Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Dred glanced at his wings at the mention of flying, he absolutely sucked at flying. He decided not to mention it, if things came to the worst he’d make himself pull through. After a long while in the mostly quiet lot, a nightwing arrived and put mr. Tobias’s phone on speaker. He listened intently to the group on the other side.
"Should I grab anything?" Tam leaned his bare shoulder against the doorway. "We're two minutes late."
No no..well, yes grab that ID card please.” She said, in a hurry now.
She swept out of the door, locking it behind her and the two began their way towards the Maze. The streets were busy and crowded as always, the tall buildings casting shadows across the roads and darkening the alleyways so much it was like staring into the night sky in the desert. One alleyway however was lit up, a lamp hanging from the building directly over a group of kids. They were teenagers and most looked pretty rough. Several small dragonets were by their sides on short, tight chains. The Teens had formed a ring and had pit two dragonets against each other. Rose clenched her mouth shut and released a slow and quiet, but angry growl. This was why she was doing what she was doing. She swore to herself that one day, that wouldn’t happen any more.
(Is Tam a human?)
Name: Lynn Thoran
Gender: female
Age: 17
Physical Appearance: She is a fairly average height and weight with puffy dark brown hair that hangs just past her jawline. Her skin tone is fairly light but it tans significantly if she's out in the sun for very long. She tends to wear pretty casual clothing like t-shirts, but may start to dress for more practicality eventually. She tries to at least keep a knife with her at all times.
Personality: Very cold and seemingly lacking emotion in many situations. Lynn keeps her thoughts to herself unless she's around a person she really trusts, but that doesn't necessarily mean she's shy. Around her friends, she is quite outgoing and perhaps a bit reckless, almost the complete opposite of how she acts around strangers. She also can't resist a good debate if it's with somebody that she knows well. However, even around friends, she tries her very hardest not to show the "weak emotions" like extreme anger, sadness, or fear. She can be pretty clever and stealthy by accident but hasn't had much practice with using either of those skills, so she's probably still not the best at them.
Backstory: Lynn and her family live on the southern part of the former border between the Skywing and Mudwing kingdoms. For the majority of her life, it's been pretty normal farm stuff with some mischief with her friends, of course. Her family has a smallish farm where they raise pigs, but recently Lynn's parents have gotten more involved in the dragon trade. They've been selling their pigs to be fed to the dragons for a few years, but Lynn's mother finally bought a dragon. It was a small, young sandwing that didn't speak English, but Lynn's mother liked it a lot and decided that she wanted to buy more. Lynn herself wasn't really a fan of dragon keeping since the dragons didn't serve much of a purpose to her family and they seemed far too intelligent to be owned by humans. Nonetheless, when one of her mother's friends, Robert Stevens, said that he could take her to see the Scorpion Den and possibly bring home another dragon, she accepted the offer.

Here's my first character. I've also got a pretty good idea for a Cloudwing / Rainwing hybrid that resembles a bird of paradise, but I might not use that one just yet.
Name: Lynn Thoran
Gender: female
Age: 17
Physical Appearance: She is a fairly average height and weight with puffy dark brown hair that hangs just past her jawline. Her skin tone is fairly light but it tans significantly if she's out in the sun for very long. She tends to wear pretty casual clothing like t-shirts, but may start to dress for more practicality eventually. She tries to at least keep a knife with her at all times.
Personality: Very cold and seemingly lacking emotion in many situations. Lynn keeps her thoughts to herself unless she's around a person she really trusts, but that doesn't necessarily mean she's shy. Around her friends, she is quite outgoing and perhaps a bit reckless, almost the complete opposite of how she acts around strangers. She also can't resist a good debate if it's with somebody that she knows well. However, even around friends, she tries her very hardest not to show the "weak emotions" like extreme anger, sadness, or fear. She can be pretty clever and stealthy by accident but hasn't had much practice with using either of those skills, so she's probably still not the best at them.
Backstory: Lynn and her family live on the southern part of the former border between the Skywing and Mudwing kingdoms. For the majority of her life, it's been pretty normal farm stuff with some mischief with her friends, of course. Her family has a smallish farm where they raise pigs, but recently Lynn's parents have gotten more involved in the dragon trade. They've been selling their pigs to be fed to the dragons for a few years, but Lynn's mother finally bought a dragon. It was a small, young sandwing that didn't speak English, but Lynn's mother liked it a lot and decided that she wanted to buy more. Lynn herself wasn't really a fan of dragon keeping since the dragons didn't serve much of a purpose to her family and they seemed far too intelligent to be owned by humans. Nonetheless, when one of her mother's friends, Robert Stevens, said that he could take her to see the Scorpion Den and possibly bring home another dragon, she accepted the offer.

