Octagon coop and garden. Need your help!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 24, 2010
Hello All,

I recently read about a lady you had an ocatagon like chicken pen that had different gardens off each side. It was really interesting and now I can find it!
I've googled and searched but nothing.

Anyone here know where to look or what I'm talking about????
I wish I could help. It sound interesting, and shouldn't be all that hard to do, given your description of the concept. As long as you have a path to the door of the coop, it shouldn't matter what you plant around the outside of the run. Just remember that the birds will eat anything outside the run, that they can reach from inside the run. So you should be careful about what type of plantings that you get. You really don't want anything that would poison the birds in their run.
I'm not sure that the coop itself was an octagon. I think it had a small pen, with eight "sub" pens, each fenced off with a walkway in between. She planted gardens in each section depending on the season so her chickens could go into the pens that were not in use, or had been harvested.

Guess I'll keep searching!
I've seen this sort of idea in books before -- fenced areas adjacent to a run and each area is opened to the run on a rotating schedule so the areas they cannot access have a chance to rest, recover, and grow something. You'd need a good amount of space and a ton of fencing material to pull it off.
I tried a round coop but it had me going in circles.
I should have said "A" coop? What's "A" coop? I've got three and growing. Small flocks of the breeds I like.

Delaware, Orpingtons, Br's and SFH's and Birchen Marans and EE's. With a couple frizzles thrown in for good measure.
Isn't it?! I want one just because it's so interesting to look at but it occurs to me that not having any "normal" walls would make installing nest boxes a bit more challenging... not to mention attaching a run. And where, oh where does the human door go?
Isn't it?! I want one just because it's so interesting to look at but it occurs to me that not having any "normal" walls would make installing nest boxes a bit more challenging... not to mention attaching a run. And where, oh where does the human door go?

We have them and they send instructions and show options for door placement and shape.

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