NY chicken lover!!!!

I've always figured they must use bantam NN to make those Showgirls? And once you get them they breed true right?

Usually they breed the SGs back to the silky roo. My understanding is you still have a 50/50 of SGs and silkie chicks. Ideally, I think you breed the smallest back to the silkie to aim for the smallest if that's your goal. My nns, all but one, are pretty good sized birds. The roo I had was real big, but he decided to become a meanie so he went to the Amish. Lol
I like the look of the showgirls. Very interesting. I would consider one of those before I consider a silkie. I don't know why. Maybe it's the contrast of the bare neck and the big mop on top of the head.
Sorry to hear about all the egg woes. I'm still getting three or four daily from seven hens. But you guys have gotten more winter weather than I have. I suppose also because it's the first winter for five of them, so they might continue laying throughout. Some of them are still moulting. Or maybe all of them. Hard to tell. It doesn't seem to be a very hard moult, but they're missing tails at least.
Hey guys, it's been awhile but I figured I would share a story as this morning was my first experience with a weasel.my dogs heard the ruckus at 3am of the chickens speaking and woke me up, I got up to find it had snowed a bit a could hear them going nuts out there. So standard procedure I grabbed the ol'.22 and went out to find a white weasel feasting on my amberlink hen who was my first hen to lay. And as quick as I could shot him 7 times, mourned for a bit and went off to bed. Apparently all summer I was lucky and now with this cold weather approaching the predators are looking for a new food source...
Yep - got my BB gun right by the door (the rifle I have to get a lower power - don't want to blow half the coop off getting the weasel - so a .22 rifle is on my christmas list).

I know weasles pass through my area - saw a carcass left by a cat 2 years ago - but so far CROSSED FINGERS none have gotten inside my coops. Always fear them because they kill so many and so fast.
I lost my election day hatch to a new dog in the family that is now on my bad list, butchered a silkie rooster that turned super aggressive, and now her dying, it's turning out to be a rough start to winter. On the bright side the Halloween hatch is doing great.
Ok - posting here first. I have 2 gorgeous Welsummer roos'. They are great with people, they move right out of the way when they see you coming so no problem there. However, they have beaten up my Millie Fleur bantam rooster - not acceptable They are looking for a good home - free for the taking. If you want me to hold them until Spring I can, but I'd rather they go soon,

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