NY chicken lover!!!!

The day after I sent in my entry, some bad chicken plucked out Oscar's beard!! It's all over the coop.
I spoke with Bill Post & switched birds. I'm showing the white cockbird now instead.

I am sooooo NOT gonna laugh at you! You can win with that boy! And I can say -- I know where she got him! I wouldn't suggest you enter him if I didn't think he stood a chance at winning!

Noah is showing one of the Red Dorking pullets as a Junior. I'm bringing one of the Dorking hens, 3 silkies, a black Orp & the white Ameraucana pullet.

I'm also bringing juveniles for sale. Mostly Ameraucanas & Orpingtons and a few Silkies.
Well we just got back from the trip on the worst kind..will text me the scoop! I had to have a wonder friend come to my house in the dark...will he could have used a light....and switch eggs over a day late for some and 12 hrs late on others...and then when the kids and DH got home some had hatched!...and then I had eggs I was suppose to send out...Oh, I was 2 days late getting home and now I can't get into my USPS account!!!! When it rains it pours...we will give baths and all...Fri and tomorrow...

So sorry for the bad chicken....wth!!!! Oh, is the the White I like!!!!!
Hope everyone is enjoying the cooler weather! My girls are already lined up at the nesting boxes laying eggs. Seems they are liking the cooler weather also. Any advice for dealing with roos who are entering the jerk stage? My Mumbles is 4 months old now and he is starting to act like a jerk. I was hoping as a silkie and a mommas boy he would not become like the other roos I have read about. However, he seems to feel the need to jump at me or anyone else who enters his domain, especially when his favorite pullet is picked up. I sent him flying backwards a few times with my hand and he stopped. He did grab my knuckle the other day after I picked him up so I grabbed his hackles and gave a short yank like a dominate rooster would and he let go and submitted immediately. I know this is a stage and need to know if I am handling it right. I am not mean to him, just trying to show him that I am the dominate "roo" and will not put up with bad behaviour. How long does this last? Still working on getting them to go up the ramp at night into the coop. Not the brightest bulbs. Really...what is the learning curve of a bunch of silkies? I am a teacher for petes sake and I cant seem to get them to learn this! Okay--everyone have a good day!
Some boys are just not nice. Just keep showing him you're the boss & maybe carry him around under your arm... that seems to put them in their place too. We have a splash Silkie - Oscar, as in Oscar the Grouch - who totally lives up to his name! In the same coop is Rafiki, who is as sweet as can be. Just different personality types.

They will eventually learn to use the ramp. Our ramps are about 1 foot wide & made of scrap T1-11 with the rough side up. Steep ramps we add scrap strips of wood as rungs to help them feel more secure. One coop I added some gripper type shelf liner -- red to match the coop.
In my experience, some get it within a week, others you have to place halfway up the ramp for longer. Is all the food and water inside the coop? It gives them a good reason to go inside. Here, food & water are in the coops - only treats are given outside.
Perhaps, instead of being really, really stupid, the silkies are trying to train you to do all these things for them. Example: You are being trained to carry them to bed each night and tuck them in on a custom made perch or a comfy bed. You will bring their food either in or out for them. You will give them haircuts and pedicures on a regular basis. You will run all the amenities to them - heat and lights. You will build them a custom home and yard and seperate them from the "common" birds.

You guys are not wearing your tinfoil hats, are you.

I have found Ameraucanas are just as bad as silkies.

Tgrlilly - charging up the camera to take pics of the Ameraucanas in their temporary outdoor digs. They are sharing the coop at night with Doris and her chicks who get locked in a large cage at night. It's like a circus here until the big coop gets done. Whew!

Happy Country Hens
Thanks Tygr--I do have food and water inside the coop. Their ramp is kinda steep but I made it long and glued two sets of popsicle sticks onto it for ladder steps. Brilliant on my part and they seem to like it when they come down. Guess it just takes some longer than others to learn! I do carry him around sometimes just to let him know that I am king. I put him down in front of my barred rock Mean Marge the other day and he tried acting all tough guyish. She gave him the stinkeye and went about her business. I told him if he keeps being bad, I would put him in with the big girls and they would straighten his butt out! (I wouldnt really but it sounded good)

Happy--I think you are right! They are trying to train me and so are my hens. I need more tinfoil. My big girls expect treats every time any door on the house is opened and the silkies just want attention all the time! Sadly, this makes me realize that my chickens run my life (sigh). And I am building another coop for the silkies in the brooder box. Does it ever end???

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