O my lord... I have nothing else to say... Chicken an turkey injurie *GRAHPIC TO THE MAX*!!!!!!

redneck farmer

6 Years
Feb 1, 2013
in the swamp killin hawgs
Well I goofed up this time BAD I let my 4 week olds chicken an turkey go in the coop with my 10 week olds... This is the result..


That's the chick.. EE 4 weeks old an not a feather on her head... The top if her head has NO SKIN JUST BONE an the back if the head is just bittin up skin with injuries on her right shoulder...
The turkey.. Bless his heart protected her as long as it could.. I found them like that in the corner if the coop an he was standing on top of her with his wings spread out while she layed down an rested.... His injuries are this-

An many more under the feathers that I can't see but there is blood... He saved her life no doubt......... It's all MY FAULT..... Don't say " I redneck farmer it's not your fault thing like this happen" because it is my fault I was stupid to let them out in the coop... But on a happy note she has a chance if living because she is talkative, drinks, an has only taken one bite of food but the drinking part is most important right now.... I've applied Neosporin to a couple if there wounds an by the time you read this I hopefully have got the Neosporin on all wounds....
Oh no. I'm am so sorry. But you know what? They are all alive. Now you just need to give them tons of TLC. Watch them with each other though. They are attracted to the color of red and may unknowingly peck at each other. If they do, shine a red light in their recovery area. What a brave baby turkey!! I'm not going to say what you said not to say, but I will say this. This is the kind of mistake that only happens ONCE. I'm praying that your babies heal up quickly. I did something really stupid once as well. Now is not the time or place for my story, because you have enough to deal with, but I can tell you for me, it NEVER happened again. I'm so happy that yours are alive.

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Oh my that is horrible! I am trying to integrate chicks, about 2 month old chicks in with 1 year old chickens. I will remember what you went through.Thank You for posting!
I have a couple questions-
1 what builds flesh back around her skull? Us it like protien or calcium or what
2 what helps reheal flesh that's been pecked at?
3 would ACV help?
4 What helps grow feathers when the skin returns?
Thank you an God bless.
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I have a couple questions-
1 what builds flesh back around her skull? Us it like protien or calcium or what
2 what helps reheal flesh that's been pecked at?
3 would ACV help?
4 What helps grow feathers when the skin returns?
Thank you an God bless.
Our cat was attacked and had a terrible wound. Our Vet put sugar on her wound, Cane sugar only! Not sugar beet sugar (cane sugar is non GMO and can be found in the baking section of any grocery store), and wrapped it. I know that wrapping would be very difficult with the wounds you are looking at. We kept her wrapped for a few days and then she went back in and he cleaned her wound and gave her the same treatment again. He said that sugar promotes tissue growth. When she got to the point where I needed to change her bandages, he had me clean it and put raw honey on it. It is anti bacterial. She healed up well. I would NOT do the ACV. Once their wounds are healed, God will take care of the feather growth.
That's awful! Take some comfort in the fact that by posting it, others will learn from your mistake. I have 2 week old chicks that are separated just by hardware cloth in the same coop as 8 week olds. I was wondering when they could go together - I will definitely wait!
I would help "God" out with a higher protein diet when the wounds are healed, as feathers are mostly protein. I give Black Oil Sunflower Seed as treats, daily when my birds are molting. This is not hulled, but is the whole seed. The protein and oil helps promote feather growth.
Thank you all! I have some feed that's high protien that a crushed up in a blender an have it to them so its easy to eat ;) an about the sugar it's a great idea but I just don't know how I would make it work on small birds...
I am happy to announce that the little chick made it thought the night!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is drinking well an eating better! I just reappointed some more Neosporin to both birds in all wounds!
Thanks for your help!!!!!
God bless.

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