Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

The SeaWing's eyes slowly opened, and Tobias exhaled in relief. He brushed a gloved hand across the LunarWing's shoulder. "Help him out, Eclipse, I'll try make up for lost time."
Tobias jogged out of the lot, moving on to the next door.
The card didn't work at first, but after a few tries the door clicked open.
Tobias slipped into the dimly lit lot, wrinkling his nose at the smell. Cages lined the back wall, only three containing dragons, CloudWings by the look of it.
Tobias rushed to the cage doors, still clutching his hand gun, but keeping the weapon below his trench coat so not to startle the dragons.
"We're breaking you out of here." He mumbled in Dragon, quicky wrenching each rusted cage door open. "Hurry, now. Everyone good? Good." He started back to the door, motioning for the CloudWings to follow.
Tobias moved on, exiting just as Gables left the lot across from him.
"Pick it up," Gables said with an encouraging nod, sounding slightly out of breath as he jogged into the hallway. Tobias counted eight dragons exiting the lot behind Gables before he shook his head, shocked, rushing to the next lot door.
This lot contained quite a few young SkyWings, all trapped in two cages pushed up against each other. They appeared to be between the ages seven and younger, but with all the red, orange scales shifting to the back of the cage, it was quite hard to tell who was who.
And there were so many dragons.
So many dragons.
This space was completely unfit and inadequate for any dragon, especially such a number.
Tobias tried to calm the SkyWings, but as he approached the door, the dragons shied away from him, everyone fighting to be behind each other.
It was survival of the fittest.
They must have grown up here.
They must have been taught to literally fight. for. their. lives.
Tobias slid the key card over the receptor, flinging both cage doors open, backing away quickly. "We're getting you out of here. Join us. We're escaping The Scorpion Den."
Tobias took a few more fast, backwards steps to the door, then turned and rushed to the next lot door, feeling his neck and shoulders grow sticky with sweat.
The SeaWing's eyes slowly opened, and Tobias exhaled in relief. He brushed a gloved hand across the LunarWing's shoulder. "Help him out, Eclipse, I'll try make up for lost time."
Tobias jogged out of the lot, moving on to the next door.
The card didn't work at first, but after a few tries the door clicked open.
Tobias slipped into the dimly lit lot, wrinkling his nose at the smell. Cages lined the back wall, only three containing dragons, CloudWings by the look of it.
Tobias rushed to the cage doors, still clutching his hand gun, but keeping the weapon below his trench coat so not to startle the dragons.
"We're breaking you out of here." He mumbled in Dragon, quicky wrenching each rusted cage door open. "Hurry, now. Everyone good? Good." He started back to the door, motioning for the CloudWings to follow.
Lori watched the unfamiliar human with curiosity. When he said he was breaking her out though, she had to focus so much to stop her feathers from turning bright pink and yellow. She was going to be free again! She nodded that she was good as she stepped out of the cage. Her joints cracked satisfyingly as she stretched her wings, but she knew she wouldn't be able to fly because her feathers were clipped. She followed the human to the next lot because she didn't know how to get out of the Scorpion Den herself.
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"No one is getting left behind," Eclipse growled stubbornly. She let the Seawing slump to the ground and she began rummaging through the small pouch Rose had given her. She pulled out one of the extra syringes for the strength enhancement.
How many of these dragons are like this? Could we really get everyone out?
She didn't have a lot more of the drugs left, the rest of them were mostly ability restoration. She had no idea how many dragons were actually in the Den, but she was pretty sure there wasn't enough of the strength drug to go around.
"Hold still, this will only take a moment..."
She took a deep, steadying breath before sliding the needle between the scales on the Seawing's neck. She knew she probably wasn't as steady as Rose was, but right now, the most important thing was getting him out of there.
"What is your name?" She repeated calmly, dropping the needle back into the pouch and bracing his wing over her back again, helping him to his feet for a second time. The drug would be kicking in any moment and it would be easier to keep up with the rest of the group. She didn't exactly favor the idea of having to support the dragon for the rest of the breakout, but it didn't look like she had much choice.
They stumbled again toward the door and Eclipse glanced down the hall. She didn't see Tobias, but several of the lot doors were open and she assumed he was probably inside on of them. She could feel the Seawing starting to find his footing a little better and she carefully set him down near one of the unopened doors.
"Wait here, I'll be right back."
She slid the metal card across the door lock and pushed it open.

