Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Eclipse stared at Tobias for a long moment, shifting her gaze away only when Gables tossed them the odd steel cards. Something was very, very off about Tobias, and it was beginning to disturb her greatly. She was starting to suspect that it wasn't just the incident with her warping collar or the argument at the lot. Should I really be trusting him? What if he betrays me? Or all of us? Is he lying?
She tried to shove the thoughts away as Tobias opened the first door and hesitated for a moment.
Whatever is wrong with him, now's not the time to worry about it. We are in the middle of a mission. I just will have to be cautious of him.
So much for trust.

Eclipse quickly slid past Tobias, pacing confidently into the lot. There were no humans inside, only a pair of cages. One held a large, bright orange Skywing, the other, a dark blue Seawing with bright, almost glowing aqua highlights.
Eclipse bounded over to the cage with the Seawing, signaling for Tobias to head to the other one. The Seawing looked worse for wear and he didn't open his eyes as she approached. Eclipse focused her attention on the scales that lined beneath her eyes, warping quickly flowing down her face and straightening in front of her into a large blade. She cocked her head slightly in concentration as the weapon violently stabbed into the metal latch and gave a massive sideways jerk. A piece of metal clattered to the ground and the warping dissolved, leaving a very misshapen and loose latch on the cage door. Eclipse swung it open quickly and took a step inside, dipping her head slightly to the Seawing's level. He still hadn't opened his eyes.
He was covered in massive bruises, a particularly large one on the side of his head. His front talons were scorched almost black, and they had blistered and bled. His scales looked dry and crusted and he had dark rings around his eyes.
Eclipse rested a talon on his shoulder, gently shaking him a little in hopes of waking him up.
"Hey," she said gently but firmly, her head bent to his level. "C'mon, wake up. We're gonna get you out of here."
More warping slid from her scales, hardening into a small knife which she carefully slid into the latch on his muzzle. Twitching it and jerking it to try and break or pick the lock. She flashed the Seawing a small, sideways smile as his eyes slowly opened and she backed up a little, still working the warping blade into the iron latch.

