Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Sunspot didn’t answer at first, staring off into space. She spotted Eclipse watching her and shifted awkwardly. “Oh. You were talking to me.”

“Um. I’m not sure what I want to do. You’re right, tribe life isn’t for me. I don’t think. I’m not sure anymore. But… my old life seems boring compared to this. I don’t know. It probably sounds stupid.” She looked away, flipping her tail over her snout.
"No, it's not stupid." Eclipse readjusted her head again, staring at the opposite wall instead.
"I... kinda understand that. Although, I don't have a tribe to go to if I even wanted to. But now that there are all these dragons here, and I've started--dare I say this--to trust some of them, I find it hard to go back to traveling alone." She rubbed a talon over her snout. "Which feels weird, to say the least."

"No, it's not stupid." Eclipse readjusted her head again, staring at the opposite wall instead.
"I... kinda understand that. Although, I don't have a tribe to go to if I even wanted to. But now that there are all these dragons here, and I've started--dare I say this--to trust some of them, I find it hard to go back to traveling alone." She rubbed a talon over her snout. "Which feels weird, to say the least."

“Hate to agree with you, boss… but same. I feel… lonely? Or something. It’s a stupid feeling and I DONT LIKE IT.”
She didn’t mention that she felt better with someone near to talk to. She wondered if Eclipse felt the same.
“Hate to agree with you, boss… but same. I feel… lonely? Or something. It’s a stupid feeling and I DONT LIKE IT.”
She didn’t mention that she felt better with someone near to talk to. She wondered if Eclipse felt the same.
Eclipse chuckled lightly, sweeping her tail around and curling it close to her side.
"So how long have you been alone?"
The awkwardness was subsiding, albeit, very little, but she was beginning to feel more comfortable talking to the Solarwing. Although, the feeling itself was odd. Different. New.
Eclipse wondered if she would get used to it, or if, when all was said and done, they would both just go back to the way they had been before.

Crest began regaining his consciousness and shifted slightly. He felt wind on his head but couldn't feel the wind anywhere else. He shifted a little more and he clenched his teeth in pain. Whatever she gave me, it's worn off by now. He pushed off the tarps on him and opened his eyes, bright light flooding in them. But, it wasn't the unnatural light from the Scorpion Den. The sun's warmth made it to his scales and he sighed in relief. They'd actually done it. They'd broken out. He looked around the transport he was in to see many dragons lying on the floor. Some looked severely injured and others only slightly. Silver scales caught his eye and he looked over towards the lunarwing he'd heard called Eclipse. She seemed to be using her strange ability to help heal the injured dragons.
I wonder if she could help me... He shook his head, quickly regretting the decision. I doubt the ability could heal me. My injuries are too extensive.
Looking up, he saw the fiery figure of King Helios soaring gracefully above their transport. I've got to talk to him when I have the chance....
Looking around some more, he saw another dark brown dragon. His jaw dropped a little as the dragon was blowing fire on a human who seemed to be severely injured. Next to her was a bag and Crest could make out several containers and herbs. Now she looks like a medic. Straining to stand, he lifted himself from underneath the tarps and slowly started to make his way over to them. He paused as he saw their faces and realized that the situation was more important than his at the moment and walked closer to them but only to observe. His legs shook slightly underneath him and his wing shot out to brace him.
He shook himself and stood taller. He was tired of being useless. Crest walked up to the brown dragon, "Pardon me, but is there anything that I can do to help? I just want to see if I can be of any assistance. If not, I can go back to resting."
What Nikki said ⬇️ ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Sol dipped his head with a respectful air, trying to hide a small grin. Maybe they should hug- or maybe it was too soon. Heck, Helios was crying, a hug was definitely appropriate. Or.. or was it?
"Hello, Helios." He said in a quite tone, his smile vanishing. Memories flared in his mind- memories of his father and sister. And mother. But she wasn't near as prominent of a parental figure as Helios seemed to be. Though Sol could remember general scenes from his life, no emotions accompanied the empty, silent memories.
Sol eyes wandered to sweat stained, stretched bandages. "Are you hurt?"
Helios looked confused for a moment, not even remembering the wounds on his chest.
“I am fine…you, my son, are the one who needs the healer..” he said quietly, looking him over with curious eyes. A truck outside the cave lurched right the side and made a huge *THUNK* Sound, making helios swivel his head and look over the many newly arriving trucks outside. He turned back and smiled, “I imagine you were very much a part of this rebellion?” He asked with a sad smile, but there was also a hint of pride breaking through the surface of uncertainty.
❤️ I love Will Turner ❤️
Omygosh, sorry Cresty, not you.

