Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

"A little," Eclipse rubbed a talon over her snout, staring at the weird trinkets and cloth rolls in the tiny box. "Usually, I am working with things like basic herbs and leaves or silk for wounds. But I've never dealt with bullet injuries and I don't know what half of this stuff is for."
"Well, at least you know what some of this stuff is," Bloodmoon said. "Can we just put some of the white cloth on it to suppress the bleeding?"
"Well, at least you know what some of this stuff is," Bloodmoon said. "Can we just put some of the white cloth on it to suppress the bleeding?"
Eclipse shook her head. "If infection sets in, these wounds are deep enough to cause serious problems. And I'm pretty sure that the bullets are still... you know. We need a disinfectant or something." She rummaged through the contents of the box, sliding them aside with slender claws. "Blasted stars, I could really use Rose's help right now." She glanced up at Bloodmoon. "You were in the Den your whole life. Do you know what the humans put on injuries from the arena? Did they even do that?"

@Mary Poopins Love
Eclipse shook her head. "If infection sets in, these wounds are deep enough to cause serious problems. And I'm pretty sure that the bullets are still... you know. We need a disinfectant or something." She rummaged through the contents of the box, sliding them aside with slender claws. "Blasted stars, I could really use Rose's help right now." She glanced up at Bloodmoon. "You were in the Den your whole life. Do you know what the humans put on injuries from the arena? Did they even do that?"

@Mary Poopins Love
"Um, no. They just left me in a cage. They don't treat you. They just gave you something that made you sleep," He scoffed, "Like that helped at all."
"Um, no. They just left me in a cage. They don't treat you. They just gave you something that made you sleep," He scoffed, "Like that helped at all."
"It's a miracle you're alive," she snorted, lifting an odd container out of the box and peering through the sides at the substance inside. "Can you read any English?"
"It's a miracle you're alive," she snorted, lifting an odd container out of the box and peering through the sides at the substance inside. "Can you read any English?"
"Um, I can, a little bit. I'll try." He took one of the containers and peered at the small writing. "It says, um, pinekiillars or something." He took another one. "This one says alchihool I think."
"Um, I can, a little bit. I'll try." He took one of the containers and peered at the small writing. "It says, um, pinekiillars or something." He took another one. "This one says alchihool I think."
Eclipse rolled her eyes. "I'm assuming the first one is "painkiller," she said, setting it aside. "Can you find something for infections?"
Eclipse stared back at Bloodmoon, holding his gaze almost defiantly. There was so much she wanted to say that she couldn't. Lunarwings had been practically driven to extinction by other tribes--dragons who feared their power, or believed their warping was "unnatural". And Nightwings were no exception to that. They worked with the humans to hunt and kill what little was left of the tribe, whether or not they were forced to or chose. Eclipse could very well hate Bloodmoon for that, but somehow, she had set that aside. Worse, she had opened up to him. Albeit, very little and mostly against her will, as he usually just read it from her mind like an open book.
But another thought plagued her. If Bloodmoon hated Icewings, what would happen if he somehow found out that Eclipse was more closely tied with the tribe than he realized? Even worse, possibly the root of the problem that drove the great divide between the two tribes. Every dragon on the continent knew why Icewings and Nightwings didn't get along. It was told in stories and folklore that trickled through the ancestry of every dragon on the continent. A legend. A lesson.
And it all started from one Animus Icewing.
Eclipse buried the wordless thoughts beneath a pile of worthless, scattered thoughts, looking away from Bloodmoon as he stepped into the truck, blocking out his mind reading.

Eclipse turned to Sunspot, trying to push all attention to Bloodmoon out of her mind completely.
"Check the others and see who is injured. Bring them back here so we can take care of them."
She paused. "If you are okay with that..."

Eclipse turned around to look at Bloodmoon again, fixing him with a grudging look but forcing her frustration down. She knew it wasn't the most important thing at that moment. She heaved a long sigh.
"Fine," she grumbled, pacing a couple steps closer to him.

@-Kiwi- @Mary Poopins Love
"Oh, here. Antibiotics." Bloodmoon handed it to her and grinned a little. "See, I can read"
Eclipse shrugged, reaching for the container. "Never said you couldn't," she pointed out sarcastically.
She turned toward Shard, the Icewing dragonet still hiding under her wing. Eclipse nudged her forward and set the antibiotics on the ground.
"I have to try and get the bullets out," she said softly, summoning some of her warping. She formed the tiny, needle-like blades behind her other wing so that the dragonet couldn't see them.
"It might hurt a little bit, but we have to get them out or they won't heal."
She gestured for Bloodmoon to come closer.
"I need you to make sure she doesn't see what I'm doing. Keep her calm and positive." She fixed the Nightwing with a hard stare.
I know she's an Icewing, but for moons sake, she's a dragonet, she is too young to even understand tribal divisions. Please, just help her.
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