Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Lynn speed walked behind Mr. Stevens as she tried to keep up with him. They had arrived at the Scorpion Den slightly late, and they were about to miss the big dragon fight that he wanted to see. Lynn was more focused on taking in all the new sights and sounds though. The people in the Scorpion Den all looked a lot rougher than the farmers she was used to seeing. Soon enough, they entered the arena stands and found some seats. They seemed to have gotten there just in time to watch the fight begin.
Name: Cochineal
Gender: Male
Species: Hive/Sand
Description: Goldenrod yellow scales with cloudy black markings along his spine. His sail/crest is very tall and flips over his eyes sometimes. He has a tattoo saying 148OHS on his left wing. His semi-translucent wings have black stripes on them. Cochineal has an elongated, skinny tail barb, with working venom, as well as venomous teeth. He wears round glasses with gold rims, as well as many rings and sometimes earrings. He has scars looping around his snout, wrists, neck and ankles from old chains.
Personality: Studious and serious, Cochineal is a very sensible dragon. He works with, not for, one of the upper SD leaders, Arya. He is secretly a member of the underground rebellion seeking to overthrow the dragon trade. Cochineal doesn't spend a lot of time speaking with other dragons, preferring to talk to Arya mostly. He's a very private dragon.
Backstory: Cochineal hatched in a nomadic SandWing renagade group and was captured by hunters. He was purchased and rescued by Arya when he was eight and she was 18.
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Name: Cochineal
Gender: Male
Species: Hive/Sand
Description: Goldenrod yellow scales with cloudy black markings along his spine. His sail/crest is very tall and flips over his eyes sometimes. He has a tattoo saying 148OHS on his left wing. His semi-translucent wings have black stripes on them. Cochineal has an elongated, skinny tail barb, with working venom, as well as venomous teeth. He wears round glasses with gold rims, as well as many rings and sometimes earrings. He has scars looping around his snout, wrists, neck and ankles from old chains.
Personality: Studious and serious, Cochineal is a very sensible dragon. He works with, not for, one of the upper SD leaders, Arya. He is secretly a member of the underground rebellion seeking to overthrow the dragon trade. Cochineal doesn't spend a lot of time speaking with other dragons, preferring to talk to Arya mostly. He's a very private dragon.
I love how colorful your dragons personalities are
As he was backing towards the trees, he heard a growl from behind him. He looked up to see the nightwing standing menacingly, keeping watch...of him. His feet stopped moving and Austin backed up the other way away from the dragon. The sounds of the frantic dragons behind him told him that they hadn't noticed him yet, but this dragon certainly had. He stared down the nightwing as he listened to what the other dragons were saying. Are they trying to help the human? The chatter about supplies rang in Austin's ears and didn't feel right to him. Dragons are heartless and terrible. Why would they be trying to help someone from the caravan they attacked.
Taking his eyes off of the black dragon for a moment, he looked back towards the human girl and realization dawned on him. That's not Miss Jasmine....that's that other girl! The one that was panicking when, he stopped, almost slapping a palm on his face from his stupidity, she came right before the attack. Very clever. She must be with them. That's why they're trying to save her. But, still....why would her dragons try to save her. If she dies, then they're free.
His questions swirled in his head and he took a step closer to the girl. I wonder if she's ok. Maybe they are actually trying to kill her. He heard another growl behind him and spun around to face the nightwing. "I'm just trying to see if I can help her ok." He looked the dragon up and down and confirmed what he thought before to be true. "And, why do you care so much about helping her anyway, Blackout!?" He snapped again, "Also, by the way, why didn't you come back to the Scorpion Den after the attack huh?!"
Blackout stood nearby, watching the group bustle around the hurt little human. He tapped his talons nervously on the soil, and sighed anxiously. He wasn't the biggest fan of humans overall, but he knew that was just because of how he had been raised; being whipped and abused by them wasn't going to make him love them. But there had been a rare few that seemed to care about their dragons.
