NY chicken lover!!!!

These are project ameracaunas from Renee in Syracuse. The secret source of my bright blue eggs that occasionally make it into my customers egg carton. They always look to see if their carton has the "prize".

My egg folks go nuts over the Leghorn eggs. They would probably explode with happiness if I had blue eggs.
Yes, chickens will lay an egg several days in a row , or you could have another coming into lay!

I got 10, yes you heard me 10!! blue eggs today!! 2 white eggs and 3 brown eggs!!  This is the most I have ever gotten.!!!  I guess it makes up for the rooster flogging me yesterday.  The third time he came after me I grabbed him by the neck. He came real close to meeting his maker.  He then got dropped kicked.  I so hate to do that, but with the blood running down my leg and me having to go to work, there was no time to pick him up and carry him around.  Now when I walk into his pasture he very gentlemen like,  walks to the other side of the pen  .  HE better!!!

Thanks I wasn't sure if when they were just starting to lay they would lay multiple days in a row.

My little sebright rooster attacked me yesterday. He is normally fine and backs off as soon as I wave my foot at him but I was in the run, not fully paying attention and he got my leg pretty good. A nice big scratch...ugh dumb Ringo. I can't imagine what it would be like to have a full size rooster attack.
Is anybody interested in a Silver Ameraucana trio? I hatched them last year from Pips and Peeps. I have the breeders I want for next year so these need to go before winter time. Next is putting a ad on Craigslist, but I would rather not deal with that. $40 for the trio.

Hopefully we will get some rain soon, the poor lawn looks terrible, but I am not wasting water from our well to give it a drink.
Is anybody interested in a Silver Ameraucana trio? I hatched them last year from Pips and Peeps. I have the breeders I want for next year so these need to go before winter time. Next is putting a ad on Craigslist, but I would rather not deal with that. $40 for the trio.

Hopefully we will get some rain soon, the poor lawn looks terrible, but I am not wasting water from our well to give it a drink.
We just got 10 minutes of rain.....we really need more. My pastures are crunchy, my lawn is crunchy, my garden is not yet crunchy, but my water melons don't look like there is any water in them. I won't water anything either. Too afraid to waste any water and the well will go dry. the thought of going to the river (about 500' away) and lugging water back for the animals is NOT appealing.
Are you guys worming?
Yes, I am. Second round is due on sunday and I should be sufficiently healed to do the grab and squirt. Of course I will be hated for another few days after that by my laying hens and they will probably withhold eggs as punishment. Divas.

So out of seven roosters, I have finally found at least one that fits my keeper criteria to an extent. The two relentless rapists will be going to freezer camp first, and maybe sooner rather than later. The favorite contender right now is in the middle of the pecking order, not aggressive (at least right now) and has a nice bone structure and good coloring/comb/wattles, etc. He let me handle him and when I put him down, he tried a little to challenge me and was rewarded with a good coupled of shots to the chest by my hand. He was all buddy buddy after that. He is pretty good to the girls most of the time. How much he would change after the others are gone, who knows. Roosters are a hit and miss as far as temperment. Dinner is always an option where they are conserned.

So it looks like I ended up with 3 silkies boy after all my hatching. Sigh. They are, however, developing into beautiful birds so I will hang on to them until I decide which ones I am keeping for breeding. I have one splash, one light blue and one darker blue. They thought they would take on my older silkie roo Little Man and found out that he was no pushover. Two of them backed off right away but Frodo, the splash, wouldnt give up until Little Man ripped out a beak full of feathers from his back. No one was really hurt and I watched to make sure that didnt happen but allowed nature to take its course. The boys learned an important lesson and have learned to respect Little Man and stay out of his and his ladys way. Of course I may change all this come fall and put one of the girls in with the boys but we will see.

Getting some much needed rain again along with some noise from above. Keeps the boys quiet and in the coop.
Twist of fate= There is a farm in Waterville NY that had a listing for breeding trio of Blue splash silkies on craigslist. They always have nice looking birds from what I have seen. Got my ducks from them check it out the post was about 4 days or so ago.
Thanks JayLyn, I looked but no luck, must have sold already. I am waiting for some eggs from a fellow BYCer............:( no luck finding good chicks locally so far. Also looking for frizzle Polish and Jersey Giants (NOT black) with no luck. :(
Tabs: She may have sold them off at this point. These were when she was working on a barred ameraucana project. Unfortunately the barred gene is linked to leg color and it has not yet been discovered how to get the slate legs with the barred gene. My girl is not barred and has slate legs and blue eggs. She is very pretty. I think Renee started working on the coronation after the barred ameraucanas. Then she had some other type she was working on and sold them this spring.
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