Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Bamboo stared at Whitestar. His mind was trying to convince him to say something to Whitestar, now that it was clear Whitestar could heal things.
Apple was now distracted, leaning over a very happy Alyssia and talking to her. Bamboo knew he could hold his tongue and not say anything, but at the same time....
He swallowed.
Don't say anything. You know she wouldn't want to burden anyone.
But this is important!
So important that you have to say what she won't? Leave it up to her.
She has the chance to have a whole different life... and she won't take it because she thinks she doesn't deserve it.
So? If she thinks something, you should let her do what she thinks!

Bamboo fixed a determined and hopeful expression on his face, and lifted his head with his shoulders back. He looked at Apple, and said, "Well, if you're not going to say it, I will!"
Apple's head shot up and she whipped it around to give him a sightless glare, part horror and part anger mixed.
"Don't. I'll be fine." She hissed, but she couldn't stop him as he looked at Whitestar and asked loudly-
"Can you make Apple see again?"
In the deafening silence that followed, both twins listened anxiously.
Whitestar stared at the Rainwing.
He wasn't sure what to make of the inquiry, and Apple seemed like she would rather not have asked at all. Whitestar could understand Bamboo's position though. He wanted to help his sister, and whether or not he was using Whitestar as a chance to fulfill a long-wanted desire or simply because he could, Whitestar couldn't really care. If Bamboo was asking him to do something good with it, it might be worth it, as long as he didn't let it go to his head. But just in case Apple refused...
"Y-yes. Of course--I just need..."
Whitestar looked around, searching the ground for something solid that he could use. A large fallen branch was lying half tucked beneath a fern not far from where Alyssia had been laying and Whitestar reached for it, dragging it out of the underbrush. He hated having to use his power more than once, especially for such life-altering effects. But Apple was right. If it was the right thing to do, it was worth it.
Enchant this branch to transform into a necklace.
Whitestar watched the frail wood bend and stretch, groaning as it rounded and smoothed, then thinned. Once the shape was finished, the dark, organic surface began to harden further and grow a sheen to it, until all the wood was gone. The metal loop pulled itself thinner and broke into smaller pieces, which hollowed and connected into a frail, silver chain with a small plate of solid metal in the center. Tiny, impossibly realistic tropical flowers grew from the metal, shifting color to match their real replicants, shimmering like gems. They continued to grow until they formed a hanging pendant on the front of the chain. It looked exactly as Whitestar had imagined it. Now for the actual important part.
Enchant this necklace so that when Apple wears it, she can see as well as any dragon.
Whitestar felt the shiver run through his bones, and he forced himself again not to shake as he carefully shifted the necklace into one talon and held it out to Bamboo. "If she changes her mind, just have her take it off, and the spell will stop affecting her." He glanced past Bamboo at the other Rainwing, hoping that she would accept the enchantment.
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Tobias laughed politely, "Yeah, yea, sorry.. Wull, most people already know me." He repositioned his hat. "Do we need to hurry? Also- how dangerous is this? Like, going to your lab- should I be, like, shooting people?" He gave her a stupid look, hoping his sarcasm wasn't accurate.
You most certainly will not be shooting anyone…unless they get in our way.” She said with a quiet laugh. They arrived at the doors leading out of the Maze and Rose paused, “don’t act like you’re free Eclipse. I-…I know it’s hard but that’s the way it is in the city, there aren’t many Freeborn dragons and there are certainly no lunarwings. Maybe try and seem…like you’ve submitted.”
She asked/ told the silver dragon.
You understand?” She asked kindly, wanting to make sure they were on the same page.
Crest watched the large solarwing enter the arena. He could almost feel the heat pulsing off of him as he came closer. Crest laughed slightly when Helios said they wanted him dead. Yeah, I figured that out when I got here. Crest's head tilted slightly at the king's plan to fake the fight. Hmmmm, maybe this could work. If we fake it, then we could both get out of here alive and maybe even find a way to escape after this.
Looking back at the crowd, he looked at the solarwing king and let a roar rip through the air. Some of the spectators hastily plugged their ears from the volume. After giving the king a slight nod, Crest entered into one of his fighting stances he was taught in his training class. He tensed his back legs, ready to pounce. His wings were opened slightly for any arial attacks he might make or use to avoid. The king came closer and Crest could feel the overpowering heat. The world twisted and turned, Crest blinked several times to clear his vision. Finally, he gave his head a good shake to try and clear the ongoing headache he'd been having. He focused his attention on the solarwing and gave another slight nod. I'm ready...show me what to do.
Can’t use inside fire, unless I wanna turn those keys into molten mouthwash. Helios lunged forward and slashed his wing tip thru the air, narrowly missing Crest. He watched as the crowd cheered, their bloodlust cries filling his ears. The sails on the old kings back glowed brightly, his whole body becoming engulfed in flames. He slowly advanced across the sand like a snake in the desert, leaving glassy footprints on the arena floor. Melted sand dripped from his talons, globules of liquid glass instantly hardening into tear shaped crystals and tinkling like a wind chime on the hard parts of the fighting rings floor. Helios flared his wings and stood up tall, bringing himself to his full height and roaring louder then his opponent before the two faced each other. He leaped toward Crest and made it look as if he’d rip him to shreds, but subtly opening his wings slightly more, acting as a parachute and slowing himself down enough for crest to maneuver out of the way.
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You most certainly will not be shooting anyone…unless they get in our way.” She said with a quiet laugh. They arrived at the doors leading out of the Maze and Rose paused, “don’t act like you’re free Eclipse. I-…I know it’s hard but that’s the way it is in the city, there aren’t many Freeborn dragons and there are certainly no lunarwings. Maybe try and seem…like you’ve submitted.”
She asked/ told the silver dragon.
You understand?” She asked kindly, wanting to make sure they were on the same page.
Eclipse released an exasperated sigh as they stepped out of the maze and onto the streets of the Scorpion Den. With a growl that was barely audible, she lowered her head so that it was barely above Tobias' level, letting her wings droop a little and her tail drag. "I need to talk to the others in the truck yard," she murmured to the human. "The ones I was brought in with. They need to know that there is help here, and I want them to be prepared for the plan." Eclipse paused for a moment. "Do you think they will still be there?"

@_-Captain BRM-_
Can’t use fire, unless I wanna turn those keys into molten mouthwash. Helios lunged forward and slashed his wing tip thru the air, narrowly missing Crest. He watched as the crowd cheered, their bloodlust cries filling his ears. The sails on the old kings back glowed brightly, his whole body becoming engulfed in flames. He slowly advanced across the sand like a snake in the desert, leaving glassy footprints on the arena floor. Melted sand dripped from his talons, globules of liquid glass instantly hardening into tear shaped crystals and tinkling like a wind chime on the hard parts of the fighting rings floor. Helios flared his wings and stood up tall, bringing himself to his full height and roaring louder then his opponent before the two faced each other. He leaped toward Crest and made it look as if he’d rip him to shreds, but subtly opening his wings slightly more, acting as a parachute and slowing himself down enough for crest to maneuver out of the way.
Lynn watched in amazement as the dragons battled. They were terrifying. They were the most powerful creatures she'd ever seen. Just watching them was exhilarating, and she pushed the faint feeling of this is wrong to the back of her mind. She watched as the solarwing burned brightly with fire yet still was unharmed? Lynn could barely comprehend that this creature was so powerful it could not only live through fire but summon it on command. The crowd around her cheered loudly, but yelling and screaming wasn't really her style so she stuck to watching the dragons with wide eyes.

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