Sometimes, a young girl would pass the places where he and others were kept, and sneak up to them and rub their noses. She would whisper things that sounded soothing, even if Blackout couldn't understand them. She always gave them an extra small piece of meat if her superiors weren't watching, and would make an upset face when she saw their scars.
Blackout didn't know where this girl had gone. One day, like so many other young workers, she got old enough to move on to another section that would give her more training with dragons; someday, she'd have her own.
Blackout hoped she'd not lose her tender heart. She was one of the first humans that made him feel like maybe not all of them were terrible.
As he was remembering these things, he registered the other human standing there, looking towards Alyssia. He didn't like it.
He growled. The human whipped around and snapped something at him.
The stupid little thing was all too familiar. This specific human had been his rider for all his life. Blackout caught some words from what this human- Austin, he quite unfortunately knew- and realized he was mad at him for leaving the den.
Not deigning to answer, Blackout smirked slightly, and whacked Austin gently with a talon, sending him sprawling.
"Heh." He chuckled dryly. "That felt great."
Whitestar jolted at Bamboo's sharp words, yanking himself back to the present. Ice... his mind took a moment to come around. Shoot--ice. Right. He turned back toward the pool and limped quickly down the sandy bank. He bent his head down to the water, blasting ice over the top of the pool and freezing the surface. He slammed a talon down on the ice, shattering the crystalline surface with a large splash. Whitestar scooped a talon full of the thick glassy crystals and carried them awkwardly back to where Apple and Bamboo were. He carefully set them down on the grass, looking down at Alyssia with a pang of worry. He glanced at Apple and then over his shoulder at Bamboo.
I can't tell them. But there has to be a way to help Alyssia. I have to do something...
He carefully shifted closer to Apple, his heart pounding as he ducked his head to whisper to her so no one else could hear.
"I think there is something I could do to help... if you think you've got this though, I don't need to..." he trailed off, taking a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart.
What am I doing? No one can know, no matter how innocent this Rainwing is. There is always some risk.
Whitestar stared at Alyssia. But this is an emergency. He pressed a cold talon against his head. Eclipse, I wish you were here now.
Lol I guess im doing the human thing because I'm bored today

Name: Arya
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Description: tall, with dark, thick, almost black hair with subtle waves in it that goes down past her shoulders, but not quite mid-back. She has dark brown eyes and some freckles. She dresses in dark colors typically. She wears lots of silver rings and earrings that tend to match her dragon, Cochineal.
Personality: Calm and collected, like her dragon. A cool kind of anger. She's very intelligent and can usually figure out a clever, efficient way out of a fix.
Backstory: Arya grew up in the Scorpion Den, raised around dragons her whole life. When she turned 16 she applied to be a dragon hunter, rising quickly in the ranks. She now controls the dragon hunts and where newly captured dragons go. Secretly, she also leads a rebellion against the dragon trade, ever since she rescued a young hybrid dragonet from cruelety.
Lol I guess im doing the human thing because I'm bored today

Name: Arya
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Description: tall, with dark, thick, almost black hair with subtle waves in it that goes down past her shoulders, but not quite mid-back. She has dark brown eyes and some freckles. She dresses in dark colors typically. She wears lots of silver rings and earrings that tend to match her dragon, Cochineal.
Personality: Calm and collected, like her dragon. A cool kind of anger. She's very intelligent and can usually figure out a clever, efficient way out of a fix.
Backstory: Arya grew up in the Scorpion Den, raised around dragons her whole life. When she turned 16 she applied to be a dragon hunter, rising quickly in the ranks. She now controls the dragon hunts and where newly captured dragons go. Secretly, she also leads a rebellion against the dragon trade, ever since she rescued a young hybrid dragonet from cruelety.

