Obviously I Can't Spell


Chicken Atlas Farm NPIP 74-4231
5 Years
Dec 5, 2014
I probably shouldn't have created a profile while half-asleep after a long week and a long day. So, apparently, I will be keeping a "Roster" or all Cogburns or some such.

Anyway, I have been lurking for sometime and decided to join. I have learned A LOT from this sight. It has helped me narrow down breeds of chickens, and learned about quite a few. In fact, if it had not been for the home page where you can put in the aspects of the breed you are looking for I wouldn't have gotten 7 EE's in June. Sadly, one of them died in the brooder. So, I have 6 EE hen's in a converted dog run. I haven't gotten an egg out them yet. But, I have noticed that some of them are squatting when I come up behind them to shoo them back into the makeshift coop. So, after the dark days of winter I am hoping for some eggs.

I am also in the process of building a rather large coop next to them. My daughter is partial to chickens, and likes the appears of the Plymouth Bar Rocks, so 20 of those girls may be moving next door. I like the idea of 4 large brown eggs a week at maturity. Frankly, I like the concept of yard eggs in general. :)

So, I am a long time lurker, first time member.
lol, we all have our days

Welcome to Backyard Chickens!! Glad you can finally join us!

Sorry about the lost of your 1, its always hard to lose a chicken :(
Thank you. I suspect the other chicks knew something I didn't about the chick that died in the brooder. Even with a red heat lamp they savaged her. I put her aside and tried to bring her back to health, but apparently there was enough internal damage that it just didn't work out. I have no idea why they ganged up on her. There was plenty of space. I will leave that to greater chicken psychology minds than mine. But, these are odd girls anyway, they have a roost. They get on it frequently when they are in there, but at night they get on the ground and sleep in a "hamster pile" for some reason.
Welcome to BYC! Glad you decided to join our flock. A lot of us were lurkers before joining. :eek:) I'm a fan of John Wayne and like your user name and avatar. Our Easter Eggers are my granddaughter's (pictured in my avatar) favorite chickens. She loves their colored eggs. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your flock.

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