"No one is getting left behind," he heard the lunarwing say. Crest felt the wing remove its support and he crumpled to the ground. I wish I could just stay here. The cold floor felt so nice against his scales. He closed his eyes, wishing he could just fall asleep and no one would notice. He heard her voice again, "hold still, this will only take a moment..." His eyes widened as a sting began in his neck. Suppressing a grunt, he took another deep breath. He clenched his teeth and got ready for more pain. Whatever they've injected into me can't be good.
"What is your name?" came the calm voice.
After a second to register what she'd said, he huffed out, "Crest...Captain Crest of the Seawing Kingdom."
What are you doing you stupid dragon! You just told her your name, rank, and where you're from!" He shook his head a little, his attention being diverted to something else. He felt strength returning to his limbs. How is that possible? I haven't even touched water. He breathed deeply as his mind began to clear and his vision focused. He could see the lunarwing clearly now and he saw that she looked similar to the one he'd met in the compound where he'd started, but she was different. Did I see her? He recalled seeing her for a small amount of time before she was dragged off to be auctioned off. With new strength running through his veins, he took more of the weight of walking. They got to the door and she let go, his body still not strong enough to hold himself up. The cold floor against his scales again reminded him of the cool ocean. Ok, I don't care who these people are. If they're getting out, I'm coming.
The door opened and some dragons and humans seemed to be stealthily scurrying through the halls. The maze.
His strength was now allowing him to stand on his own. It was like nothing he'd ever felt. A few minutes ago, he was lying on the ground with no energy and almost dead. Now, he was standing on his own and felt like he could fight decently. He still felt weak, but he looked at the lunarwing and how much she was doing. I can help out just a little. I won't put this burden on her. He gritted his teeth and stood up straight, bracing himself to walk. The syrum that he'd been injected with coursed through him and gave him strength that only more water could. He followed her down the hall.
"That's some potent stuff," he commented. "What did you inject me with?"
"No one is getting left behind," he heard the lunarwing say. Crest felt the wing remove its support and he crumpled to the ground. I wish I could just stay here. The cold floor felt so nice against his scales. He closed his eyes, wishing he could just fall asleep and no one would notice. He heard her voice again, "hold still, this will only take a moment..." His eyes widened as a sting began in his neck. Suppressing a grunt, he took another deep breath. He clenched his teeth and got ready for more pain. Whatever they've injected into me can't be good.
"What is your name?" came the calm voice.
After a second to register what she'd said, he huffed out, "Crest...Captain Crest of the Seawing Kingdom."
What are you doing you stupid dragon! You just told her your name, rank, and where you're from!" He shook his head a little, his attention being diverted to something else. He felt strength returning to his limbs. How is that possible? I haven't even touched water. He breathed deeply as his mind began to clear and his vision focused. He could see the lunarwing clearly now and he saw that she looked similar to the one he'd met in the compound where he'd started, but she was different. Did I see her? He recalled seeing her for a small amount of time before she was dragged off to be auctioned off. With new strength running through his veins, he took more of the weight of walking. They got to the door and she let go, his body still not strong enough to hold himself up. The cold floor against his scales again reminded him of the cool ocean. Ok, I don't care who these people are. If they're getting out, I'm coming.
The door opened and some dragons and humans seemed to be stealthily scurrying through the halls. The maze.
His strength was now allowing him to stand on his own. It was like nothing he'd ever felt. A few minutes ago, he was lying on the ground with no energy and almost dead. Now, he was standing on his own and felt like he could fight decently. He still felt weak, but he looked at the lunarwing and how much she was doing. I can help out just a little. I won't put this burden on her. He gritted his teeth and stood up straight, bracing himself to walk. The syrum that he'd been injected with coursed through him and gave him strength that only more water could. He followed her down the hall.
"That's some potent stuff," he commented. "What did you inject me with?"
Eclipse glanced at Crest, surprised and pleased to see him walking alright on his own. "It's a strength enhancement drug. An alchemist in the rebellion developed it."
She slid the card across another door latch and quickly slid inside. "Don't ask me how though."
This lot was mostly empty, except for one cage with a large Sandwing curled inside. She didn't seem to have any apparent injuries, but she was covered in scars. Eclipse summoned more of her warping and stabbed it into the latch again, repeating the motion she had used for Crest's cage. "We're getting you out of here," she said, meeting the Sandwing's obsidian black gaze and stepping back from the cage. "But we have to move quickly," The Sandwing stood up and paced slowly out of the cage, blinking rapidly in shock, her eyes not leaving Eclipse.
"I must be dreaming," she muttered, her voice deep and rumbling. "Lunarwings don't exist. And how could we actually be escaping."
Eclipse rolled her eyes. "Well live the dream to the fullest then and get a move on, we only have so much time."
She turned and jogged out the door, jerking her head in a signal for Crest to follow her.
"So... you're a Captain," she said somewhat awkwardly, as they reached the next door. "I didn't know the Kingdom of the Sea was still intact, with so much human interference."
She swung the door open and paced inside, skidding to a halt as she took in the scene.
There were at least a dozen dragons in the lot, maybe more, and a large, burly-looking human was standing stock still in the center of the lot, staring at them in shock.
There was a brief pause of solid silence where no one moved, and then Eclipse shot forward like a striking snake. It all happened in an instant. The human fumbled quickly for his weapon and fired at her, but not before she'd already begun to swipe at him. Her talon connected with his body and sent him flying into the side of one of the cages.
Eclipse hissed as she pressed a talon against the stinging wound on her shoulder, a small trickle of blood seeping down her forearm. The human was unconscious now, but he had managed to land one shot before she had reached him.
Eclipse turned toward Crest still standing in the doorway and tossed him the metal card.
"Start freeing them. Hopefully, no one heard the commotion, but I can't promise anything."
She turned and limped up to the first cage, breaking the lock again with her warping and signaling the hung Silkwing dragonet out. "We're getting out of here," she said, glancing around the lot. "Let's try to-"
She broke off as her eyes landed on the blood-red Solarwing in a cage nearby and her eyes widened.

