odd coupled pair of ducks from different breeds


7 Years
May 2, 2017
IMG_20170802_141234649-1.jpg the pair in pool are the odd couple. i started with 2 rouens supposedly 1 turned out to be a mallard both were drakes than couple days later i got 2 supposedly khaki campbells turned out to be pekins females.lost the mallard (vanished) his mate (the pekin outside of the pool) got depressed and i lost her so my 2 ducks are now mating and got my first duck egg august 24 she lays daily but she's not sitting on them. any suggestions on what to do?
I left the first 9 eggs in the pens I would put them in a pile every morning and they free range daily so the other birds always messed with them not breaking them just scattered them she wouldn't go back to them so I took them and threw away so for 2 days I have collected them.
I just started getting chicken eggs in July but I only get from the older ones and that's only 7 hens I have 26 hens all together all varities

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