Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP


Chris Hemsworth GIF by mtv
I take back all favors I've ever done for you : )
Neoma listened in slight shock. Yes, she had said she would join any rebellion there was, but she wasn't actually sure there would be one.
As the other dragons moved away from her, she stared at them.
Briefly and subtly, she nodded. "I'm in." She muttered, then jumped as a door burst open and humans poured in.
What?! Ohhh.... the needles.... yep figured they wouldn't enjoy that, she thought.
She watched as in the background, the others rushed to a human beckoning them.
If they're with the humans, how can I trust them?
Her mind reeled at the fact that there was a human being kind to the dragons. It was clear that the human they had run to was not there to hurt them.... but really all Neoma knew from humans was cruelty. In the past days, she had encountered them for the first time and realized how terrible they were to dragons.
But maybe not all of them were so bad-
And then she was distracted, due to a needle in her side. In her thoughts, she hadn't quite registered that she was fully surrounded.
"Ow." She mumbled distractedly, and her Warping formed a little lever that she lazily placed against her side and popped it out before the serum could sink into her flesh.
"Anyways..." She continued with a shrug. "Now that I know there's no one here I should avoid hurting; well, let's just say if one of you folks know dragonese- you're about to go home sore."
She opened her wings and spun fast, knocking over many of the closer humans. Her tail swung out, taking care of more bystanders.
A human took out a metal spear and stabbed at her wing as it passed her, and Neoma yanked her wing out of the way. Her teeth closed over the metal spear, yanking it out of the humans hands and tossing it to the side. She heard a yell and knew it must've hit someone. Suddenly, a sharp pain stung in her talon. She looked down and saw red streaming from a very small gash in her foot.
Her head raised slowly to stare at the human now trying to hit her again.
"Bad idea." She laughed humorlessly.
She loosened her shoulders, crouched slightly, took a deep breath, and let out the loudest roar she probably had ever heard from herself.
Time to really see red... blood red to be specific.
Neoma rose to her full height and opened her wings to full span, and began biting and clawing at everything and anything close to her. Any human within her reach didn't want to be.
She reached for a nearby one that was scrambling to reach onto her back, where he could stab her neck with a needle. She picked him up by the arm with her teeth and threw him into a group nearby, smirking in satisfaction as they all tumbled to the ground. Another rose from a fallen position, rushing at her and attempting to drive a stake into her talons. She jumped backwards, and formed her warping into a shield that caught the spear and caused it to bounce backward.
Her shield had sharp edges, and she commanded it to fly around her closely like a disc, slamming into the edges of people's arms and causing damages too severe to be called a 'scratch'.
Neoma turned as one tried to hit her tail. The shield came out of nowhere and hit the human's head bluntly, causing the person to crumple to the ground.
She panted, standing over a fallen group of humans that were not keen on moving anytime soon. Her heart raced with adrenaline.
Everything began falling back into place. She was still in an arena, and spectators had just watched her possibly kill a few humans.
But this time, she wasn't ashamed.
She stared around at them all, daring them to do something.
A stray human stood, and she automatically growled.
He held up his hands. In broken Dragonese, he said, "Stop. Peace."
Neoma chuckled without a real smile. A glint in her eye, she stalked closer. She lowered her face to his, and slowly and clearly said, "No."
Unexpectedly though, a sharp feeling hit her tail. She looked back to see a spear with clear poison on the tip stuck in it.
"....Crap.... that's really bad." She muttered, before it hit her and she crumpled.

(And no y'all, this isn't just sleeping poison. You'll see.)
The Lunarwing blinked slowly.
The world around her was a blur. Her eyes were bleary from the forced sleep she had been in for so long.
Nothing made sense. Her memory was black. As in, there was nothingness.
How had she gotten here?
And where was "here"?
She was stretched out stomach-down on a large metal table. Her wings were spread open and strapped down, and her legs were tied together beneath her.
There was a bright light above her, and it blinked slightly, as though it was old and hadn't been properly taken care of. There was a sweltering heat in the strange room, and the metal table beneath her was almost slippery with her own sweat.
An odd muzzle sat on her face, but it was loose.
As though it hadn't been fully snapped closed.
A door opened behind her, and she heard steps. Human ones.
The human in question finally appeared at the edge of her sight. She shifted her eyes to the side, barely able to see the human, but doing her best.
This was the first human she had ever seen....
Wait no it wasn't.
She had seen a human before!
This one stepped in front of her now, and placed a hand on her head. She growled.
"Easy now..." the man muttered in her tongue. There was a glint in his eyes she didn't like, and though his kind-seeming demeanor, there was some sort of air about him that she wanted to physically shy away from.