@Yukiko @Crestcrazy2

(I'm sorry, I know it's terrible and it took me forever to write it. It's been one of those days.)
Alyssia looked at Austin for translation and then nodded towards Whitestar. Before she hopped onto his talon, she ran over to one of the wrecked jeeps and opened the trunk, fingers crossed that some of the luggage from the couple was in there. No dice. She thought annoyed. Running to another one of the jeeps she opened the trunk and she frowned again as the trunks were filled with military equipment but no luggage. Running back to Whitestar, she hopped onto his talon again and allowed him to help her onto his back.
She yelled over to Apple and Bamboo, "We need that limo! I'm gonna need to change my clothes to something a little more rich looking if I'm gonna sneak into the Scorpion Den. The suitcases must've been in the limo."
Debating the matter in her mind several times before coming to a conclusion, she turned back to Whitestar, Blackout, and Austin. "Ok, we should go ahead and start heading towards the Scorpion Den. I'm assuming that if they got the limo up and running, it didn't get very far, because you all trashed it pretty good yesterday. So, if we go ahead and start flying, the twins should find the limo and get back to us in time. We need to look as if we're flying in casually anyway. Any questions?"
Whitestar listened as the hunter translated Alyssia's words. He glanced from Blackout to the twins, flaring his wings and shifting impatiently in the sand. The sun had risen higher and already, the desert heat was beginning to rapidly grow. He could feel the sunlight stabbing his icy scales and the sand between his claws felt uncomfortable and scratchy. He wanted to get back into the air and every moment that passed that they weren't in the Scorpion Den felt like a century. He glanced up at the sky again, his tail twitching.

