Odd Shapped Egg Blood On It!


Nov 26, 2018
Quesnel, BC
This eggs is shapped funny and has a line through it and there's BLOOD on it :(

My poor chicken :(

Anyone know why?

The hen is 5.5 months old...just starting to lay....

Blood on the egg is not abnormal for a new layer. She's got a little stretching out to do yet ;)

The line could be an interruption in laying at the time the shell was hardening. This happens on occasion. If it becomes an every egg thing there may be an issue, but again, these things happen from time to time.

Also congrats on the egg!
I think most of us have seen a blood smeared egg in some of our new layers, and the line cold be from stress or another cause. I had a mild case of infectious bronchitis virus go through my flock one year, and have seen a lot of the abnormal or odd shells. Here is an interesting link by Sumi about odd shells and their possible causes:
I think most of us have seen a blood smeared egg in some of our new layers, and the line cold be from stress or another cause. I had a mild case of infectious bronchitis virus go through my flock one year, and have seen a lot of the abnormal or odd shells. Here is an interesting link by Sumi about odd shells and their possible causes:
This article was fantastic! Thank you for sharing!!!!
Thank @sumi , since she was the author and collected the data.
Hi @sumi...

Just wanted to personally thank you for such a wonderful article that you wrote and the great pictures you compiled to go along with it! As a newbie, information put together by such experienced and knowledgeable members, such as yourself, is like striking gold! Thank you so much...

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