NY chicken lover!!!!

@PhoredaBurds it's a Golden Boy and Queen Assitude baby. The green in the feathers matches only one hen and he is the only gold roo I had at the time of fertilization.
When my surprise box comes in from Cackle I might need to re-home a few out of the group. I was told to silkies and no NN so any of you interested in either pm me so I know. Hubby will probably want $2- $3 per chick. Also if I get too many water fowl I will need to re-home them, I'm only allowed a couple since we have no real set-up for them.
I wish you were too.

I did get one response from someone I recognize. Datta Karki. I'm suspicious of this name because of the misspellings. Anyone else recognize it?
How old are they Rancher?... I missed what you are trying to sell...

When my surprise box comes in from Cackle I might need to re-home a few out of the group. I was told to silkies and no NN so any of you interested in either pm me so I know. Hubby will probably want $2- $3 per chick. Also if I get too many water fowl I will need to re-home them, I'm only allowed a couple since we have no real set-up for them.
might be interested...
Haven't been on in a while. My little girl was born on July 2nd. The labor was 1 hour 22 minutes. My husband delivered her on the couch before the midwife could make it.
In other news my Sweedish flower roo was to aggressive so I decided no to breed him and ate him instead. We are getting lots of eggs from the ladies and my boys enjoy that. Because of the accident my new landlord had we are not moving so they are not our new landlord and I missed a summer of building, so I'm way behind. I have lots of cockerels, most from GFF if anyone is interested.

Congrats! What a story you'll have to tell your daughter one day

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