(Do you wanna RP Neoma's part too? idk if she is gonna get out during the breakout or stick around the Den a while)
Eclipse glanced at Crest, surprised and pleased to see him walking alright on his own. "It's a strength enhancement drug. An alchemist in the rebellion developed it."
She slid the card across another door latch and quickly slid inside. "Don't ask me how though."
This lot was mostly empty, except for one cage with a large Sandwing curled inside. She didn't seem to have any apparent injuries, but she was covered in scars. Eclipse summoned more of her warping and stabbed it into the latch again, repeating the motion she had used for Crest's cage. "We're getting you out of here," she said, meeting the Sandwing's obsidian black gaze and stepping back from the cage. "But we have to move quickly," The Sandwing stood up and paced slowly out of the cage, blinking rapidly in shock, her eyes not leaving Eclipse.
"I must be dreaming," she muttered, her voice deep and rumbling. "Lunarwings don't exist. And how could we actually be escaping."
Eclipse rolled her eyes. "Well live the dream to the fullest then and get a move on, we only have so much time."
She turned and jogged out the door, jerking her head in a signal for Crest to follow her.
"So... you're a Captain," she said somewhat awkwardly, as they reached the next door. "I didn't know the Kingdom of the Sea was still intact, with so much human interference."
She swung the door open and paced inside, skidding to a halt as she took in the scene.
There were at least a dozen dragons in the lot, maybe more, and a large, burly-looking human was standing stock still in the center of the lot, staring at them in shock.
There was a brief pause of solid silence where no one moved, and then Eclipse shot forward like a striking snake. It all happened in an instant. The human fumbled quickly for his weapon and fired at her, but not before she'd already begun to swipe at him. Her talon connected with his body and sent him flying into the side of one of the cages.
Eclipse hissed as she pressed a talon against the stinging wound on her shoulder, a small trickle of blood seeping down her forearm. The human was unconscious now, but he had managed to land one shot before she had reached him.
Eclipse turned toward Crest still standing in the doorway and tossed him the metal card.
"Start freeing them. Hopefully, no one heard the commotion, but I can't promise anything."
She turned and limped up to the first cage, breaking the lock again with her warping and signaling the hung Silkwing dragonet out. "We're getting out of here," she said, glancing around the lot. "Let's try to-"
She broke off as her eyes landed on the blood-red Solarwing in a cage nearby and her eyes widened.

@Yukiko @Crestcrazy2

(I'm sorry, I know it's terrible and it took me forever to write it. It's been one of those days.)
(Nah! yer good! I like it)

"It's a strength enhancement drug. An alchemist in the rebellion in the rebellion developed it. Don't ask me how though," the lunarwing answered. She slid into the new lot and Crest stood guard at the door. He flexed his claws, making sure that he could hold his own if he needed to. He looked down at his scar-ridden body and chuckled slightly. I don't even look like I should be able to stand, let alone fight. He'd seen dragons who looked as bad as him go into the infirmary at the sea kingdom's palace and then have to be on bed rest for months. He hoped that wasn't the case with him. Maybe my injuries are minor. His leg still ached some as he tried to loosen up his legs, so he just shook them slightly and went back to keeping watch. Maybe I won't have to fight. He thought of all the dragons that they were freeing and it suddenly dawned on him what the lunarwing had said. Rebellion?! There's a rebellion?! The silver dragon came sliding out the door followed by a sandwing and they continued down the maze hall.
"So...you're a captain. I didn't know the kingdom of the Sea was still intact, with so much human interference." Crest could hear the awkwardness in the comment and hid a chuckle, instead deciding to make things easier for her.
"Yes ma'am. I'm a captain in the army of the Kingdom of the Sea. It is very much still around. And, yes the humans have had some interference, but we've learned to get along with each other. Now we live peacefully together."
They slipped into another lot with many cages in it. The lunarwing tossed him the card and told him to start opening cages. Nodding, he turned towards a rainwing and slid the key down the lock. The door swung open and the rainwing came bounding out gracefully. Turning to the next cage, he stopped.
(Nah! yer good! I like it)

