Observations on duck intelligence

Not sure if this is a crude way to put it but a couple days ago I noticed how my ducks are super happy to see me if they want food or fresh water, especially if they see that I am already holding some, all of a sudden their fears are gone and they love me. But then if they don't need anything from me all of a sudden I am some horrifying monster. And, I got to thinking about this... It's like they are a little cargo cult.

I once found a baby hawk that hadnt learned how to fly. I picked him up and moved him to a small fenced area to make sure coyotes couldn't get him before he figured out how to fly. I wish I had a video of it, when I picked it up it's face was priceless, completely shocked and in awe at what was happening. Didn't try to claw me or anything just sat in my arms staring at me like "what the heck is going on". That little guy definitely had "intelligence" in his eyes, he gave the distinct impression that he was trying to understand the situation. Ever since then he hangs out on my property and kills snakes for me.

From my short experience with ducks, compared to that baby hawk, I'd say they don't seem intelligent but rather that they fairly quickly learn from repetitive behavior.
Duck behavior is awesome! I’ve really enjoyed clicker training them to do a few things. I think I mentioned elsewhere, but they also have a routine to bedtime. When they go into the coop, if I don’t say “Yay!” in a really happy voice, they’re super quiet. But usually if I say it as a verbal reward, the male bobs the whole front of his body down and they quack constantly, getting very excited. The “yay” became a verbal reward after initially clicker training to go into the coop without fuss. They’re very smart- and they retain memory for things they’ve been taught even months after. If I put the bell in front of them for instance, they know still to ring it for a snack.
🤩 👏 I ♥️ this! 😁
Not sure if this is a crude way to put it but a couple days ago I noticed how my ducks are super happy to see me if they want food or fresh water, especially if they see that I am already holding some, all of a sudden their fears are gone and they love me. But then if they don't need anything from me all of a sudden I am some horrifying monster. And, I got to thinking about this... It's like they are a little cargo cult.

I once found a baby hawk that hadnt learned how to fly. I picked him up and moved him to a small fenced area to make sure coyotes couldn't get him before he figured out how to fly. I wish I had a video of it, when I picked it up it's face was priceless, completely shocked and in awe at what was happening. Didn't try to claw me or anything just sat in my arms staring at me like "what the heck is going on". That little guy definitely had "intelligence" in his eyes, he gave the distinct impression that he was trying to understand the situation. Ever since then he hangs out on my property and kills snakes for me.

From my short experience with ducks, compared to that baby hawk, I'd say they don't seem intelligent but rather that they fairly quickly learn from repetitive behavior.

This is what we have learned. Ours are 7 weeks old and they have now learned how to get into the stock pond on their own. We had to heard them up the ramp a few times but after that they started going in on their own. Also when it's time to go in they take the same route around the coop and in through the back door. Don't get me started on how they treat the chickens....of the same age whom they arrived with...lol.
When my ducklings get hungry they are coming up to me in small groups and tapping my shoes with their beaks. LOL.

This is so funny to see.

Today the adult ducks were playing in the sprinkler because of the heat. They kept coming right up to it and rubbing their bills into the spraying water coming out. Also funny to watch.

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