Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Eclipse arched an eyebrow at the Skywing as he flailed backwards in a flurry of dramatic wailing. He was obviously messing around, judging by the smile on his face, but Eclipse noticed at least half the dragons in the cave shooting him condescending looks.
Now I'm glad I chose not to socialize, Eclipse thought, refocusing on her food and tearing a piece of rabbit meat away.
"What's that Skywing doing?" Shard had paused in her task of peeling and sucking on one of the mangos to stare at the red dragon. As a dragonet, it was unlikely she knew that staring was considered impolite.
Although you'd assume older dragons might have figured it out. She was still catching a few dragons here and there that didn't look away until she glared at them.
"He's just playing," Eclipse responded without looking up at the Skywing again.
Shard lifted a yellow-stained talon and pointed at Sol. "That's the Solarwing you were talking to. Do you like him? We should go sit with them."
Shard grabbed her untouched mango off the ground and before Eclipse could recover from the question, the Icewing was already bounding over to the group.
"Shard get back here!"
Eclipse stood up quickly but stayed where she was, feeling awkward as the dragonet padded straight up to Sol.

"You're Eclipse's friend right?" Shard said, without waiting for the Solarwing to look at her.

@_-Captain BRM-_ @SarcasticDrag0n @Blue Raptor
Sol repositioned himself onto is back, letting his wings fall limply to his sides as the dragonet bounded to his side.
All he could think about was Tobias.
Gosh, he felt so guilty.
Sol cocked his head to the side as the dragonet began talking, and he actually smiled, nodding to answer her question before he laid his head back on the cold floor.
The low hum of dragon voices had died down, though Sol could still hear quite a bit of English dominating the quiet conversation. The humans were preparing to move to the second Checkpoint.
Eclipse paced into the cavern, shaking her thoughts away as she glanced around the large area.
Sunspot was standing a short distance away, still with Shard, and Sol was already pacing towards an unfamiliar Leafwing and Skywing near one of the cavern walls.
Wait, not completely unfamiliar. She was pretty sure they were the two who had approached her earlier when the transport had first arrived.
Eclipse turned her gaze back to Sunspot and Shard, noticing the dragonet watching her intently and she signaled them over with one wing.
"We should get something to eat and settle down for a little while," she said as the two dragoness' approached.
Her gaze wandered around the cavern again and she spotted the food set out near a row of grills and crates where most of the humans were gathered. Instinctively folding her wing over Shard again, she started toward the food, her gaze still flicking around at the other dragons in the cavern. She could feel the stares burning into her scales and her spines lifted defensively. She had to force herself not to bare her teeth every time she passed a dragon that didn't look away when she caught them staring, and she found herself hurrying more and more the closer they got to the food.
"Oh, Eclipse look!"
Shard raced out from under her wing to a crate full of fresh fruit, her wings flaring in excitement as she pulled a pair of bright orange and red oval fruits from the boxes.
"They have mangos," she whispered loudly as Eclipse came closer, regaining her shyness now that she was no longer hidden under the Lunarwing's wing. Eclipse smiled at the small Icewing.
"Go ahead and grab those two, but get some meat with them, we don't know when we'll get to eat again on the trip."
Shard nodded in excitement and tucked one mango between her wing spokes, carrying the other in her talon as she bounded awkwardly over to the meat laid out on the rocks, Eclipse following closely behind.
It was strange actually having a selection of food to pick from. Usually, you hunted what you could and you didn't get picky if you wanted to survive.
Eclipse paused as she glanced over the various types of meat before grabbing a few rabbits in one talon.
Her first instinct was to try and find Bloodmoon among the crowd, but she immediately shoved the thought away, still a little disturbed by his strange aggression the night before.
So instead, she started toward Sol and the other two, a little hesitantly, Shard padding excitedly beside her. She was still a little ways away when the Leafwing brushed her wing against Sol's, her expression soft and sympathetic.
Eclipse veered sideways quickly, stopping beside the cavern wall and dropping her meat before curling up on the ground with her back to the stony base, part of her hoping Sol hadn't noticed her. He obviously knew the other dragons, and for a reason Eclipse couldn't quite understand, the thought made her want to avoid the group.

