Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Sage grabbed the large handle on the door and pushed it open. The hinges creaked slightly and echoed through the large throne room in front of him. His tail swished behind him in the air as he strode into the spacious area. Vulture was lounging in his throne and tapping a rhythm that echoed. The repetitive sound seemed to pull at Sage's strings and he forced himself not to react to the sound. Instead, he kept his expression neutral and looked at the large black cloudwing. His soft but menacing voice whispered out, "I heard you had an assignment for me, sir. And, I'm here to fulfill it for you." He stood a little straighter and allowed his blue eyes to look into Vulture's. Yes, please, give me something entertaining to do.
(Crap uh- is there an assignment already planned out??? What does he need to do ack)
Sage grabbed the large handle on the door and pushed it open. The hinges creaked slightly and echoed through the large throne room in front of him. His tail swished behind him in the air as he strode into the spacious area. Vulture was lounging in his throne and tapping a rhythm that echoed. The repetitive sound seemed to pull at Sage's strings and he forced himself not to react to the sound. Instead, he kept his expression neutral and looked at the large black cloudwing. His soft but menacing voice whispered out, "I heard you had an assignment for me, sir. And, I'm here to fulfill it for you." He stood a little straighter and allowed his blue eyes to look into Vulture's. Yes, please, give me something entertaining to do.
“Ahhh… my favorite freak of nature,” Vulture said, malevolent slitted yellow eyes glinting. “I do in fact have an assignment for you.” He shifted, his long black tail dragging across the floor with a hissing, rustling noise, like a bed of dragon bite vipers getting disturbed.

Vulture raised one talon, inspecting his long black claws in a bored manner, one by one. “Did you know that I have a grandson?” He said conversationally, yellow eyes flicking to meet Sage’s with a cold intensity. “Spawn of my traitorous snake of a daughter.” The huge black CloudWing clenched his talon into a fist with a hiss that seemed to come from all directions.

He didn’t wait for Sage to answer. “I have reason to believe that my grandson is residing in one of the Nests in the old Sky Kingdom,” Vulture continued. “Spies and all, you know?” He spoke slowly and as if he hadn’t a care in the world.

“I think my grandson could be useful to the cause. Another… inner talon to keep an eye on things in the Nests, yes? I want you to find him. And I want you to convince him to join us. Don’t harm the kid, just… use whatever means to convince him to turn against their little peaceful Nests and teach him about the true cause.”

Vulture leaned close, his claws raking across his throne with a teeth grating shriek. “Got it, my little abomination?”
“Ahhh… my favorite freak of nature,” Vulture said, malevolent slitted yellow eyes glinting. “I do in fact have an assignment for you.” He shifted, his long black tail dragging across the floor with a hissing, rustling noise, like a bed of dragon bite vipers getting disturbed.

Vulture raised one talon, inspecting his long black claws in a bored manner, one by one. “Did you know that I have a grandson?” He said conversationally, yellow eyes flicking to meet Sage’s with a cold intensity. “Spawn of my traitorous snake of a daughter.” The huge black CloudWing clenched his talon into a fist with a hiss that seemed to come from all directions.

He didn’t wait for Sage to answer. “I have reason to believe that my grandson is residing in one of the Nests in the old Sky Kingdom,” Vulture continued. “Spies and all, you know?” He spoke slowly and as if he hadn’t a care in the world.

“I think my grandson could be useful to the cause. Another… inner talon to keep an eye on things in the Nests, yes? I want you to find him. And I want you to convince him to join us. Don’t harm the kid, just… use whatever means to convince him to turn against their little peaceful Nests and teach him about the true cause.”

Vulture leaned close, his claws raking across his throne with a teeth grating shriek. “Got it, my little abomination?”
Geez, Vulture give me the heebie jeebies
"Week 67, Day 3 4:00 AM.
I'm about 200 yards outside of a small outpost to the east of the Scorpion Den and find myself waiting for the guards to change shifts. If this is anything like the mountain raid of Week 27, then they should switch to morning routine. I've located the power grid and await my chance to cut out comms. No one has seen me yet and I seem to have the advantage. We'll see how these goons handle someone seven times their speed. This will be the push I need to- wait there changing shifts, about time, Ace over and out..."

Ace slipped a hand-held recording device into a small leather pouch on his waist. The outpost stood tall as a tower-like fort, with wide, sand flats rounding it to shoot down any trespassers. The Snowwing removed one of his kusarigamas (a small ice-ax-shaped weapon tailed with a long chain) from his side. "Don't fail me now old friend," he sighed as he lept from the sand dune, gliding toward the outpost. The guards had not yet been set at their posts and a smug grin spread across Ace's snout. He liked to see his plans work in such harmony, especially playing on small things that seemed unimportant.
He threw his weapon at a power line, cutting cleanly through the wire, causing the line to spark. As Ace landed, he could hear the troops panicking and scrambling into position. He removed the other kusarigama and began climbing the stone wall. As he climbed, he passed a window just as a human soldier peered out to check the power line and caught sight of the Snowwing. The soldier scrambled for the handgun on his waist but Ace reacted first by stabbing him with a tranquilizer. The man stumbled and then collapsed backward and Ace slid quietly through the window.
When he landed inside, the Snowwing was a bit shocked to find how antique and homie it was, with oil lanterns, wooden bookshelves, and long red and gold carpets. The oil lanterns were not lit and the roof was rigged with blackened light fixtures. A few candles were the only lights. "Now to clean up a bit," Ace said, gearing himself back on the mission and taking off running. He was fast and was the swiftest dragon on foot he knew. He had trained for this for 12 years with hardly any rest. He practically flew down the halls looking for the central command, but as he rounded a blind corner, he crashed into one of two Nightwing hunters, which clearly did not appreciate his sudden presence. "You Don't Belong Here!" said the Nightwing that he collided with. Ace smirked and gave his tail a flick "Well from what I see neither do you," he said, hinting at their environment, "Nice try." the other Hunter shot back, as the first tried to grab the Snowwing. Ace quickly snagged one of his kusarigamas and put it through the first hunter's wrist and yanked him over unbalanced. The other blinked in shock before reaching for his spear, but Ace had already grabbed his own other twin weapon and threw it. Wrapping the chain around the Nightwings neck, he stabbed him with a stronger tranquilizer. The other hunter pulled the blade out of his talon, and Ace jerked it back to him, seizing it firmly in his grasp, and hooked it around the other dragon's neck. "Look, we could do this the easy way, or the hard way, so tell me, where is the central command..." the Snowwing snarled, fangs glistening in the candlelight, his icy blue eyes reflecting an ominous, fiery orange.
Kapok peaked his head out of the now opened transport, blinking it the sharp morning light.
There were dragons and humans all over the space in front of the caves that riddled the side of the small mountain. He saw King Helios disappear into one of the caves, and there was a cluster of Icewings hiding in another. Food and first aid were being provided to every dragon that came off the transport, and the dragons were directed to small tarps or caves to rest in the shade and be fed or tended to.
Kapok's tail shuddered in excitement and he turned to look back into the emptying transport expectantly at Shrike, who was hanging back a bit, Dred standing a little ways behind him.

@Crestcrazy2 @Blue Raptor
What’s happening? 😅

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