Here's my first character. I've also got a pretty good idea for a Cloudwing / Rainwing hybrid that resembles a bird of paradise, but I might not use that one just yet.
A Rain/Cloudwing... I think that is an awesome idea.
Dred glanced at his wings at the mention of flying, he absolutely sucked at flying. He decided not to mention it, if things came to the worst he’d make himself pull through. After a long while in the mostly quiet lot, a nightwing arrived and put mr. Tobias’s phone on speaker. He listened intently to the group on the other side.

No no..well, yes grab that ID card please.” She said, in a hurry now.
She swept out of the door, locking it behind her and the two began their way towards the Maze. The streets were busy and crowded as always, the tall buildings casting shadows across the roads and darkening the alleyways so much it was like staring into the night sky in the desert. One alleyway however was lit up, a lamp hanging from the building directly over a group of kids. They were teenagers and most looked pretty rough. Several small dragonets were by their sides on short, tight chains. The Teens had formed a ring and had pit two dragonets against each other. Rose clenched her mouth shut and released a slow and quiet, but angry growl. This was why she was doing what she was doing. She swore to herself that one day, that wouldn’t happen any more.
(Is Tam a human?)
Tam glanced down the alleyway, following Rose's gaze. "Hurry." He urged, walking quickly across the sand ridden black top, and charging towards the stairway ahead, leading down into The Maze.
Once they had cleared the stairs, Tam shoved both ID cards at the six security guards standing by. One of them paused for a moment, looking from the card to Tam, narrowing his eyes. Tam smiled nervously, motioning to his face, "It's the beard." He didn't usually come down this way- no guards would recognize him.
Suddenly the officer snatched Tam's wrist, a few other guards positioning himself at Tam's side, guns in hand. Tam let the man jerk his sleeve back, carefully examining the wrist tattoo.
Truth be told, he had stolen an identity. But the identification mark on his wrist had been faded and copied over- a painful, but necessary process. Now he hid behind a beard, old scars would quickly blow his cover without the jet black hair.
The guard sighed, then offered him the card, opening the gates and clearing both him and Rose with an annoyed wave.
"That's what I thought." Tam breathed, walking quickly through the doorway.
He continued down the hall at a brisk pace, tempted to slide his jacket off as a thin layer of sweat began to coat his forehead and shoulders.
Tam glanced down the alleyway, following Rose's gaze. "Hurry." He urged, walking quickly across the sand ridden black top, and charging towards the stairway ahead, leading down into The Maze.
Once they had cleared the stairs, Tam shoved both ID cards at the six security guards standing by. One of them paused for a moment, looking from the card to Tam, narrowing his eyes. Tam smiled nervously, motioning to his face, "It's the beard." He didn't usually come down this way- no guards would recognize him.
Suddenly the officer snatched Tam's wrist, a few other guards positioning himself at Tam's side, guns in hand. Tam let the man jerk his sleeve back, carefully examining the wrist tattoo.
Truth be told, he had stolen an identity. But the identification mark on his wrist had been faded and copied over- a painful, but necessary process. Now he hid behind a beard, old scars would quickly blow his cover without the jet black hair.
The guard sighed, then offered him the card, opening the gates and clearing both him and Rose with an annoyed wave.
"That's what I thought." Tam breathed, walking quickly through the doorway.
He continued down the hall at a brisk pace, tempted to slide his jacket off as a thin layer of sweat began to coat his forehead and shoulders.
Tam took a heavy breath, knocking twice on the lot door. It swung open immediately, and Tam walked quickly through the doorway, giving Vel and Monzy apologetic looks.

Tobias watched the ripped dude storm into the lot absentmindedly. The man glanced at Vel, then Monzy, "Apologies." His voice wasn't deep enough to match his incredible build, but the Spanish accent did make him sound more threatening- in Tobias' opinion.
"Oh, kep, okay, we can start now." Monzy smiled, clapping his hands once again. "First, we go over teams-" he pointed at Roe, who quickly joined him in the center of the circle.
Tobias listened as Roe and Monzy listed a ton of random names, and people and dragons moved, shifting into their own groups. Obviously everyone knew each other, save Tobias and Eclipse, the teams seemed to have been planned out for a while.
"Tobias, Eclipse, you are in Ferrin's group." Roe announced, making eye contact.
Tobias glanced at the tall, curly, black haired figure across the lot, and quickly motioned for Eclipse to follow. Ferrin seemed to be watching Eclipse's every move as the approached, and Tobias knew Eclipse would notice the man's dark eyes seemingly staring into her soul.
"Tobias," he started, his earrings reflecting the industrial lights above, "Eclipse, Gables," Ferrin pointed to the jacked man beside him, "Haven, Solo," he nodded at the two RainWings across from him, "Ellis, Fracture, Autu, and Saugrare." The six humans stared seriously back at Tobias, a few giving him short nods. Ferrin cleared his throat, "We are also accompanied by Gongll, and Wither Rose." He pointed to Roe and the dragon that had just recently arrived. "We are a large team, but one easily moved. We do not have many critical jobs, but we are here as backup for whomever requires assistance."
Tobias nodded, giving Eclipse a reassuring glance. There were a lot of humans in the room. He hoped she wasn't getting too stressed out.
"Rose!" Monzy pointed to where he was standing, and all eyes turned back to the center of the square. "Update."