@_-Captain BRM-_ @-Kiwi- @SarcasticDrag0n @Blue Raptor
Sunspot followed Eclipse, holding her head high to hide the fact that this place made her nervous. The cavern was huge and the echo bounced all the noise, making it ten times louder. Sunspot flicked her ears, grabbing a pair of rabbits from the pile of meat.

On the other side of the cavern sat a group of dragons that included Sol, a VERY loud SkyWing, and a more reserved looking LeafWing. Sol looked deeply unsettled.

“Hm,” Sunspot said to herself, settling down along the wall. She pinned down a rabbit with one wing-claw and tore into it.
bless y'all for this.
Also yes I'm still alive.... it's saturday so i'm not ded yet lol!
i'm tired but what's new
and i need to catch up with my characters
but i'm so distracted....
someone yell at me to get motivated plz bc if someone does that i'll actually work ;-;
Um... I'm not good at yelling at people even when I'm mad at them...
But I think you can do it. I totally get that wanting to put it off kinda mentality, because it seems overwhelming, but you don't have to do that much, just ignore everything else that has happened before and focus on Blackout, Apple, and Bamboo for now. Maybe you can do Neoma once you get back into the swing. And just have fun. That's the whole point of this RP
Um... I'm not good at yelling at people even when I'm mad at them...
But I think you can do it. I totally get that wanting to put it off kinda mentality, because it seems overwhelming, but you don't have to do that much, just ignore everything else that has happened before and focus on Blackout, Apple, and Bamboo for now. Maybe you can do Neoma once you get back into the swing. And just have fun. That's the whole point of this RP
also i hope ur not mad at me, ive gotten rly tired and then get overwhelmed! actually, i might start with neoma so I can get back into the swing of things since she's not tied to someone, then i'll have the mindset for the others!!! it'll be a few minutes tho bc im on ft with eliza... she's gonna kill me so brb HAHAHA
also i hope ur not mad at me, ive gotten rly tired and then get overwhelmed! actually, i might start with neoma so I can get back into the swing of things since she's not tied to someone, then i'll have the mindset for the others!!! it'll be a few minutes tho bc im on ft with eliza... she's gonna kill me so brb HAHAHA
Lol, nah, I'm not mad. I'm just saying I literally can't yell at someone unless I am borderline having a freaking meltdown, so... I'm not even a little mad so I can't yell at you, lol
Highlight: I am not mad XD
Lori finished her mangoes pretty quickly then glanced around looking for someone to talk to. Most dragons were already speaking to others and Lori didn't want to interrupt them. She saw a Mudwing nearby who wasn't currently talking with anyone and decided to approach her.

"Hello! Are you enjoying being free?" She said in an attempt to start a conversation. Oh, she was already cringing inwardly, that must've sounded so awkward. What would she think if someone walked up her and said that?
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Lori finished her mangoes pretty quickly then glanced around looking for someone to talk to. Most dragons were already speaking to others and Lori didn't want to interrupt them. She saw a Mudwing nearby who wasn't currently talking with anyone and decided to approach her.

"Hello! Are you enjoying being free?" She said in an attempt to start a conversation. Oh, she was already cringing inwardly, that must've sounded so awkward. What would she think if someone walked up her and said that?
@Little Baby Bean
bless y'all for this.
Also yes I'm still alive.... it's saturday so i'm not ded yet lol!
i'm tired but what's new
and i need to catch up with my characters
but i'm so distracted....
someone yell at me to get motivated plz bc if someone does that i'll actually work ;-;
Uhh, I want more Nemo. I actually need more Nemo. Get motivatedd 👏👏


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