Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

"There's a dragon in the rebellion that can help you when we get to the first checkpoint," Eclipse said, then paused.
"It's a long story," she muttered. "Helios' son Sol and his owner offered to buy me--yes I know, I'm not thrilled about it either. But Sol fought in the arena so his friend--Tobias--could help me. I still haven't been able to ask him why. Anyway, Tobias did help me. A lot. He helped me with my wings and I got my warping back. There were a few other dragons with us, but I think they are all on the transport with Helios and Crest. We ran into the rebellion a day or two ago and now we have gotten a lot of dragons out of here. I understand now what they meant when they said it was only half of what they planned. There are a lot of dragons still here. But we got a lot out and that's what's important."
She finished staring blankly around at the metal walls.
"And this is Bloodmoon," she added, flicking a wing at the Nightwing. "He escaped his owner and joined the rebellion about the same time Tobias did."
Thinking about the human and his friend Roe made her stomach clench. She had no idea if they were dead or alive, or if they would ever get out of the Den now. She wouldn't know until they were too far away to do anything about it.
Eclipse shifted onto her side, shoving the thoughts away. They'll get out. Tobias is clever, he'll find a way.
In all the rushing and fighting, Eclipse had forgotten to really focus on what was happening. They were escaping. Leaving the Scorpion Den alive. Doing what few dragons had ever managed to do before. They were going to be free.
She smiled slightly at the thought, then glanced back at Sunspot mischievously, flicking her sharply over the back of the head with her tail.
"That's for getting us caught in the first place, you crazy wyvern," she said with a small laugh.

Sunspot wrinkled her nose as she listened to Eclipses story. “Ick. Sounds messy.” She was silent for a few moments, looking at Bloodmoon. “Good to have you back I guess.”
“So where is this Tobias guy? And how do we plan on getting out of here?”
She flexed her wings and legs in turn, cracking her neck, flattening her ears tho her head. “I’m ready for anything.”
Suddenly she was overcome with a wave of dizziness and nearly fell over. “Almost ready,” she said, recovering her dignity.

This got a little intense. So I put it in spoilers. Just in case. But I have a plan. And I have character arcs and growth in the making.

We have yet to show the brutality of The Scorpion Den. We say these humans are terrible- and the dragons have endured terrible things. But they are ruthless. Even to each other. And I believe that will come into play as the story continues.

*Reallllyyyy long exhale.*


Tobias began to get into the swing of things, firing a round, replacing the clip, firing a round, replacing the clip- he glanced at the car, too far ahead too see much but the back end of the vehicle.
Lost in the blaring, steady rhythm, he only stopped when he realized the noise had finally died down. Actually- The Maze seemed to go absolutely silent.
He pushed himself up against the wall, silently waiting.
"Tobias." Ferrin called, his voice painfully drawling, "Drop your gun and come out."
Tobias froze, swallowing hard. Very slowly, very tensely, he kicked his gun into the hall.
"Come out." Ferrin ordered.
Tobias' brow furrowed, thoroughly confused, his hands shaking with adrenaline as he reached for the second machine gun beside him.
"Come out now, or he kills the girl." Someone shouted, and Tobias leaned his head against the wall, breathing heavily, fists clenched.
Ferrin, you traitor.
"You wouldn't." Tobias said, loud enough to be heard.
"You are right." Ferrin murmered dryly. "But he would."
There was a sudden scuffle and Tobias bit his lip, lifting his hands and stumbling into the hall.
A tall, blond haired man held Roe in his arms, as she struggled, trying to free herself from his grip. He gave Tobias a cool smirk, reaching up to stroke Roe's hair with a small handgun.
"Good boy." Kidd sneered, pointing the gun against Roe's head.
He pulled the trigger.
Tobias jerked his gaze away.
"No!" Ferrin shouted, "Nono, stop, Raee, stop."
Stomach flipping, flipping, flipping, Tobias swallowed bile.
"Look at me, Tobe." Kidd ordered.
Tobias hesitated.
"Look at me!"
He tilted his head, blinking and swallowing hard as he met Kidd's gaze.
Kidd shot his chest, and Tobias fell to his knees.
Ferrin shouted again, and there was another small scuffle as Ferrin wrestled the weapon from Raee's grip- but Tobias was too focused on Roe. She didn't move. She didn't breath.
"Oh my, God." Tobias whispered.