Chris Hemsworth GIF by mtv
Whitestar jolted at Bamboo's sharp words, yanking himself back to the present. Ice... his mind took a moment to come around. Shoot--ice. Right. He turned back toward the pool and limped quickly down the sandy bank. He bent his head down to the water, blasting ice over the top of the pool and freezing the surface. He slammed a talon down on the ice, shattering the crystalline surface with a large splash. Whitestar scooped a talon full of the thick glassy crystals and carried them awkwardly back to where Apple and Bamboo were. He carefully set them down on the grass, looking down at Alyssia with a pang of worry. He glanced at Apple and then over his shoulder at Bamboo.
I can't tell them. But there has to be a way to help Alyssia. I have to do something...
He carefully shifted closer to Apple, his heart pounding as he ducked his head to whisper to her so no one else could hear.
"I think there is something I could do to help... if you think you've got this though, I don't need to..." he trailed off, taking a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart.
What am I doing? No one can know, no matter how innocent this Rainwing is. There is always some risk.
Whitestar stared at Alyssia. But this is an emergency. He pressed a cold talon against his head. Eclipse, I wish you were here now.
Apple crouched over the human soaking in the leaf of water.
Ugh. Not even a full 24 hours ago, she was walking around the village without a care in the world other than which fruit she wanted to eat.
Now, she was trying to save a human that she felt like she would snap in half if she handled wrong.... and speaking of, she couldn't see everything she needed.
"Eyes!" She said quickly, and Bamboo nodded. "Yep, on it." He said focusedly.
Before committing to it completely, he glanced at Whitestar. The Icewing was still looking unsure about something.
Apple knew she could take care of another dragon within minutes. If this was a dragon, she'd be able to patch them up simply and easily- but a small creature she had never fully studied and couldn't even see?
This was going to be-
And two things happened at once that grabbed her attention.
Alyssia opened her eyes and croaked out Apple's name. Apple dropped her head down, placing it next to the human so she could offer some sort of touch. She wished she could comfort her, but being so huge next to the little human was not helping.
And the other thing-
Whitestar said something to her.
He could help?!
Apple whipped her head towards him, fixing him with a sightless stare. Her scales created a beautiful canvas of teal and sunset orange- but they weren't beautiful feelings.
Indecisiveness and frustration.
She didn't know what to do. She could trust the Icewing who clearly wanted to help; and she really wanted to. But he seemed hesitant. She knew he'd need some encouragement... and the frustration was at herself.
She wasn't prepared. She prided herself on being prepared and ready for situations of all sorts. She couldn't do this.... She could if the human wasn't... well... a human. But it was.
She leaned towards Whitestar, placing a talon on his shoulder. She couldn't see his expression, but hoped he was listening intently.
"I can tell you feel uncertain." She began tentatively.
"I am too. But wouldn't you rather feel afraid and do the right thing anyways? In the end, it would be better than bravely taking the safest and easiest option."
She took a deep breath and stepped away from the human, opening a wing to gesture towards her.
"Please." She whispered urgently. "If you can do- really anything, no matter what it is- do it. Don't let someone die if you can help it. No matter your fear, we save someone's life. I'm terrified." Lime green scales backed up her statement.
"But it won't stop me from doing whatever it takes to save someone's life."
She removed her talon from Whitesar's shoulder and gave a nervous grin, one that didn't quite reach her unseeing eyes. "....Even if that means trusting an anxious Icewing that I met a few hours ago."
She prayed it was enough to convince him to do what it took.
Bamboo watched from about a foot away, pride and fear clashing in his mind. He controlled his scales, not showing how he was feeling, but he was so proud of his sister for saying such beautifully wise words. They really were beyond her age.
But he was afraid they could lose the selfless, kind human who was laying on the ground in water.
As he watched his sister step away from the human, he nudged her slightly. He wasn't going to ask if she was sure, because he knew she had thought about whatever she was doing. And if she had thought about it, he was going to trust her.
Instead, he softly murmured, "For someone who can't see the world around her, you have better sight into dragon's souls then anyone else I know."

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