"It's a strength enhancement drug. An alchemist in the rebellion in the rebellion developed it. Don't ask me how though," the lunarwing answered. She slid into the new lot and Crest stood guard at the door. He flexed his claws, making sure that he could hold his own if he needed to. He looked down at his scar-ridden body and chuckled slightly. I don't even look like I should be able to stand, let alone fight. He'd seen dragons who looked as bad as him go into the infirmary at the sea kingdom's palace and then have to be on bed rest for months. He hoped that wasn't the case with him. Maybe my injuries are minor. His leg still ached some as he tried to loosen up his legs, so he just shook them slightly and went back to keeping watch. Maybe I won't have to fight. He thought of all the dragons that they were freeing and it suddenly dawned on him what the lunarwing had said. Rebellion?! There's a rebellion?! The silver dragon came sliding out the door followed by a sandwing and they continued down the maze hall.
"So...you're a captain. I didn't know the kingdom of the Sea was still intact, with so much human interference." Crest could hear the awkwardness in the comment and hid a chuckle, instead deciding to make things easier for her.
"Yes ma'am. I'm a captain in the army of the Kingdom of the Sea. It is very much still around. And, yes the humans have had some interference, but we've learned to get along with each other. Now we live peacefully together."
They slipped into another lot with many cages in it. The lunarwing tossed him the card and told him to start opening cages. Nodding, he turned towards a rainwing and slid the key down the lock. The door swung open and the rainwing came bounding out gracefully. Turning to the next cage, he stopped.
(Ok, so for some reason, it posted without me finishing. Ugh)

King Helios.

