O.K I have had it!!!

if you identify with the OP and find it annoying, imagine what it would do to that person you work with that you can't stand...
"The Annoy-a-tron generates a short (but very annoying, hence the name) beep every few minutes. Your unsuspecting target will have a hard time 'timing' the location of the sound because the beeps will vary in intervals ranging from 2 to 8 minutes. The 2kHz sound is generically annoying enough, but if you really really want to aggravate somebody, select the 12 kHz sound.
3 simples steps.
Turn on.*
Hide it.
Assuming you have done your part in selecting a suitable hiding location for the Annoy-a-tron, it will do its part to drive your co-workers slowly mad with its short and seemingly random beeps. And when someone does locate the Annoy-a-tron, they're really not going to know what it is - which is almost as much fun as watching them search for it. Muahaha."
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Try having one that talks but the batteries are low and it keeps going off. I woke up so freaked out almost took my husbands head off. That doll never came back inside again. ever
Somewhere in my classroom is a timer or stopwatch that is beeping on the hour every hour. I can't find it, we listen for it, it will go off, but no one can decide where it is. We tore my classroom apart for 2 days at the end of the year packing it and still didn't find it,,, so it's beeping away this summer,, alllll aalllooooonnnneeee!
I bought one of those!!!!

I work in a machine shop. There's one guy we all tolerate but I find him intolerable. Every opportunity.... Like I don't mention that he is taking a truck that has no fuel. I've gotten him twice. Everyone loves it!

I put the annoyatron in one of his CNC machines. The beep is more of an alarm noise. And it's freaking LOUD! He had the mains turned off and everything and it would still make the alarm noise. I was in tears. Every time it would go off, he would swear loudly. I couldn't hear that sound or see his furious face, without my shoulders shaking. I put it inside the control box, which is riveted shut. It didn't used to be but it was when I was done. It looked like it was supposed to look, except the screws had been replaced by rivets so he "knew" there was nothing new in there. I can tell you... the batteries last a LONG time. I snick into the shop, on a Saturday and removed it and re-riveted the control panel. I laughed the entire time. Five stars.
My brother had a very talkative Furby. It started chattering late at night and my dad couldn't figure out how to turn it off. He put it under a cast iron frying pan covered with dish towels- but bashing it with said frying pan would have worked better.
I bought one of those!!!!

I work in a machine shop. There's one guy we all tolerate but I find him intolerable. Every opportunity.... Like I don't mention that he is taking a truck that has no fuel. I've gotten him twice. Everyone loves it!

I put the annoyatron in one of his CNC machines. The beep is more of an alarm noise. And it's freaking LOUD! He had the mains turned off and everything and it would still make the alarm noise. I was in tears. Every time it would go off, he would swear loudly. I couldn't hear that sound or see his furious face, without my shoulders shaking. I put it inside the control box, which is riveted shut. It didn't used to be but it was when I was done. It looked like it was supposed to look, except the screws had been replaced by rivets so he "knew" there was nothing new in there. I can tell you... the batteries last a LONG time. I snick into the shop, on a Saturday and removed it and re-riveted the control panel. I laughed the entire time. Five stars.

I ordered one to put in the office of one of my superiors (an engineer who thinks he is James Dean and Albert Einstein rolled into one) but got laid off before it came in the mail. Talk about instant karma!

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