"Poor thing.... we found you out in the desert. You were almost dead. We rescued you," he said with a strange smile that didn't reach his dark eyes.
Neoma found that the muzzle was loose enough for her to talk, and she muttered one word.
The man chuckled. "Yes, I am lying. But I'd wager you can't remember what really happened, so you can't really prove otherwise, can you?"
He leaned closer, til his two small eyes were almost level with one of hers.
"In fact, you can't remember anything."
He patted her on the head, and the last one felt like a slap.
"Anything you can remember you'll be forgetting rather soon- including this interaction. Soon, you'll remember nothing except humans. You'll be incredible- the first Lunarwing a human has ever ridden! And who better to ride you than my daughter?" The odd scientist laughed. It was a sharp sound, and the silver dragon's ears wanted to bleed.
He stepped out of her vision, and the Lunarwing squinched her eyes shut to stem her rebellious tears.
"Now for the forgetting." She heard his voice murmur silkily, before the muzzle began buzzing violently.
She screamed. The buzzing seemed to dig into her head, it felt like knives digging into her skull. It felt like millions of needles puncturing her brain, and it took over everything until she couldn't think.
The last thought she had before she blacked out again was this.
The man was right.
She didn't remember anything.
And that included her own name.
btw i came up with a term for something; for characters no one is actively writing, as in a character like Osprey or the nightwings, basically someone that is being controlled by everyone when needed, what if we call them NCC? (Non Controlled Characters) They're characters that exist to further the plot, like the odd scientist I mentioned and stuff! If needed, they can obviously be added, but if we call them NCC and ACC (Actively Controlled Characters) it might make things a little clearer when talking about them in other conversations! so we can clarify who is and who is not a controlled character and who isn't yknow?
Apple crouched over the human soaking in the leaf of water.
Ugh. Not even a full 24 hours ago, she was walking around the village without a care in the world other than which fruit she wanted to eat.
Now, she was trying to save a human that she felt like she would snap in half if she handled wrong.... and speaking of, she couldn't see everything she needed.
"Eyes!" She said quickly, and Bamboo nodded. "Yep, on it." He said focusedly.
Before committing to it completely, he glanced at Whitestar. The Icewing was still looking unsure about something.
Apple knew she could take care of another dragon within minutes. If this was a dragon, she'd be able to patch them up simply and easily- but a small creature she had never fully studied and couldn't even see?
This was going to be-
And two things happened at once that grabbed her attention.
Alyssia opened her eyes and croaked out Apple's name. Apple dropped her head down, placing it next to the human so she could offer some sort of touch. She wished she could comfort her, but being so huge next to the little human was not helping.
And the other thing-
Whitestar said something to her.
He could help?!
Apple whipped her head towards him, fixing him with a sightless stare. Her scales created a beautiful canvas of teal and sunset orange- but they weren't beautiful feelings.
Indecisiveness and frustration.
She didn't know what to do. She could trust the Icewing who clearly wanted to help; and she really wanted to. But he seemed hesitant. She knew he'd need some encouragement... and the frustration was at herself.
She wasn't prepared. She prided herself on being prepared and ready for situations of all sorts. She couldn't do this.... She could if the human wasn't... well... a human. But it was.
She leaned towards Whitestar, placing a talon on his shoulder. She couldn't see his expression, but hoped he was listening intently.
"I can tell you feel uncertain." She began tentatively.
"I am too. But wouldn't you rather feel afraid and do the right thing anyways? In the end, it would be better than bravely taking the safest and easiest option."
She took a deep breath and stepped away from the human, opening a wing to gesture towards her.
"Please." She whispered urgently. "If you can do- really anything, no matter what it is- do it. Don't let someone die if you can help it. No matter your fear, we save someone's life. I'm terrified." Lime green scales backed up her statement.
"But it won't stop me from doing whatever it takes to save someone's life."
She removed her talon from Whitesar's shoulder and gave a nervous grin, one that didn't quite reach her unseeing eyes. "....Even if that means trusting an anxious Icewing that I met a few hours ago."
She prayed it was enough to convince him to do what it took.
Bamboo watched from about a foot away, pride and fear clashing in his mind. He controlled his scales, not showing how he was feeling, but he was so proud of his sister for saying such beautifully wise words. They really were beyond her age.
But he was afraid they could lose the selfless, kind human who was laying on the ground in water.
As he watched his sister step away from the human, he nudged her slightly. He wasn't going to ask if she was sure, because he knew she had thought about whatever she was doing. And if she had thought about it, he was going to trust her.
