NY chicken lover!!!!

I would figure the Cost of Material?
and your labor @ Cost per hour?
That would depend: Are you doing this to EARN Money?
Is this a hobby and it is fun and relaxation for you?
Build materials are expensive and peoples time and talent is worth
money. I have seen lesser Coops selling for MORE. I would answer the questions first. Answers would give you a more realistic figure. I would estimate MORE. One more question...do you want to sell immediately or? You need ONE person to buy the coop. Aria
To answer some questions: I am doing this to earn money...hopefully starting a small business :) It cost about $300, give, or take. I have seen a lot of the prefab coops, which are smaller and the materials are flimsy, go for $400+. I recall seeing a William-Sonoma coop of the same style go for $1500, so price is very difficult to pinpoint. The prefab coops last about 1-2 years. I built this one to last!
Like you said...I only need 1 person to buy it haha...just have to find that 1 person!!
I think $1,500 would be a good start. Businesses are NOT easy to start. I know I
owned an Advertising Agency for 20 years. If you give a valuable product....at a fair
price...it will work. NOT EASY....it is worth a try. I was never sorry I tried and succeeded. Regards, Aria
I think one of my chickens I got in July have started laying eggs. I usually just get light brown and white eggs from the existing flock and today I got a smaller darker brown egg.

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