@_-Captain BRM-_ @Yukiko (The Seawing is Crest)
The SkyWing seemed to freeze up when Tobias slid the key card across the sensor, wrenching the door open.
"We're breaking out." He spoked quietly in Dragon, his left hand holding the small gun behind his back.
He took a step into the cage..
And the SkyWing flailed back, jerking his head up as if his perception was off.
Tobias swallowed hard, sickened. "We're here to save you. Come with us. It's okay."
The SkyWing suddenly charged, his wing catching Tobias' shoulder as he freed himself of the cage.
Tobias gripped the side of the cage, his free hand instintivly moving to his shoulder, the gun still in his fist.
The SkyWing hissed, backing up slowly. "I know you." He whispered, his wild eyes fixed on Tobias.
Tobias stared him down with a warning look, slowly shuffling to Eclipse' side.
The SkyWing growled loudly. "I know your dragon." He spat.
"A lot of people know Sol." Tobias said in a low tone.
The SkyWing clenched his jaw, retreating a few steps, then whirling around and into the hallway.
Tobias kneeled down beside the cage. He glanced up at Eclipse, "Any luck?" His eyes wandered back to the broken dragon, each breath more weary than the last. "We might have to call it in. I think-"
"Tobe!" Gables shouted from the doorway. "Hurry it up, man, we don't have all day. You're in, you're out."
"But he-" Tobias leapt to his feet, "he's injured. I don't know if he can make it out."
Gables groaned as he jogged up to the cage, wincing when he saw the SeaWing. His tone was low and steady as he turned to Tobias and Eclipse. "You're in. You're out."
Tobias scoffed slightly, meeting Eclipse' gaze as Gables rushed back to the hallway.
Lori was inside her owner's lot in a cage next to a couple normal cloudwings. She paced around and twitched her tail. The tips of her talons were beginning to turn blue, so she quickly concentrated on looking like a normal cloudwing again. She didn't know what would happen if she let the humans know she was a rainwing / cloudwing hybrid but she didn't want to find out.
Lori was inside her owner's lot in a cage next to a couple normal cloudwings. She paced around and twitched her tail. The tips of her talons were beginning to turn blue, so she quickly concentrated on looking like a normal cloudwing again. She didn't know what would happen if she let the humans know she was a rainwing / cloudwing hybrid but she didn't want to find out.
The SeaWing's eyes slowly opened, and Tobias exhaled in relief. He brushed a gloved hand across the LunarWing's shoulder. "Help him out, Eclipse, I'll try make up for lost time."
Tobias jogged out of the lot, moving on to the next door.
The card didn't work at first, but after a few tries the door clicked open.
Tobias slipped into the dimly lit lot, wrinkling his nose at the smell. Cages lined the back wall, only three containing dragons, CloudWings by the look of it.
Tobias rushed to the cage doors, still clutching his hand gun, but keeping the weapon below his trench coat so not to startle the dragons.
"We're breaking you out of here." He mumbled in Dragon, quicky wrenching each rusted cage door open. "Hurry, now. Everyone good? Good." He started back to the door, motioning for the CloudWings to follow.
The SeaWing's eyes slowly opened, and Tobias exhaled in relief. He brushed a gloved hand across the LunarWing's shoulder. "Help him out, Eclipse, I'll try make up for lost time."
Tobias jogged out of the lot, moving on to the next door.
The card didn't work at first, but after a few tries the door clicked open.
Tobias slipped into the dimly lit lot, wrinkling his nose at the smell. Cages lined the back wall, only three containing dragons, CloudWings by the look of it.
Tobias rushed to the cage doors, still clutching his hand gun, but keeping the weapon below his trench coat so not to startle the dragons.
"We're breaking you out of here." He mumbled in Dragon, quicky wrenching each rusted cage door open. "Hurry, now. Everyone good? Good." He started back to the door, motioning for the CloudWings to follow.
Here, @Misfits Farm 92, we can finally really get you going in the story.
The SkyWing seemed to freeze up when Tobias slid the key card across the sensor, wrenching the door open.
"We're breaking out." He spoked quietly in Dragon, his left hand holding the small gun behind his back.
He took a step into the cage..
And the SkyWing flailed back, jerking his head up as if his perception was off.
Tobias swallowed hard, sickened. "We're here to save you. Come with us. It's okay."
The SkyWing suddenly charged, his wing catching Tobias' shoulder as he freed himself of the cage.
Tobias gripped the side of the cage, his free hand instintivly moving to his shoulder, the gun still in his fist.
The SkyWing hissed, backing up slowly. "I know you." He whispered, his wild eyes fixed on Tobias.
Tobias stared him down with a warning look, slowly shuffling to Eclipse' side.
The SkyWing growled loudly. "I know your dragon." He spat.
"A lot of people know Sol." Tobias said in a low tone.
The SkyWing clenched his jaw, retreating a few steps, then whirling around and into the hallway.
Tobias kneeled down beside the cage. He glanced up at Eclipse, "Any luck?" His eyes wandered back to the broken dragon, each breath more weary than the last. "We might have to call it in. I think-"
"Tobe!" Gables shouted from the doorway. "Hurry it up, man, we don't have all day. You're in, you're out."
"But he-" Tobias leapt to his feet, "he's injured. I don't know if he can make it out."
Gables groaned as he jogged up to the cage, wincing when he saw the SeaWing. His tone was low and steady as he turned to Tobias and Eclipse. "You're in. You're out."
Tobias scoffed slightly, meeting Eclipse' gaze as Gables rushed back to the hallway.
The SeaWing's eyes slowly opened, and Tobias exhaled in relief. He brushed a gloved hand across the LunarWing's shoulder. "Help him out, Eclipse, I'll try make up for lost time."
Tobias jogged out of the lot, moving on to the next door.
The card didn't work at first, but after a few tries the door clicked open.
Tobias slipped into the dimly lit lot, wrinkling his nose at the smell. Cages lined the back wall, only three containing dragons, CloudWings by the look of it.
Tobias rushed to the cage doors, still clutching his hand gun, but keeping the weapon below his trench coat so not to startle the dragons.
"We're breaking you out of here." He mumbled in Dragon, quicky wrenching each rusted cage door open. "Hurry, now. Everyone good? Good." He started back to the door, motioning for the CloudWings to follow.
Eclipse lashed her tail once as Gables and Tobias left the lot, rushing out to the hallways of the Maze. Eclipse grabbed the loose muzzle on the Seawing's snout with both talons and pried the pieces apart, tossing the clasp across the cage.
"We have to hurry," she murmured, sliding up beside the dragon and twisting awkwardly so she was facing the door, she lifted one of his wings over her back and looped a forearm beneath his. He was decently larger than her and Eclipse would have assumed she wouldn't have been able to help him up without the extra energy pounding through her blood.
I'll have to thank Rose later, she thought as she finally got the Seawing to his feet and let him lean heavily against her.
"What is your name?" she said quietly, as the two of them limped toward the open lot door.

Eclipse lashed her tail once as Gables and Tobias left the lot, rushing out to the hallways of the Maze. Eclipse grabbed the loose muzzle on the Seawing's snout with both talons and pried the pieces apart, tossing the clasp across the cage.
"We have to hurry," she murmured, sliding up beside the dragon and twisting awkwardly so she was facing the door, she lifted one of his wings over her back and looped a forearm beneath his. He was decently larger than her and Eclipse would have assumed she wouldn't have been able to help him up without the extra energy pounding through her blood.
I'll have to thank Rose later, she thought as she finally got the Seawing to his feet and let him lean heavily against her.
"What is your name?" she said quietly, as the two of them limped toward the open lot door.

