odd eggs


11 Years
Apr 6, 2008
I have 5 ISA Brown hens that are about 21 weeks old. About 2 weeks ago, I got my first eggs. I have been getting 3 nice brown eggs every day since, so I assume that only 3 of the hens are laying. Yesterday, along with my 3 regular eggs, I got 1 small brittle egg that had a flat spot on it. Then when I went out yesterday evening there were 2 eggs on the floor of the coop that were transparent and the consistency of rubber!. This morning, I found my 3 nice eggs, and another very small brittle, pale looking egg with the same flat spot. What gives? Is the small brittle egg safe to eat? Thanks for any advice.
I had a couple of those funny eggs too. It was when they first started to lay. I think it means there bodies are just getting the hang of things. As long as they arn't leaking they should be safe to eat. However I just tossed the whole thing in a pan and scrambled it up and fed it back to the hens. They loved it!
My understanding is they should be laying at about 19 weeks. However I think dif breeds mature at dif speeds. I have some that arnt laying yet and are about the same age as yours. I cant tell which ones though. I get 6 eggs a day and have 11 that are of age. Does anyone know if there are breeds that lay later than others?

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