NY chicken lover!!!!

I will start adding light when the majority of the hens are done moulting, another couple weeks.

My 1 and only Crele Penedesenca roo had to be put down last night. He has been unable to walk at all since last Friday,over a week ago. He was just getting sicker by the day. He may have injured his spine or legs then with this warmer weather the flies were awful. I hosed him down every day and put Sevin on him but the flies got to him anyway so last night I had to deal with my sweetest boy and get him out of the pain he must have been in.
Sorry for your loss Happy. Its always a tough call to make. You have my sympathies.

Tab--you had my empathy until you mentioned the Giants game. As a Giant fan myself, I can understand the logic as it is much easier to bring a tv into the coop than on the roof!
I would do the same thing if the game was on and I had to choose!
Dont worry, it will get done.

Speaking of waiting, I am still waiting for my 7mos old silkie hens to start laying. Guess I will be waiting a while since none of them are squatting and have no interest in the boys overtures to them. Little Man is being a gentleman and not forcing the issue and Mumbles is oblivious. My laying hens are doing well despite an attack by my neighbors dog last week. He escaped and went for my psychotic hen betty. She lost some feathers but was untouched. Neighbor was warned. It happened just after my dh let the girls out to freerange too. All the cheeps are loving this warm dry spell. My lawn is finally not squishing any more when I walk on it. The mosquitoes, however, are horrible. Even the chickens are annoyed by them. Cant wait for frost to kill them off.

Exactly when do silkies start laying???
So sorry for your loss, Happyhensny.

We had a slight mystery here yesterday. We have a new coop with four Araucanas, some Silkies, and (since Saturday) three Polish. Well, none had been laying yet and yesterday we found a medium white egg in the corner. Doing the elimination game, we believe it is a Polish egg. We will see here shortly.
Oh Happy I am sorry for your loss too of course.

As for the April chickens, mine aren't doing good either. I think it's the light factor. Here their run is kinda dark and their section of the coop is more so. Perhaps when spring gets here things will pick up.

Take care,

Oo, a little showgirl? I love NN chickies.
Had a showgirl once, but had to sell him/her with the other silkies (never did figure out if it was a girl or a boy). But I have 8 NN pullets that I adore.
Silkies start laying at the exact time every other chickens do. Whenever they get around to it.

Mine started laying at 3 months and it my most reliable layer. I can count on one hand the number of days I didn't have an egg from her since the first one she laid. And she isn't broody at all (or even laying in the nest box, for that matter. Always in the back right corner of the coop)

But my chickens are weird. My D'uccles go broody at the drop of a hat and my silkies lay regularly....the big girls? You know, the production layers? NOT ONE EGG so far. Well, ONE....HUGE egg...but not one since. They should have started laying the second week of August, however they didn't get that memo and are keeping their legs crossed.

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