Toss any you aren't sure off.

When I said quarantine her that is only if you have the space.
They are both under my ample bosom right now... what do you all think?
So are you personally incubating them ? Go for it !
She may be done brooding ...if she started before June they normal brood a couple of months
So times new broodys dont know what they are doing ...all chicks that hatch dont always live ..she may have or have not killed it .
I have netted in a hen when she plays musical boxes

Some times she moves because she gets chased out by higher up hens ..
This prevents this from happening also
Using broody hens can be tricky. Frenchy was easy because I just moved her, with her chicks. She sleeps or was sleeping in the bottom box and no one bothered her except Buckwheat or so I thought. (The would sleep in the same box at night) But then I've discovered that Cottom Bud was going in to lay her egg there.

So I moved Frenchy to a crate I have by herself, she is small. She did well.

Some hens are just not good at it. Too you can't always know when or who will go. So you've got to be prepared. Some hens break (stop broodiing) easy others won't seem to give up.

Now Frenchy is part Cochin I think since they make great Frizzles. So it might help to keep a couple of them in the flock. Just give them whatever eggs you want.

If you don't have fertile eggs in the breed you want, buy some if you can.

Such is life.

I'd like to share a part of myself.

From where I sit the bible doesn't teach segregation. In fact it teaches against it. Read the account about Moses and his Ethiopian wife. It's in Numbers 12. There are other accounts too.

When I get to heaven, IF I get to heaven, since I'm not THE Judge I expect there to be people of all colors there.

BUT you don't have to agree with me on the matter and I don't have to agree with you. What I do have to do according to what I believe is love you. Loving you doesn't mean agreeing with everything you say, but treating you well.

I don't care what your skin color is, whether you have metal, ink, physically or mentally ill, gay or whatever. I do not want harm to come to you. And because I recently read about suicide I don't want you to harm yourself. I don't want you to harm others.

If you are Muslim, Jehovahs Witness, Catholic, Methodist, or believe something else, we don't have to agree or even be bosom friends, but still I want us to live in peace.

Some may choose to shun us, but still I pray and work for peace. Don't be afraid to come if I have chicks, eggs, chickens whatever. I can handle it.

This shooting in Orlando upsets me even now. These shootings in Texas upset me. So know this.

I am there for you. To protect your right to live. Please don't hurt yourself or others. If you are being hurt, no matter what anyone says you don't deserve it. Get help. From my faith Jesus Christ didn't agree with everything but He never advocated killing anyone.

One of my favorite sayings comes a Vietnam era poster. It goes something like this. " You have not converted a man, because you have silenced him".

If we want peace, it begins with us.

I hope you understand and that you and yours are well.


Rancher Hicks
I'm sorry, that just sucks. I lost a hen on the 4th, a black copper marans. I shut them in the coop, saw her in her usual spot and she seemed fine. The next morning she was dead and cold in the run, no visible injury. She hadn't laid in a few months, and had been offline for a while but we couldn't figure out what was wrong and she seemed to be on the mend.
Sorry to hear that Chicken girl 15. What did you mean by "my crippled rooster"? Could he have had a pre-existing condition of some sort?
Ugly chick pics, jersey giant/polish cross doesn't make for a pretty bird IMHO...Lol! :-D



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