Oddball chick...


In the Brooder
Mar 12, 2017
Trying to decide what this chick is. I got what I believed to be 5 Buff Orpingtons (also a few black sex links and 2 bantams that I'm pretty sure are white silkies). I'm noticing one of the "Orpingtons" is looking more and more different. It has lighter feathers, is bigger, has a longer beak, much thicker legs, bigger feet, and her temperament is much more bold. My guess is a leghorn got dropped in the wrong tub at TSC. Any ideas? My pics aren't the greatest but you can see the color and size in comparison to the orps, I labeled O for orpingtons and S for silkie...I think they're about a week and a half old.
It would be better to post pics in a few weeks, when they are more feathered in. Also, TSC doesn't always give the right breeds. I bought 4 "White Leghorns", but when they started laying brown eggs and some of their feathers were amber and brown, I figured out they were Amberlinks. So, I love them and it worked out great, but I did want to mention that.
Thank you Minnowey, I was pretty sure, they have such unique features and I just love them! I am really hoping they turn out to be a male and a female or at least not two males.

ecsandccfs I'd be glad if it isn't a leghorn, they don't really appeal to me. I'll just have to keep watching it, its kind of exciting!

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