@Nicole Taber, @Crestcrazy2.
Austin heard the dragons pounce on the men around him. Their shrieks filled the air. He ran towards his dragon who was sitting, now attentive, to the chaos erupting around him. Austin sprinted towards the dragon as it lowered slightly, allowing the reins to hang loosely. He reached out and gripped the leather reins hard. Using his momentum, he swung gracefully onto the back of his nightwing and pulled out his gun ready to go. He saw the shadow all too late and the large black dragon was on his. The dangerously sharp teeth tearing his nightwing apart. He saw the sky and then the ground as he was thrown off of his dragon and into the grainy sand. Instinctively, he reached for his swords, but looked up to see the face of the dragon who had just obliterated his own.
He gasped.
The same eyes, the same shade of color, the same ability to fight. Only one dragon could be this good and look like that. "Blackout?" he said before something slammed the back of his head and he was out like a light.

A short time later....

Austin felt wind on his face and something around his waist. It was cold and scaly and didn't seem to let go of him. He could hear wingbeats and the events that seemed like they had just happened a little bit ago flashed back through his mind. The attack and the dragons. He looked up, bright light making its way into his eyes. He saw a giant black silhouette above him and his heart sank. I literally just lost in two seconds to a dragon. C'mon, Austin, get it together. He made sure not to move. If he moved they would know that he was awake and would start questioning him. If they wanted to eat me they would've done so by now, so this obviously something about money or information. The headache was still beating its way into his brain and he shut his eyes tight. He felt the injuries from the attack and groaned slightly to himself. The headache worsened and he couldn't keep his eyes focused. Slowly, his consciousness began leaving again. No, I can't go yet! Not when I have another dragon to get revenge on. He felt his consciousness begin slipping and he closed his eyes to accept it. I'll get them....they'll be sorry,
Heavy breathing filled his ears as he ran...no bicycled...down the road. I'm back in my hometown? Screams filled his ears as he rode down the road. He felt himself leave his bike and dive for a bush, but he wasn't in control. He felt scared and helpless. He shut his eyes tight and hoped to wake up back home. What home? This is supposed to be home right? He opened his eyes and found himself in the Scorpion Den. He was in front of a dragon, the pleading in its eyes evident as he pulled out his electric swords and drove it into the side of the cloudwing. The dragon convulsed several times and then Austin put the sword at highest voltage and the dragon went still after a shrill scream from it. He walked away, and Austin felt the smile on his face grow wider. The pleasure evident.
A blue dragon swooped in front of him and stood there facing him. The blue/green eyes angered and ready to attack. Austin went to pull out his swords, but felt nothing. They were gone. What! His heart began racing and looked back at the dragon. He was charging Austin with fangs bared and he leapt towards him. Austin couldn't move. He was glued to the spot and he watched in fear as the dragon wrapped its claws around Austin's throat and pinned him to the ground. The crazy look in the seawing's was unmistakable. I should've given him more water... He shook his head and looked into the eyes of the crazed dragon. No! Austin, this is a dragon. It deserved everything you did to it. He glared into the dragon's eyes. "Go ahead, you freakish lizard. Finish it," he spat. The dragons jaws opened and struck in a blink of an eye.
Austin sat up with a start. Sunlight shone through palm trees all around him and he was lying on the cold, wet ground. Wait, wet? The events that had just taken place came back to him. His head pounded and the light started to hurt his eyes. He tried to get up, but his aching body told him to stay for a few more minutes. I may not have a few more minutes. Though, they haven't killed me yet, so I'm assuming they need me. He reasoned. I stood there in a seated position and looked around. He saw a green dragon running around frantically and a red one stood looking worried over...something. He wasn't close enough to make out what it was. A majestic white dragon stood over something and looked panicked. They were all stressed about something but Austin couldn't make out what it was. Then, the green dragon moved and Austin took a sharp breath. A girl? A human girl? Is it the one named Jasmine? He tried to get up. They're gonna kill her. These dragons took out the whole caravan. And me for crying out loud! Who knows what they'll do to her. He struggled to get up but eventually got to his feet and tried to make his way over to the tree line to create a plan. He reached for his weapons, but didn't feel anything.
"What?" he mumbled. "Where on earth?" He looked around and couldn't find anything even remotely resembling his weapons. They must've taken them. He looked up in fear, realizing that the dragons would've noticed by now that he was awake. Taking a defensive position, he waited for them, slowly backing towards the trees.

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