NY chicken lover!!!!

I am only getting an egg a day, sometimes two. Newbies are only 16 weeks, Next year I have to hatch sooner! Out of the 10 eggs that hatched I only got 2 pullets. I won't be building my flock very fast this way. Freezer will fill quickly though!
hey neighbor. Over the hill in Canaan. Many of my broody's were born early and are laying well. Then some were born last week and all in between. Next year I WILL have a lot of eggs to sell!
None of my ducks are laying, and neither are the chickens. Most of my Ameraucanas hatched out chicks last month, there is one that should be laying, one pullet that should lay soon too, and thats it. I'm really down on #'s of hens since this spring!

My one Silkie is sitting on eggs, and I dunno if the other one is EVER going to lay a thing. Its of course a really nice looking hen paired with a really fabulous Roo!

I had to BUY eggs this last week! :O I don't really have lights up, most of mine will be done til spring now. I was fantasizing today about a nice big chicken barn with runs and indoor pens and a spot for storage/brooding with lights and running water. Then I woke up.

I pretty much have mud. Lots of mud. And ick. And puddles. Everything is gross and I am debating if I fractured my wrist when I fell the other week, it hurts when I put any weight on it, but I just noticed it like a couple days ago. Its not swollen though, so maybe I just aggrevated it doing something I shouldn;t have been doing (like shoveling poop or lifting bags of feed?)
So sorry to hear about you having to buy eggs. That sucks.

About your wrist, wrap it with an ace bandage to help reinforce the muscles while they heal. Do you have a wrist brace around? That is easier than an ace bandage. And stay away from the mud. Even the chickens are finding it slippery going.
Out of my crew, I still have exactly one layer, Miss Thing the Dominique. She's a little egg-laying machine, though - she's averaging five per week. The rest of 'em are just sitting back on their feathery butts and not paying their rent, the slackers. They're 21 weeks today, so I'm expecting the other two Doms at least to start ponying up at some point.
I don't have a brace, but we prob have an Ace bandage around here someplace...

I'm surprised I haven't fallen yet this week with all the mud out there!

It kinda stinks to have to feed all these guys and then get NO eggs!

I'm not really thrilled with the latest batches of hatchlings either, I should have kept more of the last batch instead of selling them! They're all funky colored or I don't like the combs, I think my really old EE Roo had his way with some of the girls! I figured since he was old, missing most of his feet and I had a dominant Roo I was good, yeah, not so much!

Anyone want a really old Rooster? ;p He's very pretty!
Mine are like that too. Sweet Doris lays 5 - 7 per week and everyone else just eats. Most are June babies, but two are May babies and one is April! She is just not doing her job!

Happy Country Hens
was it the purple parakeet cage? i was bidding against you

once you go to their auction once you are put on the mailing list. they also put ad in the local shopper. they do put there auctions list up on auction zip.com i'm goiong to the hay and farm auction at pine creek on thurday.
yes they did charge it i dont mind paying it i know jimmy works hard for his money and he pays his employees good. i've gone to the village auction since i was in diapers lol maybe even the womb.

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