Crest could hear dull sounds all around him. He tried to remember the events from before, but they seemed so blurry and fuzzy. Dim light flooded his vision as he blinked slowly. Human....wait.... The memories didn't take long to return to him but they didn't seem to make any sense. Minami....nightwings....death? The human and dragon in front of him seemed to be talking to him and he gave them his attention. He heard them say something about breaking out and then they opened the cage door. The silver dragon pulled off his muzzle and he opened his jaw, stretching it.
"We have to hurry," she said. She braced him with her wing and they started towards the door. Crest tried to put one foot out, but his knee buckled and he stumbled, the lunarwing's strong wing catching him. He looked up at her. His head pounded and his body screamed at him in pain.
"I can't do this," he managed to whisper out. "I'm too badly hurt...whatever you're doing...just leave me." His hope seemed to have faded and all he wanted to do was lie there on the stone cold floor. It was almost like he was watching in a dream. His lightheadedness getting worse.
"I'm not safe to be around," he muttered to her, fighting off the urge to vomit. "They gave me some water, but it still isn't enough to keep me lucid long enough. I thought they were going to come back tonight, but they haven't yet..."
Whitestar glanced around the sand, his heart pounding. He didn't see the transport that had been in the center of the caravan the day before, and he heard the hunter translate Alyssia's words. There were no tracks in the sand and he assumed a breeze during the night must have blown them away. He stood there for a moment staring at the destruction of the human machines, his tail lashing in the sand before he turned back to the others.
"Apple, Bamboo," he started, his voice firm and resolved. "Split up and scan the desert in the opposite direction of the Den. If you find the limo, stop them or come back and find us." He turned to Blackout, Alyssia, and the hunter. "Blackout, you come with me. Bring him." he pointed a claw at the hunter. "Alyssia, you can ride with me again. We should stick together if we are heading for the Den, just in case things get out of hand."
He paced back toward the human and crouched next to her, lifting his talon the same way he had in the oasis to help her up.
"We have to move quickly."
Alyssia looked at Austin for translation and then nodded towards Whitestar. Before she hopped onto his talon, she ran over to one of the wrecked jeeps and opened the trunk, fingers crossed that some of the luggage from the couple was in there. No dice. She thought annoyed. Running to another one of the jeeps she opened the trunk and she frowned again as the trunks were filled with military equipment but no luggage. Running back to Whitestar, she hopped onto his talon again and allowed him to help her onto his back.
She yelled over to Apple and Bamboo, "We need that limo! I'm gonna need to change my clothes to something a little more rich looking if I'm gonna sneak into the Scorpion Den. The suitcases must've been in the limo."
Debating the matter in her mind several times before coming to a conclusion, she turned back to Whitestar, Blackout, and Austin. "Ok, we should go ahead and start heading towards the Scorpion Den. I'm assuming that if they got the limo up and running, it didn't get very far, because you all trashed it pretty good yesterday. So, if we go ahead and start flying, the twins should find the limo and get back to us in time. We need to look as if we're flying in casually anyway. Any questions?"
Crest could hear dull sounds all around him. He tried to remember the events from before, but they seemed so blurry and fuzzy. Dim light flooded his vision as he blinked slowly. Human....wait.... The memories didn't take long to return to him but they didn't seem to make any sense. Minami....nightwings....death? The human and dragon in front of him seemed to be talking to him and he gave them his attention. He heard them say something about breaking out and then they opened the cage door. The silver dragon pulled off his muzzle and he opened his jaw, stretching it.
"We have to hurry," she said. She braced him with her wing and they started towards the door. Crest tried to put one foot out, but his knee buckled and he stumbled, the lunarwing's strong wing catching him. He looked up at her. His head pounded and his body screamed at him in pain.
"I can't do this," he managed to whisper out. "I'm too badly hurt...whatever you're doing...just leave me." His hope seemed to have faded and all he wanted to do was lie there on the stone cold floor. It was almost like he was watching in a dream. His lightheadedness getting worse.
"I'm not safe to be around," he muttered to her, fighting off the urge to vomit. "They gave me some water, but it still isn't enough to keep me lucid long enough. I thought they were going to come back tonight, but they haven't yet..."
"No one is getting left behind," Eclipse growled stubbornly. She let the Seawing slump to the ground and she began rummaging through the small pouch Rose had given her. She pulled out one of the extra syringes for the strength enhancement.
How many of these dragons are like this? Could we really get everyone out?
She didn't have a lot more of the drugs left, the rest of them were mostly ability restoration. She had no idea how many dragons were actually in the Den, but she was pretty sure there wasn't enough of the strength drug to go around.
"Hold still, this will only take a moment..."
She took a deep, steadying breath before sliding the needle between the scales on the Seawing's neck. She knew she probably wasn't as steady as Rose was, but right now, the most important thing was getting him out of there.
"What is your name?" She repeated calmly, dropping the needle back into the pouch and bracing his wing over her back again, helping him to his feet for a second time. The drug would be kicking in any moment and it would be easier to keep up with the rest of the group. She didn't exactly favor the idea of having to support the dragon for the rest of the breakout, but it didn't look like she had much choice.
They stumbled again toward the door and Eclipse glanced down the hall. She didn't see Tobias, but several of the lot doors were open and she assumed he was probably inside on of them. She could feel the Seawing starting to find his footing a little better and she carefully set him down near one of the unopened doors.
"Wait here, I'll be right back."
She slid the metal card across the door lock and pushed it open.


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