Instead, he softly murmured, "For someone who can't see the world around her, you have better sight into dragon's souls then anyone else I know."
Whitestar took a deep calming breath, trying not to let himself start to shake. Apple's words reassured him and finally began to pull together a resolve in his chaotic mind. But he was still terrified, even though he would never admit that to anyone. He paced slowly but resolutely toward Alyssia, gently reaching down to lift her out of the water and he rested his talon against the ground, still holding her.
There was a long pause and Whitestar took another deep breath before closing his eyes.
This is it. This is where they all find out...
Enchant this human to heal and recover fully from all wounds.

He felt the shiver run through his bones. He had rarely cast a spell that effective before, even though it could still be considered a minor one, it was more than he had done in a long time. He tensed his muscles to keep from shivering. Being cold was not an experience he had ever found unpleasant. But this was a different sort of cold. It cut through his scales and down to his bones, and he shuddered almost more from the thought of what it did to him than the actual chilling sensation.
He opened his eyes and watched the wound on Alyssia's arm close and seal, the blood disappearing. All of the scratches and burns on her body from her battle with the hunters smoothed over and vanished, none of the injuries even leaving a scar. Her breathing slowed and deepened, and she slowly relaxed in his talon.
The silence that settled over the clearing was so heavy, Whitestar could almost feel it weighing on his scales like a thick blanket of snow. After a few moments, Alyssia's eyes slowly fluttered open, and Whitestar let out the breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.
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What if Neoma doesn't get her memory back in the den, but Whitestar can give it back to her when they escape? it's gonna frustrate Eclipse mad to have to work with both Sunspot and a very confused Neoma, and I think it would be an interesting and funny experience up to that point. Also, @Harmonylight I was considering having Whitestar give Apple the ability to see, but I didn't know if you would rather have her stay the way she is, or wait till the end of the story for him to do that for her.
btw i came up with a term for something; for characters no one is actively writing, as in a character like Osprey or the nightwings, basically someone that is being controlled by everyone when needed, what if we call them NCC? (Non Controlled Characters) They're characters that exist to further the plot, like the odd scientist I mentioned and stuff! If needed, they can obviously be added, but if we call them NCC and ACC (Actively Controlled Characters) it might make things a little clearer when talking about them in other conversations! so we can clarify who is and who is not a controlled character and who isn't yknow?
That makes sense. So the character Robert Stevens (the one who brought my character to the Scorpion Den) can just be an NCC.
Apple crouched over the human soaking in the leaf of water.
Ugh. Not even a full 24 hours ago, she was walking around the village without a care in the world other than which fruit she wanted to eat.
Now, she was trying to save a human that she felt like she would snap in half if she handled wrong.... and speaking of, she couldn't see everything she needed.
"Eyes!" She said quickly, and Bamboo nodded. "Yep, on it." He said focusedly.
Before committing to it completely, he glanced at Whitestar. The Icewing was still looking unsure about something.
Apple knew she could take care of another dragon within minutes. If this was a dragon, she'd be able to patch them up simply and easily- but a small creature she had never fully studied and couldn't even see?
This was going to be-
And two things happened at once that grabbed her attention.
Alyssia opened her eyes and croaked out Apple's name. Apple dropped her head down, placing it next to the human so she could offer some sort of touch. She wished she could comfort her, but being so huge next to the little human was not helping.
And the other thing-
Whitestar said something to her.
He could help?!
Apple whipped her head towards him, fixing him with a sightless stare. Her scales created a beautiful canvas of teal and sunset orange- but they weren't beautiful feelings.
Indecisiveness and frustration.
She didn't know what to do. She could trust the Icewing who clearly wanted to help; and she really wanted to. But he seemed hesitant. She knew he'd need some encouragement... and the frustration was at herself.
She wasn't prepared. She prided herself on being prepared and ready for situations of all sorts. She couldn't do this.... She could if the human wasn't... well... a human. But it was.
She leaned towards Whitestar, placing a talon on his shoulder. She couldn't see his expression, but hoped he was listening intently.
"I can tell you feel uncertain." She began tentatively.
"I am too. But wouldn't you rather feel afraid and do the right thing anyways? In the end, it would be better than bravely taking the safest and easiest option."
She took a deep breath and stepped away from the human, opening a wing to gesture towards her.
"Please." She whispered urgently. "If you can do- really anything, no matter what it is- do it. Don't let someone die if you can help it. No matter your fear, we save someone's life. I'm terrified." Lime green scales backed up her statement.
"But it won't stop me from doing whatever it takes to save someone's life."