The battle seemed to be coming back to him now. The fuzzy images somehow making sense. He'd heard of dragons going crazy from lack of water, but now he was worried about what he'd done. Scratches could be seen on the large solarwing, and Crest could only imagine what he'd done. Turning quickly from the cage to hide his face from the royal dragon, he began opening other cages. Dragons started to fill the lot and Crest heard Eclipse's voice over the clacking of claws against the concrete.
Wait, she knows him? he thought, not bringing up his gaze at all. He couldn't bare to look the king in the eyes. He shuffled over to the king's cage and slid the care through the lock, swinging the door open. Crest backed up for the king and stood there, head still dropped in shame.
Rose approached a large, dark red nightwing and made eye contact. “Hello, I’m Rose. You’re going to need these if you want to have a chance at escaping.”
She said, holding out a couple syringes full of the antidote and serum.
Bloodmoon looked at her with suspicion written all over his face. "Before you give me anymore drugs, can you fix this?" He swung his tail around and showed it to her. Blood covered the end, but he could see that it had eaten away at his tail quickly. He saw white sticking out of the middle of his tail, probably a bone. He looked back at the pretty dragon. "It stopped hurting a while ago. I think my owner must have drugged me or something."
Tobias was just sliding his card across the next lot door when a ringing gun shot echoed through the hall, Gables shouted for him.
Tobias' head snapped up, and he rushed towards the next open door, finding Gables, gun raised, retreating towards him.
He glanced at Tobias, "Getchyour- get you gun out," He said quickly, standing shoulder to shoulder with Tobias in the door way.
"What.." Tobias' question was cut short by an incredibly loud roar. An enormous IceWing snarled, reeling back against taught chains, his legs pinned by restraints against two large cages.
A young man groaned to the left, his free hand pressed tightly to his thigh, gun raised in the other.
"Throw it over!" Gables ordered, his voice shockingly intense, his gun pointed at the injured man. "Do it  now."
The man faltered, then threw the gun to the side, where it skidded noisly across the cement, smacking into the wall.
The IceWing thrashed wildly against chains, Tobias followed Gables towards the dragon.
"Do not move." Tobias pointed his gun at the young man, who was trying to struggle to his feet.
The man sat back with a hiss. "He'll kill you!" He nodded towards the IceWing, "You let him go, you're  dead."
Tobias followed Gables lead, moving to either side of the dragon.
The dragons eyes rolled back in his head as he threw himself to the left, the cages holding steady. His wings were also pinned back, but the band around his neck seemed to have broken, giving him more movement.
Gables growled. "What did you give him?" He snapped, his eyes not leaving the dragon for a moment.
The way tremors shook the creature- unnatural. Tobias shivered.
"What you give him!" Gables shouted.
The young man sneered, "He's too wild. You'll never get-"
In one swift motion Gables shot the man, a tranq dart piercing his neck. The young man swore over and over, scrambling back until he slammed against the wall, his body twitching as he fell limp a moment later.
The IceWing's head suddenly dropped, his entire body sagging against the restraints. Gables approached the white dragon without hesitation, reaching for the band around his neck, and recoiling as his fist closed around the metal collar.
"Check his hand." Gables ordered quietly, nodding to the man's slumped form.
Tobias rushed over, finding one hand empty, the other containing a small remote. He held it up, and Gables scowled, raising his hand and catching the remote flawlessly.
A moment later, the collar clattered to the floor, and the IceWing's head snapped up, colliding with Gables jaw. Gables head whipped to the side as the IceWing jerked against the chains, meeting their looks with a dangerous glare.
"We're here to break you out." Tobias said quickly, holding his hands up in defense as Gables leaned against the right cage, rubbing his jaw and spitting blood. "It's okay. We'll get you out of here. It's okay."
Tobias reached out, and the IceWing shied back, snarling. "You aren't really." He growled, his voice incredibly deep, fitting his build.
"Really breaking you out? Yeah. Yea we are."
Gables suddenly dropped to his knees, tugging at the chain around the IceWing's wrist.
Tobias tensed as the dragon's gaze jerked towards the human, who was within perfect striking range.
But the IceWing made no move.
Hesitantly, Tobias moved to the dragon's left wing, tugging at the clamps and releasing them easily as he worked down the wingspan, wincing as specks of blue blood appeared beneath every restraint.
The IceWing was shaking, whether from pain or fear, Tobias did not know, but when Gables freed the dragon's first talon, the trembling stopped, the dragon taking steadying breaths one after the other.
"You good Gables?"
"Fine." Gables rubbed his jaw again, a thin line of saliva and blood running down his chin as he moved to the next talon. "Think I bit through my lip." A weary smile hinted at his expression, giving Tobias a surprised glance. "Can't even feel it. Rose's drugs are too strong."