Happy Chris Pratt GIF by Parks and Recreation
Sunspot wrinkled her nose as she listened to Eclipses story. “Ick. Sounds messy.” She was silent for a few moments, looking at Bloodmoon. “Good to have you back I guess.”
“So where is this Tobias guy? And how do we plan on getting out of here?”
She flexed her wings and legs in turn, cracking her neck, flattening her ears tho her head. “I’m ready for anything.”
Suddenly she was overcome with a wave of dizziness and nearly fell over. “Almost ready,” she said, recovering her dignity.

Eclipse's smile vanished and she stared at the closed door at the back of the transport.
"He... gave us time to get out," she said quietly. "Hopefully, he will meet up with us at the checkpoint."
She glanced back at Sunspot. "Just be ready to fight. If all goes well, we can make it to the first checkpoint and further without anyone realizing we've even left. But we had a skiff with the security on the way out, so I can't promise it will be a smooth getaway."

Eclipse's smile vanished and she stared at the closed door at the back of the transport.
"He... gave us time to get out," she said quietly. "Hopefully, he will meet up with us at the checkpoint."
She glanced back at Sunspot. "Just be ready to fight. If all goes well, we can make it to the first checkpoint and further without anyone realizing we've even left. But we had a skiff with the security on the way out, so I can't promise it will be a smooth getaway."

“Got it, boss” Sunspot said, with the beginnings of a rakish grin. “Can’t promise I won’t just flop without my fire though.”
“Got it, boss” Sunspot said, with the beginnings of a rakish grin. “Can’t promise I won’t just flop without my fire though.”
Eclipse rolled her eyes but allowed a small smile to grace her features. "Well then, I'll just have to save your tail again," she said with a sarcastic shrug. "I'm used to it by now."

Eclipse rolled her eyes but allowed a small smile to grace her features. "Well then, I'll just have to save your tail again," she said with a sarcastic shrug. "I'm used to it by now."

