NYD CONTEST 9 Egg Art Contest

Hmm. I might just try my hand at it. I'm not creative, not artsy, but I had an idea pop into my mind and thought it might be cute. So long as it's okay that drawing on the egg isn't a requirement (I'd probably be banned from the contest with my crappy drawing skills, my brother stole all of the talent that my mom had, and none was left over for me!)

P.S. I should get bonus points, since I am using eggs that were incubated and not progressing. One was cracked, but I didn't see veining in it, so I figured I'd use it. I hadn't realized that there was a crack in it until after it hit the incubator. Anyways, it HAD started development and quit, so that was a fun egg to blow, especially being my first egg to ever blow!!

BTW, how do people blow eggs? I feel weird wrapping my lips around an egg but couldn't find anything to go between the eggs and my lips... :/
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you can blow them out using the two hole method. the hole that you are blowing though doesn't need to be as big as the one the egg comes out of. To make it easier, scramble the yolk with a pin.

But I use one of these:

it is really a great tool, if you are meaning to do more than just a couple of eggs.
BTW this is also the company that I get all my pysanky supplies from, if anyone is interested.

sorry if its not to clear this is the clearest one i could get
Since the rules are relaxed, I'll enter this photo that I did for a contest last year. I had to DQ myself because I used paint rather than markers. The olive is a little fart egg from a new layer.


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