A moment later the IceWing was freed, his wrists and ankles raw and bleeding, but he was free.
Tam rushed to the doorway, nodding for Tobias to follow. He could hear the IceWing bounding behind him, talons screeching as the dragon careened into the hall.
More and more dragons collected in the hallway, the only humans Tobias, himself, and Roe, who was jogging down the hall towards them.
"How may I assist?" The IceWing asked, flexing his weak muscles.
Tam tossed the dragon a key card. "Break in, break out,  hurry." He rushed onto the next door, glad to see Tobias rushing towards the IceWing, teaching him how to slide the card across the scanner a moment later.
Tam leaned against the door, shoving the card against the pad lock, tripping when it hissed open.
Another large lot. More over crowded dragons.
But soon enough, they would all be free.
Tobias was just sliding his card across the next lot door when a ringing gun shot echoed through the hall, Gables shouted for him.
Tobias' head snapped up, and he rushed towards the next open door, finding Gables, gun raised, retreating towards him.
He glanced at Tobias, "Getchyour- get you gun out," He said quickly, standing shoulder to shoulder with Tobias in the door way.
"What.." Tobias' question was cut short by an incredibly loud roar. An enormous IceWing snarled, reeling back against taught chains, his legs pinned by restraints against two large cages.
A young man groaned to the left, his free hand pressed tightly to his thigh, gun raised in the other.
"Throw it over!" Gables ordered, his voice shockingly intense, his gun pointed at the injured man. "Do it  now."
The man faltered, then threw the gun to the side, where it skidded noisly across the cement, smacking into the wall.
The IceWing thrashed wildly against chains, Tobias followed Gables towards the dragon.
"Do not move." Tobias pointed his gun at the young man, who was trying to struggle to his feet.
The man sat back with a hiss. "He'll kill you!" He nodded towards the IceWing, "You let him go, you're  dead."
Tobias followed Gables lead, moving to either side of the dragon.
The dragons eyes rolled back in his head as he threw himself to the left, the cages holding steady. His wings were also pinned back, but the band around his neck seemed to have broken, giving him more movement.
Gables growled. "What did you give him?" He snapped, his eyes not leaving the dragon for a moment.
The way tremors shook the creature- unnatural. Tobias shivered.
"What you give him!" Gables shouted.
The young man sneered, "He's too wild. You'll never get-"
In one swift motion Gables shot the man, a tranq dart piercing his neck. The young man swore over and over, scrambling back until he slammed against the wall, his body twitching as he fell limp a moment later.
The IceWing's head suddenly dropped, his entire body sagging against the restraints. Gables approached the white dragon without hesitation, reaching for the band around his neck, and recoiling as his fist closed around the metal collar.
"Check his hand." Gables ordered quietly, nodding to the man's slumped form.
Tobias rushed over, finding one hand empty, the other containing a small remote. He held it up, and Gables scowled, raising his hand and catching the remote flawlessly.
A moment later, the collar clattered to the floor, and the IceWing's head snapped up, colliding with Gables jaw. Gables head whipped to the side as the IceWing jerked against the chains, meeting their looks with a dangerous glare.
"We're here to break you out." Tobias said quickly, holding his hands up in defense as Gables leaned against the right cage, rubbing his jaw and spitting blood. "It's okay. We'll get you out of here. It's okay."
Tobias reached out, and the IceWing shied back, snarling. "You aren't really." He growled, his voice incredibly deep, fitting his build.
"Really breaking you out? Yeah. Yea we are."
Gables suddenly dropped to his knees, tugging at the chain around the IceWing's wrist.
Tobias tensed as the dragon's gaze jerked towards the human, who was within perfect striking range.
But the IceWing made no move.
Hesitantly, Tobias moved to the dragon's left wing, tugging at the clamps and releasing them easily as he worked down the wingspan, wincing as specks of blue blood appeared beneath every restraint.
The IceWing was shaking, whether from pain or fear, Tobias did not know, but when Gables freed the dragon's first talon, the trembling stopped, the dragon taking steadying breaths one after the other.
"You good Gables?"
"Fine." Gables rubbed his jaw again, a thin line of saliva and blood running down his chin as he moved to the next talon. "Think I bit through my lip." A weary smile hinted at his expression, giving Tobias a surprised glance. "Can't even feel it. Rose's drugs are too strong."

A moment later the IceWing was freed, his wrists and ankles raw and bleeding, but he was free.
Tam rushed to the doorway, nodding for Tobias to follow. He could hear the IceWing bounding behind him, talons screeching as the dragon careened into the hall.
More and more dragons collected in the hallway, the only humans Tobias, himself, and Roe, who was jogging down the hall towards them.
"How may I assist?" The IceWing asked, flexing his weak muscles.
Tam tossed the dragon a key card. "Break in, break out,  hurry." He rushed onto the next door, glad to see Tobias rushing towards the IceWing, teaching him how to slide the card across the scanner a moment later.
Tam leaned against the door, shoving the card against the pad lock, tripping when it hissed open.
Another large lot. More over crowded dragons.
But soon enough, they would all be free.
See, I don't understand how these get so long. I'm just- in the zzzone, yo.

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