What do I do.... I'm not active yet, but I still want to do somethin.. help?
"You arre not okay." Fracture growled, turning her attention begrudgingly to Tobias. The ice had melted back, reduced to dripping, bloodied water. Tobias still leaned against Gables, sucking in sharp breaths as he gazed at the ceiling.
Fracture moved to pour water over the smoldering wound, but Tobias jerked back, Gables holding him tight. Tobias' raw, bloodied fingers twitched, and Fracture let loose a relieved sigh, pouring water over his forearm with gentle precision. Tobias let loose a broken shudder as bubbling steam hissed, his lips flushed blue, and his head sagged against Gables neck. Gables gave Fracture a relieved glance.
"Help Rose, help Rose." He urged, pulling himself out from under Tobias. "I'll take care of this, get her water!"
Fracture offered the dragon a couple bottles, the smell of burning flesh so disgustingly prominent, she felt her stomach heave.
Rose took the water gratefully and drank, the cool liquid running over the burns inside of her throat. “If the ice i-is gone, put a salve on it. There sh-should be something in that bag. Bandage it up good.” She said in broken words. Tobias looked deathly pale, but she hoped beyond hope that he’d liven up sooner rather then never.

Hiccup Haddock
Tobias is Tobe. Yes. But he's being killedededed rn... Actually, maybe you could find Whitestar and Austin and whoever, they are in The Maze still, too, but they aren't part of the rebellion, so not in jail like my crew. So, that's Taber, Harmony, and Yukiko.
Nooooo don’t kill tobey!!!!!!

Phoenix grinned at King, catching the small dragonet as his rear legs slipped sideways, resettling him between her horns.

Sunspot didn’t answer at first, staring off into space. She spotted Eclipse watching her and shifted awkwardly. “Oh. You were talking to me.”

“Um. I’m not sure what I want to do. You’re right, tribe life isn’t for me. I don’t think. I’m not sure anymore. But… my old life seems boring compared to this. I don’t know. It probably sounds stupid.” She looked away, flipping her tail over her snout.

King was laughing and smiling at them both, before noticing how Osprey was looking at him. It was a “we need to talk in private” kinda look. “Hey Phoenix can you give us a minute to go check something in the upper levels real quick?” He asked, glancing at Knight and smiling at him before lifting into the air with Osprey and flying to the highest level of the building, where they entered through a large door built so dragons could fly in.

Knight tumbled down her back and climbed down her tail, seemingly very interested in a few shiny pebbles. He looked at Phoenix with a grin and then, from the scales around his eyes and down his neck came a silvery liquid-like metal. At first it just ran down his scales, but as it got to his front talons it began dropping off and floating in the air like bubbles. The liquid metal absorbed into one giant blob and suddenly dropped to the ground. Right next to a rock that was the same shape and size. In fact, the rock and the now hard metal looked identical except color. Knight gazed up at Phoenix, his gleaming eyes filled with pride or his new creation.

Gwen Stacy
Um, Eliza, Tobe, and Rose and them are in jail in the SD rn, they're not on the truck.
Eclipse, Sunspot, and Bloodmoon are on the last transport, which has been delayed and is a couple hours behind everyone else cause they had to take a back route. Crest is on the transport with Helios, one of the later ones, but not the last one.
Yeahh thisss
Eclipse chuckled lightly, sweeping her tail around and curling it close to her side.
"So how long have you been alone?"
The awkwardness was subsiding, albeit, very little, but she was beginning to feel more comfortable talking to the Solarwing. Although, the feeling itself was odd. Different. New.
Eclipse wondered if she would get used to it, or if, when all was said and done, they would both just go back to the way they had been before.

Sunspot looked away, her tail twitching. “As long as I can remember,” she replied smoothly. A lie. She squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to remember. A little golden dragonet, speckled with black, with electric blue stripes zig zagging like lightning across his spine and wings.

“Yeah. And you? What’s your oh-so-glorious backstory?”

King was laughing and smiling at them both, before noticing how Osprey was looking at him. It was a “we need to talk in private” kinda look. “Hey Phoenix can you give us a minute to go check something in the upper levels real quick?” He asked, glancing at Knight and smiling at him before lifting into the air with Osprey and flying to the highest level of the building, where they entered through a large door built so dragons could fly in.

Knight tumbled down her back and climbed down her tail, seemingly very interested in a few shiny pebbles. He looked at Phoenix with a grin and then, from the scales around his eyes and down his neck came a silvery liquid-like metal. At first it just ran down his scales, but as it got to his front talons it began dropping off and floating in the air like bubbles. The liquid metal absorbed into one giant blob and suddenly dropped to the ground. Right next to a rock that was the same shape and size. In fact, the rock and the now hard metal looked identical except color. Knight gazed up at Phoenix, his gleaming eyes filled with pride or his new creation
“Oh- yeah, okay,” said Phoenix, watching them fly away. As she turned to look back at Knight she realized what he was doing. “What-“

She dropped her head close to the ground, peering at the silver rock. “How- how did you do that?!” Phoenix yelled at the tiny dragonet, not able to keep a slightly freaked out edge from coming into her voice.

Gingerly she scooped up the rock. It was shockingly light, barely weighing anything in her palm. It was as metallic as a mirror and Phoenix could see her distorted reflection in its surface. She wondered…

She focused, concentrating all her energy on the talon holding the silver stone. Her talon burst into flames. The rock was unaffected by the blazing heat. She shook out the flames.