“Ha! Well. Good to know I can rely on you, moon dragon,” Sunspot said, shifting her weight from foot to foot impatiently.
Would regular citizens in the Scorpion Den know what's happening yet? I'm sorry I haven't gotten more involved in the story. I had marching band practices and some other stuff. I should have more time to roleplay now, but I'm not sure what part either of my characters would play in this.
Tobias stumbled down the hall, practically being dragged by the two security guards.
He felt slightly exposed without his trenchcoat and hat, but they had been confiscated the moment he surrendered- and now he was rendered quite useless. Now he could only try to keep up with the guards brisk pace, doing his best to ignore the wet blood slowly staining his torn, black dress shirt.
The guards turned sharply down another corridor, and Tobias bit his lip, closing his eyes as pain spiked. As the ache tore through, a familiar bitterness crept. Tobias tensed, and both guards seemed to notice, they're grip tightening. He felt strangely woozy, strangely emotionless- maybe he was in shock.
Tobias fought to keep his head up, tripping when the guards suddenly stopped beside a closed door, jerking him back. Tobias let out a shaky breath as the guard to his left gripped his shoulder with an impossibly painful grip, sliding a small card across the scanner.
The door slid open, and Tobias prepared to move again, but the guards both tensed, drawing weapons.
Ahead, a massive IceWing hissed, retreating into the far corner, but there was nowhere for him to go- both sides were closed off by two double doors. It was Fox- the dragon Tobias and Gables had freed together.
He didn't seem to recognize Tobias as he suddenly charged towards the soldiers.
Tobias pulled his clenched lips between his teeth as he was jerked back behind the doorway and pushed against the far wall, one guard split off, gun raised.
The all too familiar ring returned as the guards gun fired again, again, again. The man pinning Tobias began to drag him back further as a load roar echoed through the hall, accompanied by a frightening scream.
"Backup! We need backup!" The man shouted- Tobias was too out of it to tell what or who exactly the guard was shouting to, but then the IceWing careened around the corner, skidding across the ground as he scrambled to catch his balance.
The guard shoved Tobias to the opposite side of the wall, ducking behind a support beam as a steam of jagged frost breath covered the ground around them.
Tobias stumbled against the wall, his left hand moving to put pressure on his chest, his right hand gripping the support beam just as the IceWing let loose another blast of ice. He slipped on the slick ground, sudden sharp pain blasting into his right hand as he slumped against the wall, pushing himself against the support beam. "Fox!" He half screamed, closing his eyes tightly. "Fox,  stop!"
The frost breath came to a steady end, Tobias' breath ragged as he tried to lift his arm, but everything was too cold, too numb. He leaned his head back against the wall and shuddered.
There was no possible way of escape. Tobias couldn't even begin to understand how the dragon had buried himself back to far in The Maze.
Talons clicked menacingly, slowly approaching, and Tobias glanced up, closing his eyes when he saw the guard, frozen in massive ice spikes against the wall, mouth wide in mid-sceam.
"Do you know me?" A deep voice questioned hesitantly.
Tobias groaned softly, not daring to move as the IceWing's head slowly came into view, his beautiful, old eyes cold and hard. A hint of recognition crossed the dragons expression.
Tobias held his gaze, giving a single, tired nod. "What- what are you... doing here?" He breathed.
The IceWing lifted his head at a sudden noise. "I am looking for someone."
Tobias swallowed hard, shivering. It was too late. And the IceWing didn't seem to know that. He shook his head as footsteps echoed down the hall, approaching them rapidly.
"I'm sorry." Tobias whispered.
The IceWing met his gaze one last time before setting his jaw, charging down the hall.
Each breath slowly growing weaker and weaker, Tobias pushed himself against the wall, leaning his head against the support beam as more gunshots rang out, people screamed, Fox roared.
Tobias glanced down at his right arm, breath catching in his throat. Ice crept up his arm, his skin a sick, blue hue.
The gunshots ended abruptly and Tobias suppressed another shudder, pushing himself harder against the wall.
Would regular citizens in the Scorpion Den know what's happening yet? I'm sorry I haven't gotten more involved in the story. I had marching band practices and some other stuff. I should have more time to roleplay now, but I'm not sure what part either of my characters would play in this.
Yeah, maybe give it a bit more time. Anyone in The Den would know.
“Ha! Well. Good to know I can rely on you, moon dragon,” Sunspot said, shifting her weight from foot to foot impatiently.
Eclipse smiled and rested her head on her talons, exhausted. The breakout had taken so much of her energy and she could feel the drug from Rose starting to wear off. The transport hummed and jostled slightly as it rolled through the street of the Scorpion Den, and Eclipse let out a long breath of relief. It had all happened so fast and not for the first time, she wondered if it was all a dream.
Many dragons and humans had died on the way out, but many more were finally going to be free. She could only hope that Neoma, Tobias, and Roe were all going to make it out too. She didn't know what she would say to Sol if his best friend never arrived at the checkpoint. How could she tell the Solarwing she had left him in the Maze to fight the Den soldiers? He would never forgive her, and Eclipse didn't think she could either.
Eclipse realized that her eyes were beginning to droop and she readjusted again, closing her eyes.
I'll be there soon, Whitestar. Don't worry.
The sound of the transport rumbling gently lulled her to sleep, and she didn't even notice her head slowly slide onto Bloodmoons forearm.

(For drama purposes, lol, ;))

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