OEGB or Dutch bantams


Jul 8, 2022
Curious on your thoughts.
And if you know- what color is my hen considered? Just picked them up yesterday. I'm just a bit confused. Is the earlobe white on Dutch? If so-it kind of looks white here however not nearly as white as in photos I've seen online. I can take better photos if needed.


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Also-the guy got them at TSC by accident. They thought they were full sized buff orphs. I'm assuming they came from a mixed bantam bin since that's normally how the bantams are sold there. SO I don't really even know if the hen is the same-though their colors are similar. The 3 are inseparable. However the other roo is going to my SIL and her OEGB hen.
Thank you guys! I am hoping so. He thought they were Dutch-and though I like both I prefer the oegb lol. Though these roos do not stop crowing 😅 I never had oegb roos before and they by FAR outcrow any rooster I have ever owned. Lol. I think they just like hearing themselves at this point 🤣
Sadly with most hatcheries. Close enough is good enough. I agree that these are Red Pyle OEGB. I see quite a few hatchery OEGB with white on their earlobes. I have seen some with the wrong colored legs also. OEGB are proud little birds and do like to announce their presence. I think they are more about showmanship. With jumping up on something and beating their wings before crowing than most other breeds also.

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