“You,” Phoenix said, pointing at the tiny dragonet, “are VERY STRANGE.”
Sunspot looked away, her tail twitching. “As long as I can remember,” she replied smoothly. A lie. She squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to remember. A little golden dragonet, speckled with black, with electric blue stripes zig zagging like lightning across his spine and wings.

“Yeah. And you? What’s your oh-so-glorious backstory?”
"Ha! It's not as glorious as you'd assume," she said, giving Sunspot a wry smile, self-consciously pulling her wing tight against her scarred side, hiding the streaks.
"I haven't been completely alone my whole life, but I learned quite a few years ago that it's safer to be that way."
It wasn't the full truth. She hadn't traveled with anyone in years, but that didn't mean she was completely cut off from all other dragons. But she suspected Sunspot wasn't completely opening up either, not necessarily a bad thing. The Solarwing obviously had similar experience.
"So do you normally taunt the Nightwings, or did you just get lucky that I happened to show up the only time you got into a fight with them?"
Eclipse tried to throw a positive spin on the conversation without sounding too sarcastic.


Citrus was tired of hiding in the Maze. He was bored, wished there was something he could do, something important maybe.

Is tobe yours @_-Captain BRM-_ ?
Tobias is Tobe. Yes. But he's being killedededed rn... Actually, maybe you could find Whitestar and Austin and whoever, they are in The Maze still, too, but they aren't part of the rebellion, so not in jail like my crew. So, that's Taber, Harmony, and Yukiko.
Yes, this is good, @Bella the Chicken Lover you could have Citrus run into Austin, Blackout, and Whitestar in the hallway
Lori stepped off of the transport at checkpoint one and looked around. There were no dragons around that she knew. She wondered if she should try to start a conversation with any of them. No, everything was a little too chaotic with dragons getting off of transports all around her. That's when she realized, she could get out of the habit of keeping her feathers that boring brown color now! Nobody was going to care that she was a rainwing hybrid because she was, indeed, free again. Her feathers slowly faded to colorful shades of yellow and pink with a little bit of blue.
Welcome to the RP @Little Baby Bean! Have you read the archives for it yet? They help a lot with tribe stuff. If you ever have any questions about the history of the tribes and stuff, feel free to ask.
Thank you! Yes, I’ve read through it more than once. That’s where I’ve learned almost everything.
Eclipse took a deep breath, finally allowing herself to relax as she finished wrapping the bandage around her own arm. Most of the other dragons were lying in their places around the edges of the transport, asleep or murmuring quietly to each other in trios or pairs. Eclipse had received many more curious or sometimes suspicious and skeptical glances from them, ever since the chase on the hard path. It seemed like every dragon was fully aware of her presence now, and she felt exposed, trapped in such a small space with such a large group of strange dragons.
She glanced around, spotting Bloodmoon curled close to the back, not far from where the injured human was. Eclipse's eyes widened slowly as she saw Shard lying nearby, lift her head, and scoot a few inches closer to the Nightwing. For a moment, she simply watched the Icewing dragonet repeat the process once, then twice, slowly getting closer to the sleeping dark-red dragon.
Eclipse suppressed a chuckle and swept her gaze around the transport again, her eyes stopping when she noticed a large Leafwing watching her.
Or... maybe partly Leafwing, guessing from the color. Eclipse couldn't tell. Possibly a hybrid?
She caught the dragoness watching her and briefly fixed her with a penetrating stare before sweeping her tail around and standing up, pacing across the transport to where Sunspot was lying.
Eclipse slid exhausted to the floor a few feet from the Solarwing, letting out a long sigh and dropping her head onto her talons, her wings drooping and resting tiredly on the ground.
Something was troubling the golden dragoness, Eclipse could tell, but she didn't know if she had the energy at that moment to try and ask her. Undoubtedly, Sunspot wouldn't just open up and tell her, and there was a chance Eclipse would have to deflect a stinging retort or two. Perhaps a shallower conversation would be more acceptable.
But then again, Eclipse recalled their first time working together in the desert. Sunspot was about as awkward at small talk as Eclipse was, and sometimes, the silence was more comfortable. But maybe it was worth a shot.
"So what are you going to do when we finally finish this," she said quietly, readjusting her head slightly to look at Sunspot. "Where are you going to go? I mean, you don't really seem like much of the tribal kind, but now Helios asked you personally to rejoin the Kingdom. Are you gonna go with him or..."
There it was. That trailing off awkwardness. Eclipse hoped Sunspot didn't pick up on it too much.

@-Kiwi- @Little Baby Bean
Calla glared at the silver dragoness, her vision slightly blurry. As the silver one walked towards a bright, golden dragoness, Calla looked away. She stood, feeling very bored. “All these lowlife dragons are so dull,” she grumbled under her breath before dropping back to the ground.
Thank you! Yes, I’ve read through it more than once. That’s where I’ve learned almost everything.

Calla glared at the silver dragoness, her vision slightly blurry. As the silver one walked towards a bright, golden dragoness, Calla looked away. She stood, feeling very bored. “All these lowlife dragons are so dull,” she grumbled under her breath before dropping back to the ground.
I wanted to ask you, how long have you been following the RP?
Little B

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