NY chicken lover!!!!

Darn I wish I had saw you! We did bring home some Langshans ...My daughter loves them and we did have some but...well a long story and my other daughter doesn't like to talk about it...my girls were so set for Showmanship...they didn't have it...Did you get the list of show peoples? I don't know if more then one person had the moderns, but I do know of one person I can pass on the information if you would like..just let me know...How is you little boy?

The Langshans were big enough to ride!
LOL You should have a saddle made for the little guy!
Darn I wish I had saw you! We did bring home some Langshans ...My daughter loves them and we did have some but...well a long story and my other daughter doesn't like to talk about it...my girls were so set for Showmanship...they didn't have it...Did you get the list of show peoples? I don't know if more then one person had the moderns, but I do know of one person I can pass on the information if you would like..just let me know...How is you little boy?

The Langshans were big enough to ride!
LOL You should have a saddle made for the little guy!

The Langshans are ginormous, and gorgeous.

Karen, Jack Sparrow, the little frizzle is great! He gets along fine with everyone else, and moves perfectly well. I will always keep an extra close watch on him though, just to be sure. He's a funny little dude. Looks like a miniature turkey. Cool personality too. I love him, and I think he's my husbands favorite.
I'd love to know more bout the moderns, so sure, pass it on.
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This is not a good time to sell anything, eggs, birds. The best time is in January-March, and unfortunately, up here in the frigid north, its not the time for lots of eggs, etc.
I f you have an egg eatig market that helps. I don't, I just sell for breeding, so for me not having enough eggs laid in the winter puts a big dent in my "income".
If you want to make any money, you have to have rare birds. 5 years ago, almonst no one had blrws, and I was selling them like crazy. Now, everyone has them. I gues I sold to too many people! LOL

This time of year its almost impossible to even give eggs away.

If you go into it knowing what your seasonal market is, then you might be successful. Otherwise its just an expensive hobby.
Hello, all. We are from the Ovid area (between Cayuga and Seneca Lakes). We just got chickens this year. We have three RSLs and six we are trying to figure out. I think they are some sort of game mix. (Post in the breed / gender area of forum.) We love them so far. We also have some Holland Lop rabbits and two pygmy goats. Gotta love them!
Welcome to BYC!

Where did you get your chickens. Game birds are cool. A little flighty, but cool. They also make great moms and they are good foragers. Note the avitar.
Got our order from Murray McMurray this morning. Twenty five are well, the 26th is in intensive care. She was under all the other chicks when she arrived and was not able to stand. She can now stand if she leans against something. Her wing is not quite ok on her left side and that is the side that her leg/foot is not quite working normally on. At least she is eating and drinkng when hand fed. Guess we'll see what happens overnight.

Coop is coming along well. My DH and Starina's should get together sometime to talk construction. I swear we could house cows out in the coop and a mesquito will have trouble getting in. Better that then flimsy, however. We are almost up to putting a door between that coop and the current one. (The building used to be a llama turn out shed with an attached grain room. The grain room is the current coop.) Orpingtons are free-ranging and enjoying the day. The ameraucanas are enjoying the outdoor enclosed and covered run that is attached to the current coop and Doris and her Beekman chicks are enjoying the coop with the screen door shut and the wood door open. Chicks are in the house in the brooder. They look so tiny....

Hope everyone enjoyed the show yesterday. We were thinking of you, but need to finish the coop.

Happy Country Hens
Welcome from the Vernon area?! I can almost remember having only six..Is that called chicken math...?! There are alot of fun and cool people on the thread..full of information...Good luck and enjoy! Chickens are so much fun!
Hi there, I just thought I would post an introduction and say hello from the 1000 islands in northern NY. We are new to chickens and also got our first ducks (saxony) this year. I'm still figuring out what breeds to keep (how do you choose just a couple when space is limited?!?!) but I think I'm most interested in orpingtons (english? american?) and ameraucanas. This thread and forum are both huge! I'm still finding my way around

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