Odd Coop-Lighting Question


8 Years
Apr 27, 2011
Crazyville, VA
I see lots of posts about IF or WHEN to add lights in the coops, but I'm kinda in another situation I kinda did to myself...

The ladies were brooded under a lamp, but as they got older, I just moved the light away but kept it on so I could check on them at night

Anyway, they moved into their big-girl house & I moved the light in there till they adjusted. Well, at first I tried moving it away, turning it to the ceiling so it just dimly illuminated the coop, but I swear they acted like I flipped their world upside down! I had a coop full of hysterical screaming ladies!!
So I just stopped messing with the light all together.

But they've always REFUSED to go in the coop at night, if it's dark inside, but will put themselves to bed if the light's on.

First off- I really don't mind leaving the light on. My concern is that it will maybe jack them up since winter's coming around, with them having the constant light at night. They stay out in their run all day 'grazing' (aside from laying & getting drinks & nibbles inside) & only go in about 30min after full dark sets, then they go directly to roost & off to dream land.

With winter coming, will it BECOME an issue for them? Or will it just be like every other day?

ETA: I forgot to mention they're 6mo RSLs & 7mo RIR.
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Can you put a smaller wattage bulb in, so it's dimmer in there? Maybe do it in steps. A timer would work, too, set to switch off at 10PM and back on at 6 or so. My girls freaked out when they had to go without light the first night or two, but got used to it quickly. I would think they need a little light to see how to get up on the roosts, as dark as some coops are!
I've had a light in the coop on 24/7 for nearly 8 years. It is a 13w CFL. Same as a 60w incandescent. It has never caused any problem with the chickens. They eat, sleep, lay, go in & out without any issues. It was recommended to me when I first got chickens, by an old-timer. Has worked well for me.

I appreciate the responses. The bulb they've had since moving to the coop is a 25 watt, so not really all that bright anyway (anything more, it's like daylight in there! lol)
I just didn't know if it would really bother with their systems or not. I kinda like having the light on because I can see into it at night & see if they're wandering or not. If they're mulling around, something's definitely bothering them so I can go check.

Imp- you don't think they 'over lay' (kinda like adding light to make them lay in winter) because of it? I guess that's my main worry is that they won't get the natural rest & might hormonally exhaust themselves lol

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