OEGB flew the coop- UPDATE: Bob is back!


Real or not real?
10 Years
Jul 11, 2010
Knoxville Area
I got an OEGB (Bob) as the free exotic with my McMurray order. I am normally a big, fluffy chicken kind of gal, so I wasn't quite sure what to do with her, but she completely won me over. She flies up to sit on my shoulder at night.

About the flying thing... I noticed she was getting close to the top of the run fencing which is 6', but thought that she would stay put. I was wrong. I went to lock them up tonight and she is nowhere to be found. I am really hoping that once she crossed the fence she ran to cover because I have four HUGE Orpington roos that free range and spend most of the day patrolling the perimeter of the run. I tried looking and listening for her after I got the boys put up, but she is nowhere to be found.

She's up against a huge black snake that lives under the blackberry bushes close by. I know we have coyotes and racoons in the area, but they haven't made any appearances in the last couple of months.

Is it possible she was avoiding the roos and will reappear tomorrow? Has anyone else had an experience like this that ended well? It's so frustrating to have to WAIT!
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My roo (a mix) got out before i had my hens. Thought he was a gone for good. 2 days later he struts back into the coop and never got out again (at time snow had collapsed my run so i left it open. He came back got locked in the coop for the day while i fixed it)
Well I lost my first four chickens my first day of having them. I figured they were goners. They are all still in the area I just can't find the roosting spot. So i'm sure your baby is still floating around. Also is she clipped?
Nooo! I have only had big, fat Orpingtons that struggle to get their big booties up on an 18" roost and Wyandottes who are home bodies. This little chicken is more like, well, a bird. Better believe I'll get out the clippers if she's around in the morning.

Thanks for reminding me.
Well just remember to clip on side or the other. I have seen birds like parrots and cockatiels have both wings done and adapt to it and still fly. Clipping if I remember what I read keeps them to around 4-5 foot high. The down side to clipping is the predator factor. Hope you find your girl safe and sound
Bob is back!!! Ummm... actually, she never left. Being a big chicken girl, I didn't think to look up in the 9 foot high rafters!! I was stunned this morning when she came strolling out of the pop door. I am so relieved.

So, now the summer project is to build a banty-shack. That shouldn't be too hard, right?

Thanks for the ear. It was a LOOOONG night.

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