She removed her talon from Whitesar's shoulder and gave a nervous grin, one that didn't quite reach her unseeing eyes. "....Even if that means trusting an anxious Icewing that I met a few hours ago."
She prayed it was enough to convince him to do what it took.
Bamboo watched from about a foot away, pride and fear clashing in his mind. He controlled his scales, not showing how he was feeling, but he was so proud of his sister for saying such beautifully wise words. They really were beyond her age.
But he was afraid they could lose the selfless, kind human who was laying on the ground in water.
As he watched his sister step away from the human, he nudged her slightly. He wasn't going to ask if she was sure, because he knew she had thought about whatever she was doing. And if she had thought about it, he was going to trust her.
Instead, he softly murmured, "For someone who can't see the world around her, you have better sight into dragon's souls then anyone else I know."

Whitestar took a deep calming breath, trying not to let himself start to shake. Apple's words reassured him and finally began to pull together a resolve in his chaotic mind. But he was still terrified, even though he would never admit that to anyone. He paced slowly but resolutely toward Alyssia, gently reaching down to lift her out of the water and he rested his talon against the ground, still holding her.
There was a long pause and Whitestar took another deep breath before closing his eyes.
This is it. This is where they all find out...
Enchant this human to heal and recover fully from all wounds.

He felt the shiver run through his bones. He had rarely cast a spell that effective before, even though it could still be considered a minor one, it was more than he had done in a long time. He tensed his muscles to keep from shivering. Being cold was not an experience he had ever found unpleasant. But this was a different sort of cold. It cut through his scales and down to his bones, and he shuddered almost more from the thought of what it did to him than the actual chilling sensation.
He opened his eyes and watched the wound on Alyssia's arm close and seal, the blood disappearing. All of the scratches and burns on her body from her battle with the hunters smoothed over and vanished, none of the injuries even leaving a scar. Her breathing slowed and deepened, and she slowly relaxed in his talon.
The silence that settled over the clearing was so heavy, Whitestar could almost feel it weighing on his scales like a thick blanket of snow. After a few moments, Alyssia's eyes slowly fluttered open, and Whitestar let out the breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.
Alyssia still sat in the water. Dragons around her seemed to be frantic and worried. She groaned and decided to try and move. Pain shot through her arm and she scrapped that idea. Ugh! I can't take this anymore! They're must be something I can do, cause I'm far to small for them to do anything. She tried thinking of solutions, but nothing was coming. She was exhausted. The events of the last few days replayed in her mind. She'd been captured, beaten, burned, and now shot. SHOT! Never in her life would she have thought that she would have gotten shot with a bullet. Closing her eyes and letting her thoughts swirl, she recalled the seawing that she had been captured with and wondered if he was ok. This is my fault that he would still be in that retched place. She thought, discouraged. If I hadn't gone out so far, he wouldn't have had to try and protect me. Then something occurred to her. Why did he protect me? We don't even know each other. Why would he protect me?
In all of her thoughts, a cold claw picked her up and out of the water. She felt the chill from his scales and without opening her eyes, knew it was Whitestar. She wanted to shiver, but her body didn't respond. The chill began to grow worse. The dragon's hands seemed to get colder, but Alyssia was getting...warmer? She felt warmth climb through her body and strength getting pumped back to her muscles. The pain in her arm slowly subsided and she felt as strong as ever. It wasn't just that, but the pain from her burns and cuts that she'd just gotten used to was also dissipating and she smiled. The warmth and the lack of pain drove her hopelessness away. The warmth disappeared and she was left with the slight chill of Whitestar's claws. The headache went away and she opened her eyes. The light seemed welcoming and not sheer and painful like before. She looked up to see the icy eyes of Whitestar. She sat up and her eyes widened in surprise. There was no soreness, no pain, no aching. She felt better than she had in a while. A quick look at her arms told her that her bullet wound had sealed and looked like nothing had happened. She also noticed that the scratches and burns were all gone. Her skin was like it was before this crazy adventure had begun.
She looked up at Whitestar and smiled the biggest smile, the joy evident on her face. "I thankful, Whitestar," she spoke in dragon. She turned to look at the others, her blue eyes almost glowing with excitement. She slid around to the edge of his claws and dropped to the ground. Looking back over at the others, she yelled, "Look! See! I'm healed! Whitestar did it!" She hoped that Apple would translate for her. She did a little happy dance and then noticed Blackout and the hunter by the trees. All eyes were on Whitestar and she couldn't tell why. Wonder at what had happened started to creep into her mind and she looked back at Whitestar and cocked her head curiously. "How did you heal me?"

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