OEGB Genders?


Jun 13, 2018
So, I got these bantam chicks, which I was told they were BB Old English Game Bantams, I'm not sure if they said BB Red ect. (It would be nice to let me know if you know the variation they are, too if you know! :D) They're less than a week old.

Backstory, I heard some more general things with the feather lengths and such, but I heard it's not true for all chickens obviously. I'm aware they might not be able to tell at this age, and I'm okay with waiting if that's the case!

I don't have the best pictures, but I took a few when I was hanging out with them a bit. The two on the right seem to have more wing feathers, and are growing tail feathers, which I heard was common in female chicks to grow first, however they are smaller and lighter than the one on the left?

I've just assumed so far, the one on the left is male while the smaller, more feathered ones are female?


I can provide more pictures on request! Just got a quick one.

Thank you! ^^
For bantams you can start to get an idea around 4 weeks old. The cockerels will start to develop wattles (pullets wattles don't really start to sprout until 10 weeks+) and cockerels combs will be more pronounced and pinker, whereas the pullets will stay flesh coloured and small. By 6 weeks you should know for sure.
For bantams you can start to get an idea around 4 weeks old. The cockerels will start to develop wattles (pullets wattles don't really start to sprout until 10 weeks+) and cockerels combs will be more pronounced and pinker, whereas the pullets will stay flesh coloured and small. By 6 weeks you should know for sure.
Alright, I'll keep track! Thank you! :)
Update! They're about a month old now! They were out taking some air while I was cleaning their normal spot inside the house.

Here's one.. I'm pretty sure is a boy. Pink comb, orange neck feathers, and a wonky tail??


Now this one is in the same batch, same age, and had the same exact looks until now.. Smaller skin-colored comb, not really seeing orange on the neck and a smaller tail?



My assumption is.. they'll both turn out roos, one's just a hair late. But still gotta wait to know. Just thought I'd share and see if any rooster-features pop out to you guys!
Once again about another week!
Back with the twins BB Red OEGBs.

First one.. gotta be a rooster!

Second one... Darker head, less comb & not much of a developing waddle, yet a bit pink! Def not as vibrant or shapey like the first one? Even has some.. white feather tips?



Is this a late Cockerel... Or a pullet?

Same breed, age, color variant!

They looked the same until recent!

Thank you.

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